
Bad breath does not heal for a long time? Don't be careless when you have bad breath, it may be 6 reasons for "trouble"

author:The true scriptures of health

In daily life, everyone will have bad breath to a greater or lesser extent, and long-term bad breath will also affect their normal life. Therefore, it is important to pay close attention to the presence of bad breath.

This is because bad breath not only affects people's social activities but also adversely affects their own health. If we experience bad breath for a long time in our daily life, and brushing our teeth can not eliminate these bad breath, we need to pay attention to it in time, because the causes of bad breath are complex, so when there is persistent bad breath, it is best to check in time to determine which areas have lesions, and then carry out targeted treatment.

Bad breath does not heal for a long time? Don't be careless when you have bad breath, it may be 6 reasons for "trouble"

Reminder: Bad breath does not heal for a long time, or these diseases are "troublemaker", you should pay attention to it in time

1. Caused by kidney problems

When kidney function is impaired, the body emits an unpleasant odor, especially for people with kidney failure and uremia. During the development of these serious diseases, our body experiences metabolic disorders, the balance of water and electrolytes is disrupted, and acid-base imbalances occur.

When affected, our body produces more ammonia, which, combined with a decline in the function of the digestive system, can cause an unpleasant odor in the mouth. At this time, it is necessary to take reasonable treatment measures for kidney health problems to restore kidney health and improve bad breath.

Bad breath does not heal for a long time? Don't be careless when you have bad breath, it may be 6 reasons for "trouble"

2. Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease. During the development of diabetes, the blood sugar level of the patient's body increases. After being affected, it can easily lead to an increase in the amount of ketones produced by the body. After the ketones are excreted, a special smell will appear in the mouth, which is the main reason for bad breath in many people. If this condition exists, diabetes should also be improved in time to prevent significant bad breath from appearing.

Bad breath does not heal for a long time? Don't be careless when you have bad breath, it may be 6 reasons for "trouble"

3. Helicobacter pylori infection

Helicobacter pylori is also a bacterium that poses a serious threat to human health. It has strict requirements for the living environment and can only survive in the stomach of the human body. If it remains in the stomach for a long time, it will irritate the stomach, cause stomach diseases and affect its function, leading to the occurrence of problems such as indigestion. When indigestion occurs, patients may experience symptoms such as acid reflux and hiccups, so H. pylori infection can also induce bad breath problems.

Bad breath does not heal for a long time? Don't be careless when you have bad breath, it may be 6 reasons for "trouble"

4. Oral problems

Lack of regular brushing and rinsing Xi can also lead to the growth of large amounts of anaerobic bacteria and other bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria break down food debris left in the mouth, which in turn produces a substance called sulfide, which gives off a rotten smell and causes bad breath problems.

In addition, people who do not brush their teeth for a long time are also prone to large amounts of dental calculus, which can also cause bad breath due to tooth decay or inflammation of the oral mucosa and gums.

Bad breath does not heal for a long time? Don't be careless when you have bad breath, it may be 6 reasons for "trouble"

5. Liver disease

The main function of the liver itself is detoxification, which is responsible for breaking down the various toxins produced in the body, as well as the ability to digest and store these toxins. After the onset of chronic liver disease, liver function may plummet. If various toxins cannot be metabolized and decomposed smoothly, the level of ammonia in the blood will exceed the standard. The ammonia is then excreted through the mouth, and the patient will have an ammonia smell similar to urine in the mouth, and a similar smell may also appear in sweat.

Bad breath does not heal for a long time? Don't be careless when you have bad breath, it may be 6 reasons for "trouble"

6. Respiratory problems

If the patient suffers from a respiratory disease, a foul smell can also be emitted from the mouth. If there is suppuration in the lungs, the taste in the mouth will take on a pungent and sour smell. If the symptoms of coughing up blood are caused by tuberculosis or other diseases, then the smell that emanates from the mouth, in addition to the acidic smell, is mixed with a strong smell of blood, which is unbearable.

For patients with sinusitis and tonsillitis, a faint putrid smell may also appear in the mouth when this disease occurs. At this time, it is necessary to find the root cause of bad breath in time and solve it to improve the problem of bad breath as soon as possible.

Bad breath does not heal for a long time? Don't be careless when you have bad breath, it may be 6 reasons for "trouble"

For people with bad breath, it is important not to have an inferiority complex, but to face it calmly and with a calm mind. Bad breath is most likely not caused by one's own Xi, but by symptoms caused by illness.

As long as the cause is treated aggressively and the cause is identified, a complete cure can be achieved. While there are many causes of bad breath, the causes of bad breath vary from disease to disease. Therefore, in order to find the root cause of bad breath, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination in time. Do not procrastinate, as you may delay the optimal treatment time.