
The winter solstice is coming: remember to eat 5 of these 8 dishes when you are busy, you will be as strong as a tiger in winter and healthy all year round!

author:Splendid v Shandong

#Winter Life Check-in Season#

Welcome to my food self-media, I am Jinxiu V Shandong, a creator who focuses on food creation. My slogan is "Focus on Food, Make Life Delicious", and today I would like to share with you a few home-cooked food recipes. These delicacies are popular and are a few of the most common delicacies. We can make the most delicious meals every day using ordinary ingredients. I hope that today's food sharing will bring you happiness and satisfaction throughout the day.

Pumpkin steamed buns

The winter solstice is coming: remember to eat 5 of these 8 dishes when you are busy, you will be as strong as a tiger in winter and healthy all year round!

Ingredients: pumpkin, flour, yeast powder

The steps are as follows:

1. Peel the pumpkin, cut it into small pieces, put it in a pot, steam it over high heat for about 15 minutes, steam the pumpkin and press it into a puree with a spoon.

2. Put the pumpkin puree into a pot, add an appropriate amount of flour, add yeast powder, stir well, knead into a dough, seal and ferment until twice the size. Warm water can be added according to the actual situation.

3. After the dough is proofed, take it out, knead it well, divide it into small portions, and knead it into a steamed bread embryo. Put the steamed bread embryo into the steamer, cover the pot and let it stand for 10 minutes. Turn on high heat and steam, steam on high heat for 20 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 3 minutes, then take it out and eat.

Yellow braised chicken

The winter solstice is coming: remember to eat 5 of these 8 dishes when you are busy, you will be as strong as a tiger in winter and healthy all year round!



1. Clean the chicken and chop it into small pieces, wash it several more times, drain the water after washing the blood water, and absorb the water with kitchen paper.

2. Peel off the skin of the potatoes, clean them and cut them into hob pieces. Wash the shiitake mushrooms and cut them into small pieces.

3. Heat the oil, add rock sugar and stir-fry for a while until the oil is hot, stir-fry until colored, then add green onions, ginger and garlic, cooking wine, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, and bean paste to taste, stir-fry evenly until flavored, pour in an appropriate amount of hot water to cover the ingredients, cover the lid and simmer for 15 minutes.

4. After the stew is done, add the green pepper and stir-fry a few times, and fry until the green pepper is broken.

Stuffed meat with green peppers

The winter solstice is coming: remember to eat 5 of these 8 dishes when you are busy, you will be as strong as a tiger in winter and healthy all year round!

Prepare the ingredients:

Green chili, minced pork, minced green onion and ginger, minced garlic, light soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, starch to taste

Cooking Steps:

(1) Wash the green peppers and remove the seeds, leaving a hollow pepper shell. Add minced green onion and ginger, minced garlic, light soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, and starch to the minced pork and stir well to stuff the green chili.

(2) Fill the mixed meat filling into the green chili, put it in a steaming bowl, and steam it in the pot.

(3) Prepare another pot, stir-fry the minced garlic in hot oil, add a little light soy sauce, and pour it on the steamed green chili.

Steamed chicken wings with tomatoes

The winter solstice is coming: remember to eat 5 of these 8 dishes when you are busy, you will be as strong as a tiger in winter and healthy all year round!

Ingredients: tomatoes, chicken wings, chopped green onions.


1. Clean the chicken wings, chop them in half, add ginger slices, starch and cooking oil, and marinate evenly for 10 minutes.

2. Sprinkle the tomatoes with salt, scrub the surface, cut them into small pieces after washing, place them in a steaming tray, then spread the marinated chicken wings, boil the water and steam for 40 minutes.

3. After steaming, take it out, sprinkle with chopped green onions and garnish it before serving.

Steamed sea bass

The winter solstice is coming: remember to eat 5 of these 8 dishes when you are busy, you will be as strong as a tiger in winter and healthy all year round!

Ingredients: sea bass, ginger slices, green onions, shredded green onions.


1. Clean the sea bass, wash it and blot it with kitchen paper, then add ginger slices, green onions and cooking wine, grasp it and marinate for 10 minutes.

2. After the sea bass is steamed, take it out and pour out the juice, remove the ginger slices and green onions, pour in the steamed fish soy sauce, spread the green onion shreds and pour hot oil to stimulate the bay leaves, and then serve it to the table to eat.

Stir-fried shredded pork with fungus

Prepare the ingredients:

fungus, carrots, lean meat


1. Soak the fungus until soft, tear it into small pieces for later use. Peel the carrots and cut them into thin strips. Finely chop the garlic and ginger and set aside.

2. Cut the lean meat into shreds, add cooking wine, light soy sauce and starch, stir well, and marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Prepare the seasoning sauce: Add light soy sauce, cooking wine, vinegar, sugar, starch and an appropriate amount of water to the bowl, stir well and set aside.

4. Heat the oil, add the shredded meat and stir-fry until it changes color, then set aside.

5. Leave oil in the pot, add bean paste and stir-fry the red oil, add ginger and garlic and stir-fry, then add fungus and carrots and stir-fry evenly.

6. Then put the fried shredded meat into the pot, stir-fry evenly, pour in the seasoned sauce, continue to stir-fry evenly, and then put it out of the pot and put it on the plate.

Garlic broccoli

The winter solstice is coming: remember to eat 5 of these 8 dishes when you are busy, you will be as strong as a tiger in winter and healthy all year round!

Ingredients: broccoli, garlic


1. Divide the broccoli into small florets, peel the garlic and chop it into minced garlic for later use.

2. Blanch the broccoli in boiling water, boil for about 1-2 minutes to soften it slightly, then immediately remove and supercool the water, drain the water.

3. Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to a hot pan, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add blanched broccoli, and stir-fry quickly and evenly.

4. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt, pour in water starch to thicken, stir-fry a few times, and then you can get out of the pot.

Flavored eggplant

The winter solstice is coming: remember to eat 5 of these 8 dishes when you are busy, you will be as strong as a tiger in winter and healthy all year round!

Ingredients: 500g eggplant (choose fresh eggplant with smooth skin), 2 green peppers (cut into sections), 1 red pepper (cut into sections, increase or decrease according to taste), 4 cloves of garlic (minced), 1 piece of ginger (minced), appropriate amount of cooking oil, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of sugar, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of chicken essence


1. Wash and peel the eggplant, cut it into sections, blanch it in boiling water to break it, remove it and set aside.

2. Heat the oil in a pan, fry the blanched eggplant segments until golden brown on both sides, remove and set aside.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pan, add the minced garlic and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add green and red peppers and stir-fry evenly to keep the vegetables tender and crispy.

5. Add the fried eggplant segments, add soy sauce, sugar, salt, and stir-fry evenly.

6. Simmer for a while to absorb the flavor and aroma of the eggplant.

7. Finally, add the chicken essence and stir-fry quickly to ensure that the seasoning is even.

I am the author of the field of food splendid V Shandong, if you like my articles, welcome to follow me! Follow me, don't get lost in cooking every day, update food every day. What is your favorite dish? Welcome to leave a message to tell the editor, and everyone will tell us about the most memorable dishes you have eaten in the comment area. If you don't know what to eat every day, welcome to follow me and share delicious food with you every day. The article is updated daily, welcome to forward, so that more people who love food can share it together.