
Watching a 2-hour short drama costs hundreds?

Have you ever watched a short drama?

Recently, the consumption of micro-short dramas has become very popular,

It also caused a lot of controversy↓↓

Watching a 2-hour short drama costs hundreds?
Watching a 2-hour short drama costs hundreds?
Watching a 2-hour short drama costs hundreds?
Watching a 2-hour short drama costs hundreds?

Watch a 2-hour short drama

It costs hundreds of dollars

According to China Consumer Daily, a woman said that after watching a few episodes of micro-short dramas on a short video platform, a link popped up and she had to jump to recharge before she could continue watching. Click on the link to enter a WeChat applet, the plot shows more than 200 episodes, recharge 168 yuan to become a member and continue to watch. But when I saw 79 episodes, I changed the plot, and there were no 200 episodes at all. ”

The staff of the Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Committee clicked on the four micro-short dramas and opened four different WeChat mini-programs:

Generally, it is paid for a single drama, that is, recharge the corresponding virtual currencies such as "K coins" and "highlights", and then unlock them episode by episode.

There are also options to top up monthly and annual memberships. It costs about 100 yuan to watch a drama, and the total duration of a drama is about 2-3 hours.

Watching a 2-hour short drama costs hundreds?
Watching a 2-hour short drama costs hundreds?
Watching a 2-hour short drama costs hundreds?
Watching a 2-hour short drama costs hundreds?

It is understood that micro-short dramas are generally released and promoted on multiple platforms, exposed and drained, and bloggers and UP owners on some platforms will promote a few episodes of micro-short dramas on their own accounts. Attract viewers in the form of free episodes in the first few episodes, get clicks, find target users, and then either use the platform to directly launch episodes, or jump to WeChat mini programs to watch them, and charge a fee.

Jiangsu Consumer Protection Committee:

In terms of payment, it is too ugly to eat

Watching a 2-hour short drama costs hundreds?

Jiangsu Consumer Protection Committee believes that micro-short dramas are an innovative embodiment of the video industry. But where the tuyere is, there is also mud and sand:

On the one hand, most of the micro-short dramas are homogeneous in content, the plot is de-logical, and the propaganda orientation is vulgar, and only relying on some plot conflicts to attract people to watch and recharge is actually unqualified as a "consumer product". If the "dopamine" needs of consumers are met through curiosity, money worship, and vulgarity, not only will the law not allow it, but it will also force consumers to vote with their feet, and eventually lose the soil for development.

On the other hand, micro-short dramas are too ugly in terms of payment. Low-cost gimmicks such as unlocking an episode for 0.9 yuan and unlocking the full episode of the show for 9.9 yuan attract target users, while the actual viewing cost of consumers may reach hundreds of yuan, which is suspected of false publicity.

In addition, the payment page of the Mini Program will be interspersed with welfare recharge advertisements, without clear and detailed usage rules, user notices, or similar to membership agreements, and the payment page cannot be screenshotted. Some recharge interfaces will also check the words "automatic renewal" by default, especially for elderly consumer users, who are not familiar with the operation and renew their fees in a dazzled way. Consumers' right to know and freedom of choice is difficult to guarantee.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television continues to govern online micro-short dramas

Since last year, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has continued to carry out the governance of online micro-short dramas. As of February 28, 2023, a total of more than 25,300 micro-short dramas containing pornographic and vulgar, bloody violence, low style, aesthetic vulgarity and other content have been taken offline, with a total of 1365004 episodes, and 2,420 "mini programs" containing illegal content have been removed from the shelves, effectively curbing the barbaric growth of online micro-short dramas.

Watching a 2-hour short drama costs hundreds?

In addition, a "blacklist" mechanism for online micro-short dramas has also been established. Online A/V platforms are required to truly assume entity responsibility, promptly report violations of online micro-short dramas that are discovered, summarize them into the 'blacklist', and report them to the entire industry, supervise the prompt removal of entire online platforms, promote joint participation in governance, and truly prevent the prevention of illegal online micro-short dramas from shifting positions and switching vests for broadcasting.

Operators of micro-short dramas should respect the rights of consumers

When the micro-short drama becomes popular, it is more necessary to "go to the heart"

The Economic Daily previously commented that as a "rigid need" in the era of vertical screens, micro-short dramas should not limit themselves to "thunder dramas", "cool dramas" and "edge dramas", let alone indulge in capital games. The strengthening of governance by mainstream platforms and regulators is a signal that micro-short dramas need to quickly return to the right track of creating cultural masterpieces.

The Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Committee appealed that micro-short dramas are currently in the forefront of the industry, and they should cherish their own development soil. Practice has proved that micro-short dramas can also be small and fine, small and beautiful, and operators should:

Establish correct values and output positive video products to consumers;

Respect the rights of consumers, and abandon the profit model of fishing for quick success and quick profit.

Consumers of all ages can have their own "dopamine" consumer products, and the elderly are no exception. On the basis of respecting the consumption wishes of the elderly, in addition to the conscious performance of obligations by operators, it is also necessary to make efforts from all parties such as legal supervision, social supervision, and child companionship to create a safe and comfortable environment for the elderly to "surf the Internet".

Source丨China Youth Daily, Jiangsu Consumer Protection Committee, Economic Daily

Editor丨Wu Zebin