
Venerable Hongyi: How many times you get sick, how much money you make, how old you live, these four places have long had answers

author:Clever iced lemon

Master Hongyi: How many times will you get sick, how much money you make, how old you live, these four places have already had the answer

One day, I asked a master, "Life is impermanent and full of variables, how should we deal with it?" Venerable Hongyi smiled and replied, "You are right, life is indeed full of uncertainties, but in fact, the answer to the three questions about how many times you get sick, how much money you make, and how old you live is already in your heart. ”

Life is like a journey, and we encounter all kinds of scenery and challenges. Sometimes we get sick, it's a part of life and it's the way we grow. The master told me: "How many times you get sick is not something that someone else can decide, but it is determined by your body and environment. When you are sick, don't be afraid, learn to accept it, face it, learn from it, and make yourself stronger. ”

Venerable Hongyi: How many times you get sick, how much money you make, how old you live, these four places have long had answers

Regarding how much money to make, the master said: "This answer is also in your heart. Your wealth does not depend on how much money you make, but on how you spend it. Some people may make a lot of money but live an empty life, while some people earn little but live a full and happy life. You have to learn to dispose of your wealth and let it work for you, not for you. ”

Finally, there is the question of how old you live. "The question is just as simple," the master said. The length of your life is not the most important thing, the important thing is that you live a meaningful life. Remember, don't live for the sake of longevity, pursue longevity for the sake of living. ”

However, the most important question in life is: how do we deal with these four unknowns, how do we deal with disease, how do we deal with money, how do we deal with longevity?

Venerable Hongyi: How many times you get sick, how much money you make, how old you live, these four places have long had answers

Under the guidance of the master, I found that the answer was actually in my heart. The number of times you get sick is not something that others can control, it is determined by our own body and environment. When we are sick, we need to learn to accept it, face it, and learn from it. In fact, our wealth is not how much money we make, but how we use it to create value and pass on love. Finally, there is the question of how old you live. Longevity is not the goal, but living a meaningful life is the true meaning.

So I would say that life is a journey, and every journey will have people and things that you meet. Be grateful for all of this and look forward positively! Illness is just a growing experience, and money is just a medium for us to better realize our self-worth and have fun! At the same time, please treat everyone you meet with respect and kindness, because the people you meet affect your life!

Venerable Hongyi: How many times you get sick, how much money you make, how old you live, these four places have long had answers

Therefore, I want to say that life is a process, and don't care too much about the result, because the result is not what we are pursuing, but what we experience! We should enjoy life and be grateful for every person and thing we meet, because this is life! No matter how many times we get sick, how much money we make, and how long we live, it is a gift given to us by life! We must accept all this with a smile and enjoy it with a peaceful mind!

Let's follow the teachings of Venerable Hongyi and live our own lives, no matter how many times we get sick, how much money we make, or how long we live, we must live a meaningful life. Because every moment in life is worthy of our cherishing and gratitude, and everything we experience is the most beautiful scenery in life.