
Why did the ancients believe in "observing the heavens and knowing people"?

author:It's Bo Yi Kao

How the ancients "observed the heavens and knew the people" ?—— revealed the mysterious origin of astrology

#为什么古人相信 "Observing the Heavens and Knowing Personnel"#


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In many film and television works, there are changes in the sky to guide leaders to make decisions. The more classic ones are Ji Chang's innate hexagram in "Fengshen Bang" and Yuan Shoucheng's wisdom in "Journey to the West" to fight the Dragon King of Jinghe. In the popular "The Legend of Miyue" in recent years, the overlord star was born, the crape myrtle star in "Langya Bang" was dim, and finally the East Palace changed hands.

Why did the ancients believe in "observing the heavens and knowing people"?

In ancient times, people often associated celestial phenomena with human resources, believing that by observing celestial phenomena, they could predict the future and understand social changes. This concept was prevalent in ancient civilizations, such as astrology in ancient China, astrology in ancient Greece, etc. So, why did the ancients believe that "observing the heavens and knowing people"? This article will unveil this mystery for you from the following aspects.

Why did the ancients believe in "observing the heavens and knowing people"?

1. The philosophical idea of the unity of man and nature

In ancient China, the philosophical idea of the unity of heaven and man was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is believed that heaven and man are closely related, and that heaven is humanity. Therefore, to observe the celestial phenomena is to observe the fate of mankind itself. As said in "Zhou Yi": "Tianxingjian, a gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement." This sentence shows that a gentleman should follow the constant movement of the heavens and strive for progress. This kind of thinking embodies the ancient concept of closely linking celestial phenomena with human affairs. #Seeing the world#

Why did the ancients believe in "observing the heavens and knowing people"?

2. Awe and exploration of the natural world

The ancient people's awe and exploration of the natural world was also one of the reasons why they believed in "observing the heavens and knowing people". At that time, people's understanding of the natural world was limited, and many natural phenomena could not be explained. As a result, they tend to see celestial phenomena as a mystical force that seeks to reveal changes and laws in nature by observing them. As Confucius said in the Analects: "What is the heavens? This sentence shows that Confucius believed that celestial phenomena are a manifestation of the natural world, and that the changes and laws of nature can be understood by observing celestial phenomena.

Why did the ancients believe in "observing the heavens and knowing people"?

3. Socio-political needs

In ancient societies, rulers also tended to use astrology to predict national events in order to maintain social stability and political rule. For example, during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the imperial court established the post of Taishi Ling, which was responsible for observing celestial phenomena and predicting good fortune and evil. These predictions not only provided a basis for the political decision-making of the imperial court, but also provided guidance for the people. As recorded in the "Historical Records": "Taishi Gong said: Before Fu Shennong, I didn't know. As for the "poems" and "books" mentioned in Yu Xia, the ears and eyes have seen and heard, and the blessings and disasters of the country's survival are there. This sentence shows that Taishi Gong believed that observing celestial phenomena could understand the blessings and misfortunes of national events.

Why did the ancients believe in "observing the heavens and knowing people"?

Fourth, the scientific nature of astrology

Although most of the ancient people's beliefs in astrology were based on superstition and mysticism, astrology also has a certain scientific nature in some aspects. For example, through the observation of celestial phenomena, the ancients could roughly calculate the time and location of astronomical phenomena such as solar and lunar eclipses and planetary movements. Although these calculations are crude compared to modern science, they also reflect the practical value of astrology in ancient societies. As recorded in the "Historical Records of Heavenly Officials": "The day is faint, and the wind arrives within the day; the moon is faint and the water, wind, fog, and rain; This sentence shows that the ancients could predict weather changes by observing the halo of the sun and the moon.

Why did the ancients believe in "observing the heavens and knowing people"?

To sum up, there are many reasons why the ancients believed that "observing the heavens and knowing people" were many. The philosophical idea of the unity of man and nature, the awe and exploration of the natural world, the needs of society and politics, and the scientific nature of astrology all provided support for the formation of this concept. Although modern science has solved many phenomena that ancient astrology cannot explain, this ancient concept still affects our thinking and behavior Xi. #Article Launch Challenge##Record My Life##Winter Life Check-in Season#

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