
"If you don't hide your essence in winter, you will be sick in spring", in fact, you don't have to wait until spring, you will know the next day when you wake up

author:Culture is like smoke


In the cold winter, people always like to hide under the covers and lie in bed, because the winter temperature is too harsh for most people.

"If you don't hide your essence in winter, you will be sick in spring", in fact, you don't have to wait until spring, you will know the next day when you wake up

However, have you noticed a phenomenon when you don't feel well the day after you wake up?

In fact, there may be a health problem hidden behind this - the decline in sleep quality in winter, which is closely related to "winter does not hide sperm, spring will be sick".

01 The truth of "if you don't hide your essence in winter, you will be sick in spring".

The cold weather of winter makes people more inclined to sleep for a long time, but the quality of sleep in winter is not ideal. We often ignore the details of sleep in winter, which leads to a decrease in sleep quality.

For a long time, we thought that sleeping in the winter had nothing to do with health, however, this perception is worth revisiting.

The natural rhythm of the human body dictates that our sleep needs are different in different seasons. In winter, the days become shorter and the nights longer, which changes the functioning and metabolism of the body's endocrine system.

However, in the cold winter, due to the need to keep warm, we tend to increase the thickness of pajamas, take measures such as heating, etc., such warm measures may have a negative impact on the quality of sleep.

"If you don't hide your essence in winter, you will be sick in spring", in fact, you don't have to wait until spring, you will know the next day when you wake up

02 Causes of poor sleep quality in winter

1. The temperature is too high

Keeping warm in winter is necessary, but too high temperatures can make you feel stuffy and lead to a decrease in sleep quality. Studies have shown that 18-22 degrees Celsius is the optimal temperature for sleep, and too high or too low can interfere with sleep.

2. Air drying

Dry air in winter can easily lead to problems such as dry mouth and dry skin, which can also affect sleep. Using a humidifier or placing a basin of water in the room can improve the humidity in the room and improve the quality of sleep.

"If you don't hide your essence in winter, you will be sick in spring", in fact, you don't have to wait until spring, you will know the next day when you wake up

3. Insufficient light

In winter, the daylight hours are short, and the lack of light can affect our body rhythm and mood. Lack of sun exposure can lead to problems such as seasonal depression and can also affect sleep quality.

03 How to improve sleep quality in winter

1. Control room temperature

Maintaining the right room temperature is key to improving the quality of sleep in winter. In the cold winter, lowering the indoor temperature appropriately and creating a cool environment can help improve the quality of sleep.

"If you don't hide your essence in winter, you will be sick in spring", in fact, you don't have to wait until spring, you will know the next day when you wake up

2. Maintain adequate sleep without excessive sleep

Arrange your sleep time reasonably and try to avoid lying in bed for long periods of time. A regular sleep schedule can help you establish good sleep Xi and promote healthy sleep quality.

3. Regular ventilation

Keeping rooms well ventilated and ventilating regularly can improve indoor air quality, increase oxygen levels, and improve sleep quality.

4. Arrange work and rest time and diet reasonably

"If you don't hide your essence in winter, you will be sick in spring", in fact, you don't have to wait until spring, you will know the next day when you wake up

Although it is cold in winter, don't lock yourself in your home and do outdoor activities appropriately to increase your sun exposure.

In addition, arranging the diet reasonably and avoiding too many high-calorie foods and irritating foods is conducive to improving sleep quality.

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