
Work 20 jobs a month to repay loans!Post-00 female college students earn more than 10,000 yuan a month and become a "part-time madman"

author:Dawan News

"Only part-time but not full-time!" In the context of the current difficulty in finding employment for college students, many people's outlook on career choice is quietly changing. No, after graduating this year, a post-00 female college student in Xiamen, Fujian Province Fan Tuan (net name) made a living by part-time work, working up to 20 jobs a month, and the first small goal she set was to pay off the student loan of 32,000 yuan within half a year.

What is the experience of working part-time to make a living? How does she do it? Please join the reporter of Changjiang Cloud News to get close to this "part-time maniac" and see her inspirational story.

Work 20 jobs a month to repay loans!Post-00 female college students earn more than 10,000 yuan a month and become a "part-time madman"

(Fangiri works part-time as a model)

Graduate into a start-up

I only earned 2,800 yuan in three months

The 23-year-old graduated from an ordinary university in China this year and studied advertising. She told reporters that at first, she was like everyone else, she submitted her resume everywhere before graduation, and within half a year, she joined 4 start-up live broadcast companies as anchors, but she only stayed in the first company for 8 days, and she couldn't bear the pressure and left.

"The whole company except for me is basically a relative of the boss, except for the boss who has live broadcast and operation experience, the others are all newcomers who have just entered the industry, leaving at 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning every day, and returning to school at 9 or 10 o'clock in the evening, the most painful thing is that the boss has too high requirements for me. ”

Fantuan introduced that she only trained for two days at that time, and the boss hoped that she could go on the air quickly, and set a high KPI, once officially grouped, each group was not allowed to broadcast if it was not sold for 100,000 yuan a day, but the company's live broadcast account had just been registered.

"They didn't get up this account, but they counted on me as a newcomer, I was reciting words every day on the subway, but the boss said in PUA every day that I didn't meet her expectations, and said, 'If it weren't for whoever helped you speak, I would have fired you a long time ago', I really couldn't bear the pressure and left. ”

After that, Fantuan found several jobs, among them, the company she worked for the longest time, and it was also the most pitiful one, promising a basic salary of 4,000 yuan + 2,000 yuan for performance when recruiting, but not only did she not sign a labor contract, but after three months of work, the salary was only 2,800 yuan.

"At the beginning, I was fooled, there was no performance assessment requirement, it was just a formality, and then I asked to sell more than 1.2 million yuan a month to have performance, but in fact, it was good to sell 30 or 400,000 yuan a month. The boss said that he didn't make money and wanted to deduct performance, but in fact, they couldn't pay wages at all, and they were painting cakes there every day, asking me to take a long-term view and not pay attention to immediate interests. ”

The company couldn't pay her salary, so Fantuan had to continue working part-time after work in order to make ends meet, but after the boss found out, he ordered her not to work part-time.

"I have a monthly rent, water and electricity of 1,500 yuan, the company only issued 2,800 yuan in three months, I don't take part-time jobs and can't live at all, and the company has been dragging not to sign a contract with me, I can't even apply for the school's 300 yuan employment subsidy, and said that I want to increase the workload, but the amount is not increased, so I had to resign again. ”

In order to repay the student loan as soon as possible, Fantuan simply started a life of "only part-time and not full-time".

Modeling, etiquette, group performance, hosting, hand nurse, ......

I work 20 jobs a month and earn more than 10,000 yuan a month

Looking for a part-time job, this girl is a good hand. Fantuan told reporters that she has been looking for seniors since her junior year, taking her to do various part-time jobs, applying for cards for freshmen, selling electric cars, making posters, and writing manuscripts...... In her spare time, when others are resting, she is trying to make money, and basically uses all her spare time to work. After entering the live broadcast company, she entered the part-time group through her colleagues, and now she is completely dependent on part-time jobs to make a living.

Work 20 jobs a month to repay loans!Post-00 female college students earn more than 10,000 yuan a month and become a "part-time madman"

(Part-time pick-up from the airport)

"I have a colleague who used to be a host, and he pulled me into a part-time group of etiquette, modeling, and hosting, and I started in this group, but when I took over the event, I met more people, and I exchanged groups with them, so that there are more and more groups, and now there are almost 30. ”

Fantuan is handsome, tall, and eloquent, and these advantages have allowed her to receive a lot of work, such as a group performance of 260 yuan for half a day, a fitting model for 700 yuan a day, and a haunted house anchor for 6,000 yuan for half a month...... She basically took over the work, and she was busy for a month, with a monthly income of five or six thousand, and more than ten thousand, sometimes she had to gather at five o'clock in the morning, and sometimes she didn't sleep at three o'clock in the morning.

"I took over a group performance before, and I didn't finish work until 5 o'clock in the morning to 8 o'clock in the evening, it was still summer, sleepy, tired and sunburning, and it was only 200 yuan, but then I found out that I actually got a shot, which I can blow with my friends who love to watch this drama for a lifetime. ”

Work 20 jobs a month to repay loans!Post-00 female college students earn more than 10,000 yuan a month and become a "part-time madman"

(Fantuan does a group performance behind the male protagonist of the campus drama)

Although this kind of life is irregular and sometimes tiring, because I can meet all kinds of people and all kinds of things, I don't have to go to two o'clock every day, which makes Fantuan feel very happy.

"A lot of my current job feels like I'm playing, like a previous camping activity by the sea, my job is to take guests to play board games, go to the hot spring village part-time, and after the task is completed, I can also soak in the hot springs, go to Dior to work as a hand nurse, it was the first time in my life to go into the presidential suite. ”

Work 20 jobs a month to repay loans!Post-00 female college students earn more than 10,000 yuan a month and become a "part-time madman"

(Onigiri works part-time as an NPC)

Fantuan told reporters that the last company she resigned from had a salary that was not low, but what made her unbearable was to talk to herself in the same "little black room" day after day, and the mental numbness that resulted from it, "There is no one in the live broadcast room, I talk to myself to the camera every day, and the boss sometimes gets up at four or five o'clock in order to measure traffic, and the whole person is very numb until one o'clock in the morning." Fantuan said that the loneliness of the world as if you were the only one left made her spend every second. "There is no social interaction at all, one person is live, one person gets off work, no one talks to you the whole time, and it is a single day off on weekdays, and you can't make an appointment with friends if you want to, it's too painful. ”

Now I am free to work part-time, and I am free from the shackles of full-time. In the past three months, Fantuan has not only tried a variety of jobs, but also earned a lot, saving more than 10,000 yuan, and half of the goal of paying off 32,000 yuan in half a year. She didn't find it difficult to do so, and planned to save another amount of money after paying off the loan and take her grandmother out for a good time.

"I have been a left-behind child since I was a child, and I grew up with my grandmother, who suffered a lot. I can earn money now, and my grandmother is almost 80, so I want to save some money while she is still in good health, so that I can take her to where she wants to go, and the first stop is Tiananmen Square in Beijing. ”

Do you agree with this new type of employment of only part-time and not full-time?

According to Hubei Radio and Television Station Changjiang Cloud News