
The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl: The fairy couple is the original version, and "Thieves persecute women" is a modern interpretation

author:Enthusiastic Star aF9

Under the starry night sky, the ancient festival of Qixi Festival originates from a story that has been passed down for thousands of years - the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, a love story about the fairy couple in the sky.

However, a shocking fact was discovered: the plot of "clothing thieves persecuting women", which was widely praised by later generations, was actually a product of modern interpretation.

On a warm summer night, a group of young people curious about traditional culture gather to explore the truth behind this story. They sit around an antique teahouse, and on the wall hangs an ancient painting of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, with the characters in the painting eyebrows and eyes, as if telling a love story that transcends time and space.

"Once upon a time, the Weaver Girl in the sky ......" the old man's voice gradually deepened, as if leading the audience into an ancient and mysterious world.

1. Encounters under the stars: the ties of ancient mythology

On a warm night in ancient times, the sky was dotted with stars, and Altair and Vega looked at each other across the sparkling Milky Way, as if telling an eternal love story. Their love is deeply rooted in the profound observation and understanding of astronomy by the ancient Chinese people.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl: The fairy couple is the original version, and "Thieves persecute women" is a modern interpretation

Altair, incarnated as a hard-working young cattle herder. He holds a bullwhip in his hand, a straw hat on his head, and faces the stars, his gaze soft but full of determination. His gaze crossed the Milky Way, to Vega on the other side. Vega is transformed into a gentle woman, holding a loom in her hand, and her fingertips deftly shuttle between the silk threads. Her gaze betrays a deep attachment to the cattle herds from afar.

In Morning Glory's heart, the Weaver Girl is not only his lover, but also an indispensable part of his life. He whispered to the Milky Way: "Weaver Girl, your fingers are so dexterous that they can weave the most beautiful clouds in the universe, but they can't touch my hands. ”

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl: The fairy couple is the original version, and "Thieves persecute women" is a modern interpretation

The Weaver Girl raised her head slightly, stared at the morning glory, and responded softly: "Cowherd, I weave cloth by this galaxy every day, weaving not only clouds, but also my thoughts about you. ”

Their conversation, although separated by the vast Milky Way, seems to be close to each other. Whenever night falls, Morning Glory and Weaver Girl confide in each other under the starry sky, and their words are like shooting stars, passing through time and space, conveying each other's love and loyalty.

In the ancient "Book of Songs", there are verses that describe the lovers. Under the starry night sky, the poets listened to the dialogue between Morning Glory and the Weaver Girl, felt the emotions between them, and turned this love into words. The poems have been passed down for thousands of years, witnessing this love across the galaxy.

The poet wrote in the poem: "The morning glory and the weaver girl are separated by the Milky Way, looking at each other and reflecting the stars with tears in their eyes." The love is not as deep as the long sky, and the first line is concerned about the two hearts. This is not only a depiction of the morning glory and the weaver girl, but also reflects the ancient people's exploration of the mysteries of the universe and their eternal yearning for love.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl: The fairy couple is the original version, and "Thieves persecute women" is a modern interpretation

Year after year, the story of the morning glory and the weaver girl has been passed down from mouth to mouth among the people and has become a symbol of love and loyalty of the Chinese nation. Whenever the Qixi Festival comes, people will look up at the starry sky and pray that their love will be as strong as the morning glory and the weaver girl.

The Milky Way has not stopped the love of this pair of star gods, and their stories have inspired generations of lovers, whether it is under the thatch in ancient times or in the bustling city of modern times, the love legend of Morning Glory and Weaver Girl will always shine with an inextinguishable light.

2. The Separation of the Milky Way: The Interweaving of Love and Responsibility

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, respectively, are the gods of Altair and Vega, and their love story is challenged by the duties of the celestial realm. The two of them were too indulged in love and neglected their duties in the Heavenly Realm, which caused the dissatisfaction of the Heavenly Emperor. In the Southern Dynasty's "Narrative of Differences", this love story that crossed the stars was recorded in detail.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl: The fairy couple is the original version, and "Thieves persecute women" is a modern interpretation

The Cowherd, as the Altair God, was supposed to focus on guiding the herd through the universe and maintaining order in the celestial realm. And the Weaver Girl, as the god of Vega, is responsible for weaving clouds in the sky and maintaining the harmony and beauty of the heavenly realm. However, after they meet, they become more and more immersed in each other's worlds and gradually neglect their duties.

During a quiet meeting, the Cowherd said to the Weaver Girl: "My love, I can't bear the pain of being separated from you, even if it's a short parting. ”

The Weaver Girl replied gently: "So do I, Cowherd." I am willing to give up everything for the sake of our love. ”

But their love did not escape the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor was deeply disappointed by their actions and decided to punish them. He separated the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl on opposite sides of the Milky Way and allowed them to meet only once a year on Qixi as a reminder of the importance of their celestial duties.

In the days of separation, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl each silently performed their duties on the side of the starry sky, but their hearts were always connected. Whenever night falls, they will look up at the starry sky, look for each other's starlight, and communicate with each other with their hearts.

The Cowherd whispered in the starry sky: "Weaver Girl, are you also looking at this galaxy, missing me as I miss you?"

The Weaver Girl responded from afar: "Cowherd, although the Milky Way separates us, my heart will always be connected to you. ”

Despite being forced to separate, their love became stronger as a result. Every year on Qixi Festival, when they meet briefly on the Magpie Bridge, their love blooms the brightest light in this short time. This love story across the galaxy has become a good story sung through the ages, inspiring future generations to pursue and cherish true love.

3. Cultural Evolution: From Mythology to Folklore

Over time, the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl has undergone changes in Chinese culture, evolving from a myth in the starry sky to a folklore in the world. By the late Qing Dynasty, the story was widely disseminated in the form of drama due to the rise of Peking Opera, especially in the drama "Tianhe Pei", the image and story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl underwent a significant transformation.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl: The fairy couple is the original version, and "Thieves persecute women" is a modern interpretation

In this version, the Cowherd is no longer a mythical star god, but incarnates as a poor bachelor who lives a hard life. His daily life is to work hard in the vast fields, facing the loess with his back to the sky. The image of the cowherd has become more down-to-earth, his clothes are shabby, his face is dark, but his eyes are shining with an unyielding light. In the play, his tenacity and honesty won the sympathy and affection of the audience.

The image of the Weaver Girl has also been reshaped. In Peking Opera, she is not only a fairy in the heavenly palace, but also a gentle and talented woman. In the performance, the Weaver Girl wore a gorgeous fairy dress and danced lightly on the stage, her movements were elegant, and her eyes revealed curiosity and yearning for human life.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl: The fairy couple is the original version, and "Thieves persecute women" is a modern interpretation

The climax of the plot takes place on a sunny day. The Weaver Girl and other fairies descended to the earth and frolicked by the crystal clear river. They took off their fairy clothes and swam in the water. While the Cowherd was working in the fields, he stumbled upon this scene. He was attracted by the beauty and fairy aura of the Weaver Girl, and couldn't help but approach and watch.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl: The fairy couple is the original version, and "Thieves persecute women" is a modern interpretation

The plot then develops to the Cowherd stealing the Weaver Girl's fairy clothes. This sequence is a dramatic addition to Peking Opera, adding a sense of conflict and tension to the story. The Cowherd worriedly hid the fairy clothes on his chest, and the Weaver Girl became anxious when she found that the clothes were missing. She searched everywhere and eventually found her fairy clothes at the Cowherd's home.

In this process, the dialogue between the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl is full of dramatic tension. When the Cowherd first meets the Weaver Girl, he speaks clumsily and expresses his admiration for her, while the Weaver Girl oscillates between surprise and anger. As the conversation deepened, the Weaver Girl began to understand the innocence and kindness of the Cowherd, and her heart gradually softened.

The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl: The fairy couple is the original version, and "Thieves persecute women" is a modern interpretation

In the end, the relationship between the two is sublimated by misunderstandings and conflicts. Although the ending of "Tianhe Pei" retains the annual meeting of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, under the interpretation of Peking Opera, this meeting is more emotional and profound. On the stage, the reunion of the two protagonists on the bank of the galaxy is full of passion and affection, and their dialogue is full of affection and reluctance.

Fourth, modern observation: to find the spirit of tradition

Today's Qixi Festival, in the context of modern society, although its celebration methods and forms are different from those in ancient times, its spiritual core - the respect and pursuit of love, is still deeply rooted in people's hearts. This traditional festival is not only a commemoration of the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, but also a celebration of unswerving love and loyalty.

In ancient times, Qixi Festival was regarded as a festival for women, who would compete in needlework and pray for wisdom and skill. The modern Qixi Festival, on the other hand, is more regarded as China's "Valentine's Day", where couples take the opportunity to express their love and spend romantic time together. Although the form has changed, the core idea of the pursuit of love and respect remains.

Xi orthodox myths and stories from primary school can not only help them better understand the traditional meaning of Qixi Festival, but also make them feel the charm of traditional culture. For example, in schools, teachers organize students to learn Xi and perform classic dramas such as "Tianhe Pei", and through role-playing and story re-enactment, students can feel the emotional depth of the story more vividly.

In this educational context, children will learn Xi loyalty and perseverance in the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. They will have a discussion in class to share their understanding of love and how they feel about the storyline. This kind of communication not only enriches their spiritual world, but also makes them understand that in any era, sincere love is worth pursuing and respecting.

On the day of the Qixi Festival, families also participate in this cultural inheritance. Many families watch movies or plays about the Cowherd and Weaver Girl together to experience and Xi traditional culture together. Parents will share their views on love with their children, as well as their understanding and memories of traditional festivals, thus building a bridge between generations.

In addition, the Qixi Festival in modern society has also incorporated more elements. Merchants will take the opportunity to launch a variety of themed activities, such as themed restaurants, special gifts, etc., to provide more ways for couples to celebrate the holiday. Although these modern elements are different from ancient Xi, they also reflect the value and celebration of love.

Overall, although today's Qixi Festival is different in form from ancient times, its core spirit of celebrating love still continues. Through education and family involvement, the new generation will be able to better understand and pass on the significance of this traditional festival. Whether it's through learning Xi traditional stories or through modern celebrations, Qixi Festival has become an important link between the past and the present, tradition and modernity.