
Winter Orchid Conservation Strategy: Avoid the Three Misunderstandings and Let the Flowers Bloom as Scheduled!

author:Fushan District Rong Media Center

 Gentleman's orchid, a popular flower among flower lovers, has won people's love with its unique leaf shape and bright flower color. Its leaves resemble an open green fan, and some varieties are decorated with delicate patterns. However, during the winter months, many flower lovers often make some mistakes when caring for the Monarch Orchid, which causes this plant to bloom in the cold season not bloom as expected. Next, let's learn how to properly care for the orchid in winter and avoid these common pitfalls.

Winter Orchid Conservation Strategy: Avoid the Three Misunderstandings and Let the Flowers Bloom as Scheduled!

  Myth 1: Temperature discomfort

  Monarch orchid is a plant with high temperature requirements. Although it prefers a cold environment, it does not mean that it can be exposed to extreme cold. If it is accidentally exposed to cold winds or placed in a supercold environment, the entire plant can be frost damaged and its survival will be problematic, let alone flowering.

  Similarly, an overheated environment can also have a negative effect on the orchid. Many novice flower lovers may think that since Junzi Orchid likes a cold environment, the warmer the better. However, this is not the case. Excessively high temperatures can interfere with the normal development of Junzi orchid buds, resulting in a decrease in the number of flowers. Therefore, in winter, we need to provide a suitable temperature range for the Monarch Orchid, which is kept between 15~25°C during the day and 10~20°C at night.

Winter Orchid Conservation Strategy: Avoid the Three Misunderstandings and Let the Flowers Bloom as Scheduled!

  Myth 2: Improper watering

  After seeing the swords grow, some flower lovers may worry about its lack of water, so they blindly increase the frequency of watering. However, this is a wrong approach. In winter, as the temperature drops, the rate of water evaporation slows down, so we need to reduce the frequency of watering accordingly. If you still follow the original watering frequency or blindly increase the watering, it is easy to cause too much water in the pot and make the roots rot of the orchid. After rotting roots, the orchid cannot absorb water and nutrients normally, and the flowers fall off or even fail to bloom.

  The correct watering method is: observe the surface of the potting soil before watering, if the surface of the potting soil is white and dry, you can gently dig down 3~4 cm of soil with your fingers for observation. If this part of the soil is still wet, it does not need to be watered for the time being, and if the soil is also dry, then it is time to water the orchid.

Winter Orchid Conservation Strategy: Avoid the Three Misunderstandings and Let the Flowers Bloom as Scheduled!

  Myth 3: Misuse of fertilizers

  Although it is a fertilizer-loving plant, it needs to use different types of fertilizers in different seasons. In mid-to-late spring and autumn, in order to promote leaf growth, we can use fertilizers with high nitrogen content. However, in the winter, when the orchid begins to differentiate flower buds, grow swords, and prepare for flowering, we need to switch to high-phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

  High-nitrogen fertilizers will promote leaf growth, but if continued use during the winter months, the plants will be able to devote most of their energy and nutrients to leaf growth, while foil will not have an adequate supply of nutrients. As a result, the orchid may bloom little or no in winter.

Winter Orchid Conservation Strategy: Avoid the Three Misunderstandings and Let the Flowers Bloom as Scheduled!

  Therefore, from mid to late October, when the weather gradually cools, we need to switch to a high-phosphorus and potassium fertilizer with flowering effect for Junzi Orchid. For example, fertilizers such as Huaduoduo No. 2 and potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used. Taking the most common potassium dihydrogen phosphate as an example, when using, add 1 gram of potassium dihydrogen phosphate to 1000 ml of water, stir well, and then use it directly to irrigate the roots or wipe the leaves, about 2~3 times a month.

  In short, we need to pay attention to avoid the above three misunderstandings when maintaining the orchid in winter, and by providing the right temperature, reasonable watering and correct fertilization methods, we can ensure that your orchid blooms the most beautiful flowers in winter and adds vitality and color to the home.

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