
What does the high frequency of male shaving mean? It has something to do with the length of life? Here comes the truth

author:Department of Urology, Dr. Li Guanru

Beard can be said to be a signature expression of men, some men's beards grow very fast, and they may have to be shaved 2-3 times a week, otherwise blue stubble will emerge, and it will be prickly to the touch. Faced with such a situation, some people have put forward a saying that the more frequent the shaving, the longer the person's lifespan.

What?! Is this true? Can a beard still determine the length of a person's life? Many friends may be skeptical of this statement and want to understand it from a relatively scientific point of view. What does the high frequency of male shaving mean? What does it have to do with longevity?

What does the high frequency of male shaving mean? It has something to do with the length of life? Here comes the truth

1. Is there a relationship between how fast a man's beard grows and the length of his life?

There is no direct relationship between the growth rate of a beard and the length of lifespan, and although some studies have shown that hormone levels may be related to longevity, this does not mean that the growth rate of a beard can directly predict the length of life. So, what factors will affect the speed of beard growth?

1. Genetic factors

The rate of beard growth, and the density of beards grown, is largely related to genetic factors. Some people are born with thicker hair and grow faster, while others are sparse and grow more slowly. This is due to differences in genes that determine the growth characteristics and appearance of the beard.

What does the high frequency of male shaving mean? It has something to do with the length of life? Here comes the truth

2. Age

Generally speaking, young men will grow their beards faster than older men, and one important reason is that young men are relatively more active in their hair follicles and are able to produce more beard fibers. As we age, the number and activity of hair follicles may gradually decrease, affecting the growth rate of the beard.

3. Hormonal levels

Fluctuations in hormone levels play a role in beard growth. This effect is especially pronounced in the male body, as men's hormone levels are more likely to fluctuate. Usually the male hormones in the male hormones cause the beard to grow faster and thicker, while the estrogen in the female hormones slows the growth of the beard.

What does the high frequency of male shaving mean? It has something to do with the length of life? Here comes the truth

4. Lifestyle

Some daily lifestyles can also affect the growth rate of beard to a certain extent, such as diet, exercise and sleep. A healthy diet and proper exercise can promote the health of the body and hair growth, while lack of sleep can lead to hair loss and slower growth.

5. Drug use

Long-term use of certain medications, such as antidepressants and anti-epileptic drugs, may slow down the growth rate of the beard, or cause the gradual loss of hair on the body, including the beard.

What does the high frequency of male shaving mean? It has something to do with the length of life? Here comes the truth

Second, how fast and easy to lose hair is when the beard grows?

In everyday life, you may hear the saying that people who grow beards faster are more likely to lose their hair. This may sound reasonable, but is it really the case? Today, let's uncover the scientific truth behind this question.

Before that, it is necessary to understand the principle of beard and hair growth. Beards and hair are grown from hair cells in hair follicles, and their growth rate, as well as growth density, may be affected by a variety of factors such as genetics, hormones, and lifestyle. However, beards and hair have different growth cycles, and beards usually grow faster than hair.

What does the high frequency of male shaving mean? It has something to do with the length of life? Here comes the truth

So, does growing a beard faster mean it's easier to lose hair? In fact, there is no direct causal relationship between the two. The rate of beard growth is not necessarily related to hair loss. There are many causes of hair loss, some people are inherited from genetic hair loss, some people are caused by imbalance of hormone levels in the body, and some people lose a lot of hair due to factors such as life Xi, mental stress, malnutrition, and drug side effects.

It is important to note that male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) is a common type of hair loss that is closely related to male hormone levels. While male hormones can stimulate beard growth, it can also cause hair follicles to become too sensitive to male hormones, which can trigger hair loss. As a result, men who grow beards quickly may be more susceptible to androgenetic alopecia, but this is not absolute.

What does the high frequency of male shaving mean? It has something to do with the length of life? Here comes the truth

In order to maintain healthy hair, attention should be paid to maintaining a good lifestyle and dietary Xi, avoiding excessive use of harmful substances such as chemicals or hair dyes, and keeping hair clean and healthy. If a man has hair loss problems, he should consult a doctor or professional in time so that after receiving guidance, he can take appropriate measures to improve his hair health in time.

At the same time, it is important to recognize that everyone's physical condition and hair condition is different. Some men may be born with faster beard growth and less hair loss, while others may be the opposite. You need to pay attention to your hair health according to your actual situation, rather than blindly following other people's experiences and opinions.

What does the high frequency of male shaving mean? It has something to do with the length of life? Here comes the truth

3. Is it a disease for a man not to grow a beard?

Beards are an important feature of the male image, but some men have not grown a beard since puberty, which makes them confused and uneasy. Generally after a man reaches this important stage of puberty, the testicles begin to secrete androgens, which stimulate the hair follicles, causing them to grow hair, forming a man's secondary sex characteristics, including beard. Therefore, the growth of the beard is closely related to the level of male hormones.

So why don't some men grow beards? It may have something to do with genetics. Each person's genes are different, which in turn determines physiological characteristics and body responses. Some men may be born with thinning hair or hair follicles that respond weakly to androgen stimulation, resulting in less noticeable beard growth.

What does the high frequency of male shaving mean? It has something to do with the length of life? Here comes the truth

It's important to note that it's not necessarily pathological for men not to grow beards. Further investigation and diagnosis are not required unless accompanied by other symptoms or signs, such as abnormal development of the reproductive organs or lack of secondary sexual characteristics. If you just don't grow a beard and everything else is normal, then you don't need to worry too much.

Another thing to note is that some people originally had a beard, but then gradually they did not grow a beard. It is likely that the shaving is not done with care, or the use of inappropriate tools, which cuts the hair follicles and the surrounding skin, increases the risk of viral or bacterial infection, and eventually induces folliculitis, which can lead to hair loss.

When hair follicles are infected with bacteria or fungal infections, inflammation causes damage to the hair follicles, which in turn affects the normal growth of hair. In severe cases, the infection can also destroy hair follicles, leading to permanent hair loss.

What does the high frequency of male shaving mean? It has something to do with the length of life? Here comes the truth

Therefore, for men who wish to have a thick beard, in order to prevent hair loss caused by folliculitis, it is recommended to keep the skin clean and avoid irritating hair follicles such as excessive shaving or plucking. If you notice symptoms of folliculitis, you should seek medical attention and follow your doctor's advice for treatment. You can also further accelerate the growth rate of beard growth by adjusting your lifestyle and dietary Xi.


Whether it is beard and longevity, or hair loss, there is actually no correlation. There are individual differences in the growth rate of male beards, and there are many factors that lead to changes in the growth rate. To promote the growth of beard, you can eat more foods containing male hormones every day, such as animal offal, beef, milk, beans, etc., which can promote the secretion of male hormones, thereby promoting the growth of beards.

In addition, regular shaving can also stimulate the skin and promote the growth of hair follicles, so that when the beard grows, it will be faster and thicker.