
The Honor 90 GT has broken new news: it has PC-level image quality, and the performance Thanos is really strong!

author:Xiao Chaochao talks about cool play

On December 18th, Honor CMO Jiang Hairong announced on Weibo that the Honor 90 GT has brought real PC-level image quality through the tuning and polishing of the chip. As the new product launch conference on December 21 approaches, this new performance phone is slowly shedding its coat and showing the hidden strength of "Performance Thanos".

The Honor 90 GT has broken new news: it has PC-level image quality, and the performance Thanos is really strong!

For mobile gamers, detail and clarity are crucial to game immersion. Take Genshin Impact as an example, with its grand game world and exquisite scene design, the visual gap is quite obvious in the case of high and low image quality. However, many players have reported on the Internet that when their mobile phones turn on the 1080P HD option, the picture quality performance is unstable. To put it bluntly, this situation is caused by the insufficient performance of the mobile phone.

On the other hand, running "Genshin Impact" on a computer, the 1080P picture can already be delicate and realistic in the presentation of game scenes and details, and if the monitor is large enough, players can be completely immersed in it. The Glory 90 GT said in the official announcement poster this time that it will use PC-level image quality to create a new benchmark for mobile game image quality, and Honor Wei Xiaolong is even more "boastful" that the picture quality is not worse than that of PC, indicating that it is quite confident in its own performance tuning, and can easily cope with the current mainstream mobile games, pushing the high-definition experience to the end.

The Honor 90 GT has broken new news: it has PC-level image quality, and the performance Thanos is really strong!

In fact, on the 15th, when the new machine was officially announced, Jiang Hairong said that the glory90 GT has achieved "tacit cooperation between a powerful processor and excellent tuning ability", and combined with the statement in today's official poster, we can boldly guess that the glory technical team is through hardware tuning, driving massive performance release, and achieving stable frame rate output, so as to ensure that the image quality is always maintained in a high-definition state.

The Honor 90 GT has broken new news: it has PC-level image quality, and the performance Thanos is really strong!

In addition, in a complaining video released by the Glory Club, many interviewees expressed their helplessness and dissatisfaction with the game's frame drops and stuttering. This also conveys from the side that the Honor 90 GT promises to bring users an all-round extraordinary performance experience, and it does have the terrifying power of Thanos.

The Honor 90 GT has broken new news: it has PC-level image quality, and the performance Thanos is really strong!

As the most low-key member of the Honor product lineup, the Honor GT series is a proper conscience in the eyes of many performance machine players, and almost all the expenses are spent on R&D and hardware. At present, the e-commerce platform has released that the Honor 90 GT will be equipped with a 24GB+1TB large memory version, for such a "product that makes friends with users", what other expectations do you have?