
Don't feed it, cutie, these 6 foods will hurt your dog!

author:Stars of Freedom 929

Dogs are loyal companions and family members in our lives, and we can't help but want to share our food with them. However, did you know that some foods are absolutely taboo for dogs? Today, let's take a look at 6 foods that dogs can't eat, don't feed them, and feed them again!

Don't feed it, cutie, these 6 foods will hurt your dog!

The first is chocolate, especially dark chocolate and cocoa powder. While chocolate is a delicious treat for us humans, for dogs, the theobromine and caffeine they contain can cause poisoning. Dogs ingesting too much chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, and even death from poisoning. So, don't treat chocolate as a snack!

Don't feed it, cutie, these 6 foods will hurt your dog!

The second is onion and garlic. These two common spices are often found in our dishes, but for dogs, they contain sulfides that can destroy the dog's red blood cells, causing anemia and other health problems. So, don't feed the onions and garlic in leftovers to your dogs, they won't be able to stand it!

Don't feed it, cutie, these 6 foods will hurt your dog!

The third is grapes and raisins. While grapes and raisins are healthy snacks for humans, they are poison for dogs. The unknown toxins in these fruits can cause kidney failure and even life-threatening in dogs. So, don't try to feed your dog grapes or raisins, their health is more important!

Don't feed it, cutie, these 6 foods will hurt your dog!

The fourth is coffee and tea. It is common to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning or a cup of fragrant tea in the afternoon, but for dogs, the caffeine and theophylline content can lead to poisoning. They can affect your dog's heart rate, breathing, and central nervous system, causing discomfort and other serious problems. So, cuties, don't let your dog near your coffee and teacup!

Don't feed it, cutie, these 6 foods will hurt your dog!

The fifth is alcohol. We should agree on this point, alcohol is harmful to humans, let alone dogs. A dog's liver is unable to process alcohol, and excessive intake can lead to vomiting, poisoning, and even life-threatening intake. Therefore, friends must strictly prohibit the dog from licking the wine glass or drinking your alcoholic drinks, they can't stand this.

Don't feed it, cutie, these 6 foods will hurt your dog!

The last one is dairy products, especially milk. Although we often think that dogs and dairy products can go well together, this is not the case. Dogs' gut is lactose intolerant, and consuming too much dairy can lead to diarrhea and indigestion. So, don't pour milk for your dogs anymore and switch to professional dog food that's suitable for their digestion.

Don't feed it, cutie, these 6 foods will hurt your dog!

There are also many foods suitable for dogs, such as: hard-boiled egg yolks, yogurt, sweet potatoes, chicken breasts, etc., which can be eaten in moderation.

Don't feed it, cutie, these 6 foods will hurt your dog!

All in all, while we always want to share our food with dogs, these seemingly innocuous foods can be a huge threat to dogs. Therefore, friends must take the dog's healthy diet seriously and don't let them eat these harmful foods. They are our treasures, and we need to care for them in the right way!

Don't feed it, cutie, these 6 foods will hurt your dog!
Don't feed it, cutie, these 6 foods will hurt your dog!