
XLB announces retirement: changing the trajectory of life, fan companionship is the greatest encouragement

author:Chic Corvin

In the LPL arena, many players shine like stars, and their records and efforts are admirable. However, the path of a professional player is not always smooth sailing, and they also experience many challenges and choices. Recently, the news of XLB's retirement has left many fans feeling sorry and reluctant. XLB has spent a full four years of his career since joining the YM team.

XLB announces retirement: changing the trajectory of life, fan companionship is the greatest encouragement

In the past four years, he has experienced many sweet and bitter moments. When he first joined RNG, winning the German Cup gave him the confidence that he was destined to be a talent. However, it was only later in the LPL league that he realized that he still had a lot to be desired. I used to think that my starting point was too high, and I was not fair enough to my own strength.

XLB announces retirement: changing the trajectory of life, fan companionship is the greatest encouragement

The slightest mistake will be met with countless ridicule and doubts. Subsequently, his experience as a substitute for several years made him feel depressed and unable to show his strength. In V5, he thought this was his last chance to make a breakthrough, but unfortunately, he didn't take it. Gradually, he lost confidence and felt that his career should be over. XLB has always felt guilty about its fans. Along the way, the companionship and support of fans gave him the greatest encouragement. However, it is a pity that he was not able to shine in the cause he loved. He decided to end his career and start a new life.

XLB announces retirement: changing the trajectory of life, fan companionship is the greatest encouragement

He thanked the fans for their support and companionship, and also wished those brothers who are still struggling to get better and better.

XLB announces retirement: changing the trajectory of life, fan companionship is the greatest encouragement

Parting is for a better encounter, and for XLB, it is the end of a career and the beginning of a new life. He will continue to accompany everyone in the form of live broadcasts, bringing more laughter and entertainment to fans. Despite not being able to continue fighting in the Circle, he believes there are other ways to repay the support of his fans. As fans of LPL, we may feel a little disappointed and sorry when we see XLB announcing his retirement, but we should understand and support his choice. The path of a professional player is not easy, and they need to face a lot of pressure and challenges. And retirement is just a turning point in their lives, and only by becoming better can they give better returns.

XLB announces retirement: changing the trajectory of life, fan companionship is the greatest encouragement

XLB's announcement of retirement brings us reflections on ourselves and the trajectory of our lives. Everyone needs to make choices in life, face reality and inner choices. Just like XLB, he chose a whole new direction and moved forward. We should also draw strength from him and face the challenges and difficulties in life bravely. In this journey, XLB's departure is not the end, but a new beginning. As his fans, we should continue to support and follow his new life. The road of life is not all smooth sailing, and everyone needs to put in effort and courage to achieve their goals and dreams.