
South Korea is aggressive, North Korea hits a snake seven inches, and the United States test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, sending chills down the spine of the United States

author:Beacon front station

After Yoon Suk-yeol became South Korea's president, South Korea abandoned its friendly stance toward North Korea and instead adopted an aggressive attitude, and South Korea tried to put pressure on North Korea through military deployments, so as to actively cooperate with the United States' foreign strategy. Yoon Suk-yeol is determined to support the United States, and for this reason, South Korea has also achieved a so-called "reconciliation" with Japan through "humiliation diplomacy," thus providing the foundation for the establishment of the "Iron Triangle Alliance" between the United States, Japan, and South Korea. Japan and South Korea have deep differences and contradictions on historical issues, but now South Korea has openly "reconciled" with Japan in order to cater to the United States and ignore the opposition of South Korean public opinion. The reason why South Korea wants Japan to carry out "reconciliation" is also an attempt to win over Japan to further put pressure on North Korea.

South Korea is aggressive, North Korea hits a snake seven inches, and the United States test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, sending chills down the spine of the United States

South Korea and the United States cooperate very closely in the military field, in fact, South Korea's command of the South Korean army is very limited, because the South Korean Ministry of Defense only commands the South Korean army in ordinary times, and if there is a war, the South Korean army becomes a part of the US army, and South Korea does not have the right to command the army in wartime, which directly leads to the purpose of the South Korean army's existence to fight for the interests of the United States. The United States is arming South Korea in the service of the United States' "Indo-Pacific strategy", and today South Korea has 39 F-35A Lightning II fighter jets, as well as a large number of F-15K and KF-16 fighters, in addition to the deployment of old F-4 series fighters.

South Korea is aggressive, North Korea hits a snake seven inches, and the United States test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, sending chills down the spine of the United States

The recent provocation between South Korea and the United States has been renewed, with South Korea and the United States holding nuclear consultations and developing a plan for a nuclear counterattack against North Korea in a simulated real combat scenario, highlighting the hostile stance of South Korea and the United States toward North Korea. South Korea and the United States are playing up the issue of the so-called "end of the regime" in North Korea, which has come up with the concept of a so-called nuclear counterattack because of North Korea's possession of the atomic bomb. In fact, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol has previously publicly played up the so-called "nuclear sharing", that is, South Korea's ability to deliver tactical nuclear bombs, which can weaken North Korea's nuclear deterrence, although the United States has not acceded to South Korea's request.

South Korea is aggressive, North Korea hits a snake seven inches, and the United States test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, sending chills down the spine of the United States

In fact, South Korea has two plans, and in addition to the so-called "nuclear sharing", there is also the option to develop nuclear technology on its own, highlighting Yoon's hard-line stance. A few days ago, in addition to the United States and South Korea discussing the so-called nuclear counterattack, the US Navy has deployed an attack nuclear submarine to South Korea, and North Korea responded when both the United States and South Korea were aggressive. According to the announcement issued by the DPRK on December 19, the DPRK conducted a test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile on December 18, and the DPRK claimed to have launched the Hwasong-18 ICBM with a solid rocket engine.

South Korea is aggressive, North Korea hits a snake seven inches, and the United States test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, sending chills down the spine of the United States

The reason why South Korea dares to jump up and down is because of the result of the United States' strong support, if there is no United States armament, South Korea would not dare to be so tough on North Korea, and the Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile test-fired by North Korea already has the ability to strike at the United States mainland, so it can directly warn the United States, because North Korea has nuclear weapons, so the Hwasong-18 carrying nuclear weapons can pose a huge threat to the United States, which weakens the United States' strategic deterrence capability, which is very direct to the United States, and South Korea is naturally very aware of North Korea's capabilities, so it openly condemns North Korea's action of testing ballistic missiles。

South Korea is aggressive, North Korea hits a snake seven inches, and the United States test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, sending chills down the spine of the United States