
I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up

author:Emotional Expression Pavilion
I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up

The unexpected joy came so suddenly, like a blooming flower, beautiful and intoxicating. I got a boyfriend, and at first, I even thought he was my real boy.

After 5 days, we decided to start living together, and I packed my bags excitedly, full of anticipation and happiness.

"Ouyang Liang, we're finally going to live together, do you know how happy I am?" I said to him excitedly.

I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up

"yes, I'm looking forward to living with you too. He looked at me tenderly.

We moved into a cosy little apartment and everything looked so nice. However, on the evening of the 6th day, I stumbled upon something that stumbled upon something that left me jaw-dropping.

I had never found him to have these shortcomings before that. I suddenly felt breathless, and an indescribable sense of disappointment and pain welled up in my heart.

I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up

"Ouyang Liang, I think there may be some problems between us, and I need time to calm down. I said forcefully.

"What's wrong? what's going on?" he looked at me in surprise.

I was silent for a while, but finally decided to tell him: "I found out that you don't have a plan for your life and don't pay attention to hygiene, which is a little different from what I expected, and I need time to think about our relationship."

I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up

"Maybe that's the end of our fate. He smiled bitterly and said what was in my heart.

"Perhaps. I felt heartache and heartache, "I'm going to move out." I don't want to cause you more unpleasantness. ”

We were silent with each other, an unspeakable embarrassment in the air. I packed my bags and moved out of this cosy little apartment, leaving behind the happiness I once thought belonged to the two of us.

I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up

After the breakup, I went back to my old life, and the relationship was like a beautiful dream, beautiful but fleeting.

Maybe it was a painful experience, but I learned more to grow and be stronger. Life goes on, and maybe at some point, I'll meet the next unexpected joy.

After a while, I gradually came out of the disappointment and pain. However, it was at this moment that I found myself embroiled in another conflict.

I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up

She felt that I was old enough to talk about marriage, and I shouldn't put it off any longer.

"Why are you always like this, always not doing what everyone thinks. Look at Xiaohua, people have already married and had children, and you are still procrastinating.

"Mom, my focus now is on work and personal development, and there will be things to get married, so there is no need to rush them. Not to be outdone.

I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up

During this time, my mother constantly put pressure on me, and she even introduced me to several blind dates, hoping that I would be able to find the right person.

I want to be able to have my own space and time to think, and I don't want to be forced down a path that I don't want.

The development of events made me feel anxious and conflicted, and I began to think about how I should face my mother's expectations and my own choices.

I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up

When I returned home, I felt an indescribable sense of loneliness and loss. Everything in the house is so familiar, but after the breakup, it becomes strange and cold.

However, the originally irreconcilable contradictions did not seem to be too far away from me. It wasn't long before I unexpectedly discovered some contradictions between my parents.

There are some old things between my father and mother, and although they always respect each other every day, these hidden conflicts are still growing.

I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up

"You always think I'm ignorant, I know. But how can you assert that I am ignorant?" said the mother, twisting the handkerchief in her hand.

I didn't participate in their conversation, but a kind of confusion and helplessness gradually filled my heart.

All this made me reflect on how I think about how I behave and how I look at everything, including my family.

I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up

This realization gave me a sense of strength that I had never felt before, and it also brought me a new sense of responsibility. Perhaps, the existence of these contradictions is not a bad thing, but an opportunity for me to become more mature.

Continuing to be busy with work and a heavy life has put these contradictions aside for a while, but I know that these problems will eventually come back to my life.

Perhaps, I need more time to think about and deal with this.

I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up

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I had a boyfriend, I lived together for 5 days before I found out he couldn't do it, and on the 6th day I broke up