
The woman asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and three months later, the woman asked her boyfriend about her preparations, and her boyfriend: I am married

author:Emotional Expression Pavilion
The woman asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and three months later, the woman asked her boyfriend about her preparations, and her boyfriend: I am married

When I was a kid, my cousins and I always played together. Once, we went to pick mushrooms together, and there was a blue sky above us and a green field under our feet.

Suddenly, my cousin cheered, and the basket in his hand was full of large mushrooms, which glowed golden in the sunlight, and were very beautiful.

Three months later, one day I suddenly received a call from my cousin. My cousin said in a nervous tone, she asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and now her boyfriend has not yet appeared, and it is already the day of proposing, she called him to ask what was going on, and her boyfriend actually said that he was married! Hearing this, I couldn't believe my ears at the time!

The woman asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and three months later, the woman asked her boyfriend about her preparations, and her boyfriend: I am married

"How so?!" I asked, surprised.

"I don't know, he said his parents found him the right girl, and his mother didn't approve of us being together......" The cousin's voice trembled.

I almost fainted when I heard it, that negative man, who was obviously obedient to his cousin, and said so many sweet words to her, but he was not loyal at all.

The woman asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and three months later, the woman asked her boyfriend about her preparations, and her boyfriend: I am married

We were so distressed for her, comforting her, and giving her reasons, but she couldn't say a word. Later, my cousin went to find a boyfriend, but the boyfriend insisted on not admitting that he was sorry for her, but said that she was not good and that he was very wronged.

After this happened, my cousin became less and less talkative, her face drooped when she had nothing to do, she didn't speak happily, she was always in a daze alone, and she didn't want to play with us anymore.

However, everything will pass, and I hope that time will allow my cousin to come out of the shadows, say goodbye to sadness, and live happily.

The woman asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and three months later, the woman asked her boyfriend about her preparations, and her boyfriend: I am married

After a while, my cousin slowly came out of the shadow of broken love and picked herself up again. She began to take the initiative to contact friends, go out to eat and go shopping with us, and even signed up for a yoga class, saying that she wanted to regulate her mood.

However, the good times were short-lived. A few months later, her parents had a conflict. When I got the news, it was because my cousin was crying to me.

Of course I'm willing to help my cousin. I was familiar with her parents, so I went to my cousin's house to mediate.

The woman asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and three months later, the woman asked her boyfriend about her preparations, and her boyfriend: I am married

My cousin's parents have always felt that she had made an unreliable boyfriend by mistake and insisted on helping her find a more reliable partner.

I can understand my cousin's concerns when I see that my parents love Wu and Wu, but I can also understand my cousin's feelings about not being able to accept this arrangement.

In order not to escalate the conflict, I had to try to make everyone understand each other. It took me a long time and a lot of persuasion to finally get my cousin's parents to let go of this marital problem, but they felt that this was just the beginning.

The woman asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and three months later, the woman asked her boyfriend about her preparations, and her boyfriend: I am married

After returning home, my cousin's state became worse and worse, and even her usual smile slowly disappeared, and sometimes she would cry all night long, which was really distressing.

One day, my parents suddenly mentioned my own marriage at the dinner table. They think that I am not too young and that I should find someone to settle down and stop worrying about the trivial things around me.

I couldn't accept their arrangement, and even though I knew they were out of concern for me, a sense of rebellion came over me.

The woman asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and three months later, the woman asked her boyfriend about her preparations, and her boyfriend: I am married

"Mom and Dad, I don't want to take on all this pressure at this time, I need time to find my happiness. "I tried to state my thoughts, yet my parents thought that my focus on personal happiness was a sign of selfishness and irresponsibility.

How this will all turn out, I don't have an answer yet.

Sorry, I can't complete your request.

The woman asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and three months later, the woman asked her boyfriend about her preparations, and her boyfriend: I am married

It's been a long time since I've seen my sister, and in the originally warm family, her absence makes this harmony particularly shocking.

The family also began to deliberately avoid talking about my sister in order to cover up this pain point, which made me feel as if she had become an "outcast" in the family, and her pain could only become a shadow in everyone's hearts.

Until one day, I happened to learn a shocking news - my brother-in-law actually cheated! This news shocked the whole family, especially for my mother, it was like a bolt from the blue.

The woman asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and three months later, the woman asked her boyfriend about her preparations, and her boyfriend: I am married

My sister never came home, and my brother-in-law was nowhere to be found. Some of everyone's previous affection has become a well-known laughing stock and ridicule.

A series of quarrels and cold wars began at home, grandma began to be angry with her mother, and her mother spoke coldly to her father.

And I can only watch all this, feeling pain and helplessness.

The woman asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and three months later, the woman asked her boyfriend about her preparations, and her boyfriend: I am married

At home, I seem to see the truth hidden under the harmony of the family: family affection is important, but it can also be the most hurtful.

May my sister and the whole family be able to find their own happiness.

The woman asked for a bride price of 800,000 yuan, and three months later, the woman asked her boyfriend about her preparations, and her boyfriend: I am married