
The donation adds to the red book house

On December 18, more than 30 retired veteran comrades and caring people in Xiangyang City walked into the Xiao Chunu Memorial Hall and Zhaoming Primary School hand in hand, and solemnly donated more than 8,000 books, adding a strong book fragrance to the school's "red book house". This kind act originated from the initiative of the Mayor Longevity Research Association and the Golden Eagle Volunteer Service Team, and was strongly supported by Hu Jiuming, the former chairman of the Xiangyang CPPCC, and many other enthusiastic people.

The donation adds to the red book house

Book donation site. Photo courtesy of correspondent

The donated books will be placed in the "Red Book House" of Zhaoming Primary School, providing rich reading resources for students' growth, and guiding them to remember the red history, inherit the red gene, and gather the strength to forge ahead for the rejuvenation of the great China.

The donation adds to the red book house

Book donation site. Photo courtesy of correspondent

The donated books bring together the cultural characteristics of Xiangyang, are close to the lives of students, and can enable students to better understand and love Xiangyang. Zhang Jintong, a student representative, said that these books are the crystallization of the wisdom of their predecessors, and they are their hard work for the growth of the next generation and the future of the next generation. Taking over the books read by the predecessors is not only to inherit the red gene, but also to carry forward the revolutionary spirit. Students will cherish these books and let them continue to pass on in their hands, experience the charm of Xiangyang, feel the charm of Chujing, comprehend the excellent traditional Chinese culture, enhance cultural self-confidence, cultivate the feelings of family and country, and finally assume the important task of realizing the great rejuvenation of China.

The donation adds to the red book house

The old comrades led the students to read together. Photo courtesy of correspondent

After the donation ceremony, veteran comrades He Taiming and Zhang Yuhui led the students to read in the Red Book House, passing on knowledge and wisdom. Subsequently, all the staff visited the Hubei Provincial Patriotism Education Base in the school - Xiao Chunu Memorial Hall to feel the rich connotation of red history.

Through this donation activity, the cultural heritage of Xiangyang has been further continued, and new books have been added to the Red Book House, which has a strong fragrance of books, adding a strong color to the growth of students.