
Safe and non-slip, Oriental Yuhong SAM-923 is specially designed for slope roofing

author:HC waterproof net

Huizheng Information: In childhood, "home" carries wonderful ideas, when you are young, "home" supports the forward momentum, and in middle age, "home" is full of love and responsibility...... Although we have different visions and expectations for "home" in different periods, what remains the same is the beautiful yearning for home.

Safe and non-slip, Oriental Yuhong SAM-923 is specially designed for slope roofing

The "home" that first appeared in my childhood brushes was always made up of a pointed roof, a sloping roof form often referred to as a pitched roof.

In traditional Chinese architecture, which integrates aesthetics, waterproofing and drainage, sloping roofs occupy a pivotal position, not only rich and ever-changing forms, but also unique visual effects and artistic appeal.

Nowadays, many business or residential buildings still use sloping roofs, so how should sloping roofs be waterproofed?

Safe and non-slip, Oriental Yuhong SAM-923 is specially designed for slope roofing

01. "General standard for waterproofing of construction and municipal engineering"

It is recommended to use a waterproofing membrane

In accordance with the requirements of the mandatory "General Code for Waterproofing of Construction and Municipal Engineering" issued on April 1, 2023, in the tile roofing project with a waterproof grade of first, there should be no less than one waterproof layer of the membrane, and in the second-level fortification, the waterproofing membrane or waterproof coating can be selected.

Safe and non-slip, Oriental Yuhong SAM-923 is specially designed for slope roofing

Table 4.4.1-2 Waterproofing practices for tile roofing works

02. It should have anti-skid function, which is conducive to safe and efficient construction

For steep slope roofs with a slope greater than 25% (14°), the waterproof cushion of self-adhesive asphalt should be implemented in the "self-adhesive polymer asphalt waterproof cushion for slope roofing" JC/T1068-2008. The standard requires that "the surface of the self-adhesive cushion product should have anti-slip function, which is conducive to the safe construction of personnel".

In order to better meet the waterproofing needs of slope roofs, Oriental Yuhong launched SAM-923 anti-slip self-healing waterproofing membrane for Antuo slope roofs. At the same time, the product meets the performance index requirements of JC/T1068-2008 "Self-adhesive Polymer Asphalt Waterproofing Cushion for Waterproof Material for Slope Roofing" and GB23441-2009 "Self-adhesive Polymer Modified Asphalt Waterproofing Membrane".

Safe and non-slip, Oriental Yuhong SAM-923 is specially designed for slope roofing

The membrane is made of high creep self-adhesive asphalt, covered with high extension reinforcing film, which has strong adaptability to the deformation of the base layer, and the surface is made of anti-skid lines, the anti-skid coefficient is > 0.5*, and the construction is safe and efficient. The adhesive sealing of the asphalt is improved by modification, so that it has a good self-healing function, and the nail perforation has good water tightness, so as to avoid the leakage caused by the steel nail passing through the waterproof layer.

SAM-923 Anti-slip Self-Healing Waterproofing Membrane for Antuopo Roofing has attracted much attention from the market and favored by customers since its launch. Let's follow the camera to the construction site to feel the real charm of the product.

* The data in this article comes from the data of Oriental Yuhong Laboratory, which may be different from the actual use data.