
The doctor reminds you to be cautious when using these medicines

The doctor reminds you to be cautious when using these medicines

Chao News client reporter Wu Chaoxiang correspondent Zheng Lingjuan

Winter is the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases, although after the corresponding treatment, the child's acute symptoms have improved, but the cough does not heal, some anxious parents will buy cough medicine on their own, or even take several medicines at the same time.

However, it should be noted that some cough suppressants contain ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, which are precursor drugs, and patients with an overdose will hallucinate, resulting in overexcitability of the central nervous system. If used in excess, it can also lead to liver and kidney damage.

"The choice of cough suppressant should be tailored to symptoms. Yuan Xiujuan, deputy director of the Community Health Service Center of Shuangpu Town, Xihu District, Hangzhou, introduced that dextromethorphan will cause dizziness, headache, drowsiness, irritability, nausea, skin allergies and other adverse reactions after taking it, and the above reactions can disappear on their own after stopping the drug.

The doctor reminds you to be cautious when using these medicines

Image source: Visual China

The dextrot isomer containing morphine-like levomorphan methyl ether can stimulate the central nervous system, and it is addictive when taken for a long time or in large quantities, resulting in euphoria, drunkenness, visual and auditory hallucinations, etc.

Some cough drops, such as compound licorice mixture and guaifenesin syrup, contain ethanol, which, when taken with cephalosporin, can cause disulfiram-like reactions, mainly manifested as facial flushing, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, stomach pain, shortness of breath and drowsiness.

Yuan Xiujuan reminded that some cough medicines are not suitable for children, and parents should pay attention to them in their daily lives.

For example, cough medicines containing poppy husks and codeine, which can cause drowsiness, confusion, respiratory depression and even life-threatening, including strong loquat dew, compound licorice tablets, compound licorice oral liquid, loquat cough capsules, cough and asthma soothing, etc.

The doctor reminds you to be cautious when using these medicines

Image source: Visual China

Children under 2 years of age are prohibited from cough suppressants containing promethazine, which have greater side effects and may cause respiratory depression in children, such as cold cough syrup, compound bellflower loquat syrup, etc.

In addition, parents should also pay attention not to give their children medicine at will, and do not drink cough syrup as "sugar water".

Part of the effect of cough syrup of Chinese patent medicine is to rely on the syrup to cover the surface of the pharyngeal mucosa and reduce the irritation of inflammation to the mucosa, especially the cough syrup containing menthol and other ingredients, the syrup will produce a cooling sensation when passing through the throat, thereby reducing cough symptoms, so it is not advisable to drink water immediately or directly wash it with hot water when taking such drugs.

The expiration date of cough syrup is generally 18~36 months, because of its high sugar content, easy to breed bacteria, it should be taken as soon as possible after unsealing, and stored in a cool place (no more than 20 °C) to avoid changes in the composition of the drug.

It is also not recommended to store syrup drugs such as cough syrup in the refrigerator, because the medicine or sugar will precipitate at too low a temperature, resulting in uneven concentration.

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