
Taiwanese gangster Chen Qili: I would rather be managed by the mainland than let Taiwan be taken away by outsiders

author:Ink History

In the early morning in Taipei, the sun shines through the clouds and sprinkles on the busy streets. A hearse slowly drove in, shattering the tranquility of the city. In front, more than a dozen BMWs opened the road, and in the back, more than a dozen Mercedes-Benzes cut off the road. This huge scene makes people can't help but sigh. In the crowd, there were reporters, policemen, and citizens who were silently watching. They are all witnessing the end of an era - the death of Taiwanese gangster Chen Qili.

Taiwanese gangster Chen Qili: I would rather be managed by the mainland than let Taiwan be taken away by outsiders

Chen Qili, a name, a legend. His life was full of controversy and color, but his death put an end to it all. Taiwan's major media have reported on this incident, and people have been talking about the life and deeds of this legendary figure. However, in these reports and discussions, there is one voice that stands out - that is, the "one-China principle" that Chen Qili adheres to.

Taiwanese gangster Chen Qili: I would rather be managed by the mainland than let Taiwan be taken away by outsiders

This principle has never wavered in Chen Qili's life. He once said: "I would rather be controlled by the Communist Party than let Taiwan be taken away by outsiders." This sentence not only expresses his deep feelings for the motherland, but also shows his firm position. However, this stance has been criticized and disgusted by some party insiders. They saw Chen Qili's insistence as a provocation and insult to them. However, Chen Qili has never changed his mind, and he has always firmly believed in the concept of "one China".

So, why did Chen Qili adhere to the "one-China principle" so much? This also starts with his family background and life experience.

Chen Qili was born in Guang'an, Sichuan, to a wealthy merchant family. His father was well-known in the local area and was inextricably linked to the Nationalist government. However, with the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the outbreak of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the Chen family was forced to relocate to Keelung, Taiwan Province. At that time, Chen Qili was only six years old. He had to adapt to this unfamiliar environment and start a new life.

A few years later, the Chen family moved to Taipei City. Here, Chen Qili received a good education. His father was very strict with him, and the traditional concept of "filial piety under the stick" was fully embodied in him. However, it is this strict education method that has made Chen Qili form a strong sense of national identity and family and country feelings.

Taiwan, considered the "temporary capital" by the Kuomintang government, is full of strangeness and unease for people who have migrated from the mainland. Chen Qili, a teenager born in Guang'an, Sichuan, also came to Taiwan in this wave of migration. When he first arrived, he experienced a lot of bullying because of humility and patience in his bones. However, this patience did not bring him peace, but only made the bullies even worse.

Taiwanese gangster Chen Qili: I would rather be managed by the mainland than let Taiwan be taken away by outsiders

On his way out of school, Chen Qili was stopped by a middle school student and asked for money. He refused to hand it over, but was violently attacked by bricks and returned home with his head broken and bleeding. At that moment, he vowed not to let anyone bully him again. In order to protect himself, he began to fight back, gathered a group of younger brothers, and turned from a victim to a perpetrator. Not only did he fight against bullying, but he also started collecting protection money. As a teenager, with his ruthlessness and wisdom, he became the boss of the school.

As his fame grew, he caught the attention of the Taiwanese Zhonghe Gang. They invited Chen Qili to join, and he agreed without hesitation. In order to improve his status, he also worshipped Sun Depei as a teacher. Sun Depei is also from other provinces and appreciates Chen Qili. With the help of Sun Depei, Chen Qili took the position of senior brother with means and wisdom.

However, there are many people who are popular. Chen's rise has caused envy and ostracism among others. They framed and excluded him, forcing him to leave the Zhonghe Gang and return to the days of fighting alone. Not long after, Sun Depei was imprisoned for fighting with a firearm, which affected the survival of the Zhonghe Gang. The other brothers all ran away and re-established the "Bamboo Union Gang". At this time, they remembered Chen Qili and hoped that he would come back to preside over the overall situation.

Chen Qili agreed to their request and promised to lead everyone to "live a good life". Under his leadership, the Bamboo Union Gang rose rapidly and controlled the entire southern part of Taiwan in just six years. His wisdom and methods are the envy of those veteran gangsters. Moreover, Chen Qili is a righteous person and takes great care of his brothers, so he has a high reputation. At the age of 20, he had already sat in the first position of the Bamboo Union Gang.

As the boss of the gang, Chen Qili began to establish an intra-gang system, and operated in accordance with the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty. His leadership and wisdom have made the Bamboo Union Gang one of the biggest gangs in Taiwan. Under his leadership, the Bamboo Union Gang not only made a name for itself in the gangster world, but also got involved in many legitimate businesses.

Taiwanese gangster Chen Qili: I would rather be managed by the mainland than let Taiwan be taken away by outsiders

During the period when Chen Qili led the Bamboo Union Gang, he formulated and executed

A series of gang policies have been implemented, which have played an important role in the development and operation of the Bamboo Union Gang. Here are some additions to Chan's gang policy:

  1. Strict Organizational Discipline: Chen Qili attaches great importance to organizational discipline within the gang, and he emphasizes that members must obey orders and abide by the gang rules. He ensured order and stability within the gang by formulating detailed gang rules and punishments.
  2. Violent Expansion: Chen Qili believes that only through violent means can the Bamboo Union Gang quickly expand its sphere of influence. He encouraged members to use violent means to fight against competitors and fight for territory and resources. This strategy of violent expansion led to the rapid rise of the Bamboo Union Gang in a short period of time.
  3. Distribution of benefits: Chen Qili attaches great importance to the distribution of interests within the gang. He ensures a balance of interests among members by setting up various reward and punishment mechanisms. At the same time, he also focused on his contacts with the political and business circles to seek more economic benefits for the gang.
  4. Talent training: Chen Qili attaches great importance to the cultivation and selection of talents. He set up various training mechanisms and selection procedures to select outstanding members to enter the core of the gang. At the same time, he also encouraged members to improve their abilities through learning Xi and practice.
  5. Cooperation and Struggle with Other Gangs: Chan focuses on both cooperation and struggle in his relationship with other gangs. He defends the interests and status of the Bamboo Union Gang by forming alliances or fighting with other gangs. At the same time, he is also good at using political and economic means to influence the decision-making of other gangs.
  6. International development: With the continuous growth of the Bamboo Union Gang, Chen Qili began to seek international development. He expanded the international influence of the Bamboo Union Gang by establishing contacts with overseas Chinese communities. At the same time, he is also actively involved in international criminal activities, such as drug trafficking and smuggling.

These policies were effectively implemented under the leadership of Chen Qili, and the Bamboo Union Gang quickly rose to become one of the largest provincial gangs in Taiwan in a short period of time. However, these policies have also brought many negative effects, such as violent crime, social unrest, etc.

"Gangnam Case"

On October 15, 1984, gunshots rang out in San Francisco's Chinatown, and Taiwanese writer Liu Yiliang (pen name "Jiangnan") was shot dead in his apartment. Liu Yiliang is the author of "The Biography of Chiang Ching-kuo", which has attracted widespread attention and controversy in Taiwan. Chen Qili is the leader of Taiwan's Bamboo Union Gang and has close ties with Taiwan's political circles.

Taiwanese gangster Chen Qili: I would rather be managed by the mainland than let Taiwan be taken away by outsiders

After the assassination, the US police immediately launched an investigation and finally confirmed the identity of the murderers as Chen Qili and his two subordinates, Wu Dun and Dong Guisen. The three men were allegedly flown from Taiwan to San Francisco to carry out the assassination. They rented a house near Liu Yiliang's apartment in advance and carried out a long period of surveillance and preparation.

On October 15, Wu Dun and Dong Guisen entered Liu Yiliang's apartment and to

He fired several shots, resulting in Liu Yiliang's death on the spot. Subsequently, the two fled the scene and returned to Taiwan with Chen Qili.

Taiwanese gangster Chen Qili: I would rather be managed by the mainland than let Taiwan be taken away by outsiders

This incident has aroused widespread concern in the international community, especially the US Government's exertion of pressure on the Taiwan side to extradite Chen Qili and others to the United States for trial. However, the Taiwanese side rejected the request and launched its own investigation.

During the investigation, Taiwanese police found an audio tape recorded by Chen Qili, which involved the names and code names of Taiwanese intelligence officers. The tape became one of the key pieces of evidence in the case, confirming the involvement of Taiwanese intelligence agents in the assassination.

As the investigation deepened, the Taiwanese government began to take action. On January 10, 1985, Chiang Ching-kuo ordered the arrest of Wang Xiling, director of the National Defense Secrecy Bureau, Hu Yimin, deputy director, and Chen Humen, director of the National Defense Bureau. These men are accused of being behind the assassination.

Taiwanese gangster Chen Qili: I would rather be managed by the mainland than let Taiwan be taken away by outsiders

At the same time, Chen Qili and Wu Dun were also arrested and put on trial. During the trial, they confessed to their crimes and expressed their willingness to take responsibility. In the end, Chen Qili and Wu Dun were sentenced to life imprisonment and deprivation of public power for life, while Dong Guisen absconded overseas and was arrested in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and extradited to the United States for trial and sentenced to 27 years in prison.

In 1988, the iron door slowly opened, and Chen Qili walked out of the shadow of prison. The Taiwan in front of him is no longer what he remembers. The shadow of Kuomintang corruption hung over the land, and he felt a chill in his heart. He understood that if he wanted to find a glimmer of life for the future of the Bamboo Union Gang and Taiwan, he had to change completely.

Taiwanese gangster Chen Qili: I would rather be managed by the mainland than let Taiwan be taken away by outsiders

The Bamboo Union Gang used to be his glory and his burden. But now, he has decided to lead the gang down a new path, moving from the shady corners of the gang to the legal business realm. He endured humiliation and built his business empire one step at a time, from entertainment to real estate, with businesses spread across Southeast Asia.

However, the Taiwan authorities did not let him go because of his change. Wanted notices were everywhere, and Chen Qili knew that he could no longer gain a foothold in Taiwan. With his family and loyal men, he embarked on a journey to Cambodia. In this strange land, he relied on his wisdom and courage to write a legend again.

With a prosperous business, when facing the cameras of mainland media, he always proudly declared: "I am a Chinese, and Taiwan and the mainland are forever inseparable." He proved the weight of this sentence with his actions. Not only has he won the honor of "Prince" in Cambodia, but also brought prosperity and employment opportunities to the local area through his own enterprises.

In 2000, fate played a joke on Chen Qili again. A sudden stroke cost him almost everything. But he was unwilling to give up and insisted on going to Thailand for treatment. After struggling on the brink of life and death, he chose Hong Kong as his last refuge. There, his body gradually recovered, but his heart was always concerned about the motherland.

In 2007, Chen Qili finally embarked on a journey to Beijing. Standing on the land of the capital, he looked at the great rivers and mountains, and his heart was full of love and pride for the motherland. He longed to witness the moment when the five-star red flag was raised at the 2008 Olympic Games, but fate did not give him this opportunity. He passed away of pancreatic cancer in Hong Kong in October 2007.

After the news of Chen Qili's death broke, tens of thousands of people spontaneously came to mourn, and his influence can be seen. Even fifteen years after his death, his patriotic spirit still burns in people's hearts. His subordinates inherited his legacy, and the "one-China principle" became their unchanging belief.

Taiwanese gangster Chen Qili: I would rather be managed by the mainland than let Taiwan be taken away by outsiders

On August 3, 2023, 74-year-old Zhang Anle stood on the streets of Taiwan wearing the national flag and singing "Great China". Hundreds of people followed his footsteps and sang along with his voice, and this shocking scene is a continuation of Chen Qili's patriotic spirit and the common aspiration of countless people who are looking forward to the reunification of the motherland.

Taiwanese gangster Chen Qili: I would rather be managed by the mainland than let Taiwan be taken away by outsiders

"I want to be a Chinese," Zhang Anle said in an interview, as if through time and space, intertwined with Chen Qili's voice, echoing in the ears of every "wanderer" who longs for the reunification of the motherland. In the near future, I hope that Taiwan, this lost "child", can truly return to the arms of its mother and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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