
Promote the process of world modernization with Chinese-style modernization

author:Golden Sheep Net

Not long ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out to the American people in San Francisco that China is not pursuing modernization alone, and is willing to work with other countries to realize world modernization of peaceful development, mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. This exposition clearly tells the world that the important mission of Chinese modernization and its global significance lie in promoting the process of world modernization and promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


Chinese modernization, deeply rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture and embodying the advanced nature of scientific socialism, is a new form of human civilization. To understand the cosmopolitan nature of Chinese modernization, we must first understand its historical origin and cultural roots.

The cosmopolitan nature of Chinese modernization is based on the civilization genes of the Chinese nation. The deepest spiritual pursuit of a nation must be carried out in its national spirit, which has been passed down from generation to generation. The Chinese civilization is the only great civilization in the world that has continued to develop in the form of a nation, and has made indelible historical contributions to the progress of human civilization. The long-standing, profound, and self-contained traditional Chinese philosophy understands the subtle relationship between man and nature, man and society from the height of the universe, and one of its core contents is the idea of the dialectical unity of the family and the country, which contains a comprehensive view of the family and the country. These ideological concepts, humanistic spirit, and moral norms have profoundly influenced the spiritual world of every Chinese, marking the realm pursuit and moral responsibility of this nation. Deeply nourished by the Chinese civilization, Chinese modernization has obvious characteristics and profound heritage such as overall concept, dedication, inclusive thinking, and peaceful background from the civilization genes.

The cosmopolitan nature of Chinese-style modernization stems from the original aspiration and mission of the Communist Party of China. Marxism is broad and profound, and in the final analysis, it is just one sentence, seeking liberation for mankind. The Communist Party of China (CPC) was born in the tide of the cause of human liberation and is a political party armed with Marxism. Since its founding, the party has linked the process of changing the destiny of the nation with the general trend of promoting world peace and development, shouldered the lofty mission of saving the Chinese nation from fire and water without hesitation, and shouldered the sacred duty of promoting the progress of human civilization. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that everything the CPC has done is to seek happiness for the Chinese people, rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and peace and development for mankind. This profoundly interprets the original aspiration, mission and goal of the Communist Party of China to promote the "revolution" of world history with the "rotation" of a century of struggle. The Chinese-style modernization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China will inevitably unify the interests of the Chinese people with the common interests of the people of all countries, and take the initiative to undertake the dual mission of serving national rejuvenation and promoting human progress.

Such a civilization gene, such a call of duty. The meeting of an ancient nation and a century-old party has provided sufficient subjective conditions for the vivid "link" between Chinese-style modernization and world modernization.


In modern times, China, which has repeatedly missed the train of modernization, has gradually drifted away from the development trend of the world. However, in the past century, what was once the "light of civilization" has quickly degenerated into "the mistake and drag of modern civilization". At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, we could only make tables, chairs, tea bowls and teapots, grow grain and grind flour, and make paper, but we could not build a car, an airplane, a tank, or a tractor. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese nation has rapidly moved from the shadow of history to the forefront of the times with the lofty ambition of "turning the world upside down and being generous" and "daring to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky", the self-confidence and determination of "no matter the wind and waves, it is better than a leisurely stroll" and the continuous struggle of Yugong moving mountains. Today, China, which is moving towards great rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, not only has the subjective will, but also has the objective ability to dedicate successful development samples to the world and a new form of civilization to mankind.

According to statistics, the total population of the earth has exceeded 8 billion, while the population of countries and regions that have achieved modernization is only about 1 billion, and other countries and regions are still struggling to find it. The success of Chinese-style modernization is like a plum blossom in spring, which has multiple exemplary significance for the vast number of countries that are still blocked from modernization.

Chinese modernization has broken the limitations of identity. For a long time, Western capitalist countries have controlled the hegemony of modernization discourse, equating modernization with fixed identity labels such as the West, Western culture, and capitalism, and putting a "tight spell" on other so-called "alien countries" at the ideological level. With China's vast territory, large population, and huge regional differences, realizing modernization in such a super-large country is a worldwide and century-long problem. Therefore, Chinese modernization belongs to China and the world, it has broken the myth of "modernization = Westernization", opened up a new path for non-Western countries to explore modernization independently, provided a new path for those countries and nations in the world that want to accelerate development while maintaining their independence, and provided a new choice for mankind to achieve modernization. This shows the people of the world that there is neither a model of modernization that is fixed in one place, nor is there a one-size-fits-all standard of modernization, and there is more than one road to modernization, as long as we find the right direction, gallop without stopping, and take our own road, we will certainly be able to achieve modernization.

Chinese modernization has embarked on a new path. Chinese modernization is a modernization that follows the path of peaceful development, does not follow the old path of harming others and benefiting oneself and is full of bloody crimes, adheres to independence, self-reliance and self-reliance, insists on putting the development of the country and the nation on the basis of its own strength, and constantly expands high-level opening up, deeply participates in the global industrial division of labor and cooperation, makes good use of domestic and international markets and resources, expands the development space of Chinese-style modernization, and shows a new picture different from the Western modernization model. China advocates that every country's efforts to independently explore a path to modernization suited to its own national conditions should be respected, and depicts a bright prospect for all countries to exchange and learn from each other's modernization experience, jointly enrich the path to modernization, and work together to realize human modernization.

Chinese modernization explores the scientific method. The development of developed countries in the West is a "tandem" process, with industrialization, urbanization, agricultural modernization, and informatization developing sequentially. China has not followed this process step by step, but has gone through a "parallel" process, through superimposed development, in only a few decades to complete the industrialization process that the western developed countries have gone through for hundreds of years, creating a miracle of rapid economic development and long-term social stability.

The unique world outlook, values, historical outlook, civilization outlook, democratic outlook and ecological outlook embodied in Chinese modernization, as well as its great practice, are major innovations in the theory and practice of world modernization, and have brought extremely important enlightenment to all countries in the world to overcome difficulties and challenges and unremittingly promote the process of modernization.


Modernization is the common dream of all countries in the world. Based on the material strength, theoretical innovation and spiritual wealth accumulated by Chinese-style modernization, China in the new era has continuously contributed Chinese wisdom, Chinese solutions and Chinese strength to promote the process of world modernization and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind with a stronger sense of historical responsibility and historical initiative.

We are committed to promoting global development and prosperity and continuously strengthening the economic foundation of the world's modernization. China has put forward the Global Development Initiative (GDI) to promote an open, inclusive, inclusive, balanced and win-win economic globalization, improve the rules of global economic governance, and build an open world economy. We will help us to the best of our ability to achieve common development, work with other countries to build a global development community, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, continue to expand high-level opening-up, provide the world with more and better Made in China and Created in China, and provide a larger Chinese market and Chinese demand.

We are committed to maintaining world peace and stability and continuously strengthening the security foundation for world modernization. China has put forward the Global Security Initiative, advocating adherence to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and respecting the sovereignty of all countries. Territorial integrity, adhere to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, attach importance to the legitimate security concerns of all countries, persist in resolving differences and disputes between countries in a peaceful manner through dialogue and consultation, adhere to the overall maintenance of security in traditional and non-traditional fields, and jointly build a community of human security; adhere to true multilateralism, promote democracy in international relations, actively participate in UN peacekeeping operations, and promote political settlement of regional hotspot issues; adhere to the path of peaceful development, and clearly declare that it will never seek hegemony. We will not expand, we will not impose on others, we will not seek a sphere of influence, and we will not fight a cold war or a hot war against any country.

We are committed to promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations and continuously enhancing the foundation of civilization for world modernization. China has put forward the Global Civilization Initiative to promote the international community to resolve the problem of material and spiritual imbalance, advocate respect for the diversity of world civilizations, adhere to equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness among civilizations, and transcend the estrangement of civilizations and the clash of civilizations through exchanges among civilizations. Civilization tolerance transcends the superiority of civilization; advocate the promotion of the common values of all mankind, understand the understanding of the value connotation of different civilizations with a broad mind, do not impose their own values and models on others, and do not engage in ideological confrontation; advocate attaching importance to the inheritance and innovation of civilization, and promote the creative transformation of the excellent traditional culture of all countries in the process of modernization. Innovative development: Advocate strengthening international people-to-people exchanges and cooperation, explore the construction of a global network of dialogue and cooperation among civilizations, enrich the content of exchanges, expand cooperation channels, promote mutual understanding and mutual understanding among people of all countries, and jointly promote the development and progress of human civilization.

(The author is a special researcher at the Xi Jinping Center for Diplomatic Thought)

Editor: Shu Mengqing

Source: Study Xi Times

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