
Practicing a killer move, the Rockets' forward line 16+5 is underestimated, and 2 substitutes and 0 points are not as good as rookie Udoka was penalized


Hey, friends, let's not talk about it today, let's have some hardcore - wonderful moments on the NBA court. You know, last night's fight was nothing short of a suspenseful blockbuster, and every round was heart-pounding.

Let's talk about our Lillard first, this dude was really "Lillard Time" last night. He is called a god on the field, hitting key balls one after another at critical moments, as if he has the title of "scoring automaton". Whenever the team needed a point, he always stepped up and gave the opponent a fatal blow. This kind of temperament and ability is really admirable.

Let's talk about Brother Alphabet again. The gibbon stirred up under the basket last night, showing his astonishing dominance on both ends of the floor. Especially those difficult dunks, I think of the "flyer" Jordan back then. The combination of strong physicality and agility is just right, and each attack is as fluid as painting.

Practicing a killer move, the Rockets' forward line 16+5 is underestimated, and 2 substitutes and 0 points are not as good as rookie Udoka was penalized

We can't fail to mention Green. While he may not be the brightest star, his all-encompassing defense on the court and his occasional three-point shot are the anchors of the team. In particular, he launched a fast break after grabbing the key rebound when the opponent seemed to be overtaking the score, and assisted his teammates to make it 2+1, directly bringing the rhythm of the game back to his own hands.

Practicing a killer move, the Rockets' forward line 16+5 is underestimated, and 2 substitutes and 0 points are not as good as rookie Udoka was penalized

Speaking of tactics, it was a highlight in last night's game. You'll find the coaching board full of arrows and circles, but that's exactly what it ends up showing on the field. Whether it's the defensive end pressing on the opponent's main point of control or the offensive end creating opportunities for the shooter through the barrier, every link reveals a tacit cooperation between the coach and the players.

Practicing a killer move, the Rockets' forward line 16+5 is underestimated, and 2 substitutes and 0 points are not as good as rookie Udoka was penalized

And the rhythm was very good throughout the game - the first half of the two sides tried to find out, and in the second half they began to show their talents and give their best. Whenever the game gets into a critical moment, you can always see the desire to win in the eyes of the players.

Finally, to be honest, in the fast-paced, informational explosion, I prefer to tell these exciting moments in a concise and clear way – without the rhetoric and the lengthy narrative. Because I believe that in the face of those exciting and exciting games, the pure and strong desire for victory and glory in the hearts of each of us is the most touching and resonant thing.

That's all for today! If you missed last night's all-court basketball extravaganza, be sure to make up for this lesson – trust me, there's always a feeling of dizzying and excitement waiting to be experienced on the NBA stage!

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