
The first hot search!The user said that there was no warning on 7 Apple mobile phones during the earthquake, and the customer service responded......

The first hot search!The user said that there was no warning on 7 Apple mobile phones during the earthquake, and the customer service responded......

Edited by Li Zedong

At 23:59 on December 18, a 6.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, with an epicenter depth of 10 kilometers.

According to the Bailu video of Shaanxi Net, netizens in many places received earthquake warning notices in a timely manner, and some netizens complained that 7 Apple mobile phones did not receive earthquake warnings, and then related topics ranked first in the hot search.

In this regard, Apple's customer service replied that the earthquake warning needs to be applied for with the local government, and the (Apple) mobile phone alone does not have the function of testing to the earthquake. It is recommended to temporarily download the third-party early warning APP, and the follow-up system engineer will collect customer needs, and the follow-up engineering department will study these functions if there is such a need.

The first hot search!The user said that there was no warning on 7 Apple mobile phones during the earthquake, and the customer service responded......

Image source: Video screenshot

Why are there no earthquake warnings for Apple and Samsung mobile phones in China?

As early as August 6 this year, after the earthquake occurred in Dezhou, Shandong, #Apple's earthquake warning# topic has topped the hot search on Weibo, and some users pointed out that "Apple is such a big mobile phone company, there is no such important function as earthquake warning, and it is so expensive to sell, shouldn't it be reflected? ”

Some media have released the way to open the earthquake warning function of various mobile phone models, and domestic mainstream mobile phones can enable earthquake warning in "settings", while Apple and Samsung mobile phones need to search for "earthquake warning" keywords and download relevant APPs by themselves.

According to The Paper, an Apple customer service told reporters that the iPhone can be updated to the latest version, at the bottom of the "Notification" column to turn on the "Government Alert", by default, it is turned on, when the government of the user's country or region issues an alert, the user will hear a special sound similar to the siren.

However, the reporter tested with multiple iPhones, and even under the latest version, there was no "Government Alert" option at the bottom of the "Notifications" section of the iPhone.

Another Apple customer service told The Paper: "iPhone has this function (earthquake warning), but some countries and regions are not applicable, if you don't provide us with the source address, we have no way, users can download a third-party APP to use." ”

The search found that after the earthquake, a number of earthquake warning apps in Apple's China app store surpassed Railway 12306 and ranked among the top three free apps. The first of these is the "Earthquake Early Warning" app of the Chengdu Institute of High-tech Disaster Reduction, which is also a partner of a number of domestic Android phones.

And Samsung mobile phones also responded, "You need to download a third-party APP to use this function." ”

The first hot search!The user said that there was no warning on 7 Apple mobile phones during the earthquake, and the customer service responded......

It is understood that in June 2021, China's first mobile phone earthquake monitoring and early warning network was launched, which can extend the earthquake early warning capability to areas not covered by the traditional earthquake early warning network through the access of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of mobile phones, so as to realize "where there are people, there is an earthquake early warning capability" and save more lives.

At that time, Wang Jun, director of the Chengdu Center of Earthquake Early Warning Technology Research of the China Earthquake Administration, director of the Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory of Earthquake Early Warning, and director of the Chengdu High-tech Disaster Reduction Research Institute, introduced that the basic principle of the mobile phone earthquake monitoring and early warning network is the same as the traditional earthquake monitoring and early warning network. ”

Judging from the data disclosed in 2021, at that time, the four major domestic mobile phone manufacturers (Xiaomi, vivo, OPPO, and Huawei) all built the earthquake early warning function into the mobile phone operating system, making about 600 million mobile phones in China have built-in earthquake early warning function.

Daily economic news comprehensive Shaanxi network Bailu video, surging news, public information

National Business Daily

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