
How to choose brand tiles and miscellaneous tiles? The decoration master will give you 6 purchase suggestions, and you can easily save 30,000 yuan

author:Then and then

Walking into the tile market, colorful products are full of eyes, and the dazzling selection is dizzying. As we all know, ceramic tiles are not only an important part of home decoration, but also the key to reflect the owner's taste and style. If you are in the whirlpool of renovation, then follow in my footsteps and let's uncover the secrets behind the purchase of ceramic tiles. Without further ado, let's start with the place of origin. You may never have noticed that the origin of a tile has a decisive impact on its quality. Guangdong and Shandong, these two names represent the two major production areas of mainland ceramic tiles. But do you know the difference between them? Guangdong tiles are famous for the high quality of glaze and density, and the price is relatively high. However, for many newcomers to decorating, such details are often elusive. Here are the tips - the next time you walk into the tile shop, you may wish to ask the merchant the specific origin and manufacturer of the tile, so that you can not only get more real information, but also appear more professional. Next, let's talk about branding – a topic that people love and hate at the same time. Yes, brands tend to mean higher prices. But if you think about it, is the extra cost really worth it? I'm telling you, don't go overboard with the big names.

How to choose brand tiles and miscellaneous tiles? The decoration master will give you 6 purchase suggestions, and you can easily save 30,000 yuan

In fact, the purchase price of 70-80 yuan per tile is enough. After all, once the tile is installed in place, how many people will ask about its brand? color, which is a factor that can affect the whole home atmosphere. In a home with a large area of tiling, the importance of color choice is self-evident. Have you ever thought about taking a look at someone else's home environment or listening to the advice of a professional designer before you get started? Of course, we can't ignore functionality – the anti-slip function is a perfect example. Imagine a kitchen and bathroom where tiles are too slippery if the tiles are too slippery. When choosing tiles, non-slip performance must be put in the first place, and the safety of your family must not be sloppy. Finally, let's talk about what everyone cares about – bargaining skills. Many people may have concerns about bargaining, but in the tile market, this is definitely a must-have skill. Tell you, the price of tiles often has a lot of moisture, especially those new tiles, you can try to cut half the price, and the special items can be as low as two discounts.

How to choose brand tiles and miscellaneous tiles? The decoration master will give you 6 purchase suggestions, and you can easily save 30,000 yuan

Remember, haggling is an art, and every penny you save is earned by your hard work. Look, the choice of home decoration tiles is not an easy matter, it requires you to observe carefully and choose wisely. As long as you master these tips, you'll be able to reduce the burden on your wallet while ensuring quality. The road to renovation is full of ups and downs and challenges, but with these practical tips, I hope to make your journey smoother. Now, are you ready to pick your perfect tile? In the world of decoration, let's become more savvy together! Decoration is a big event that is both exciting and painstaking, especially for the owner of a new home, every detail wants to be perfect. And when it comes to decoration, the choice of tiles is undoubtedly one of the key points. Among the many tiles, there is one option that you may often overlook, and that is - special price tiles. It may sound like an appealing term, but is it really as good as you think? Let's find out the truth behind it. Tile brands will launch some special bricks in different periods, and many people think that there is a problem with the quality of these bricks, but in fact, they are not.

How to choose brand tiles and miscellaneous tiles? The decoration master will give you 6 purchase suggestions, and you can easily save 30,000 yuan

Usually these special bricks are only because the design of the décor is slightly outdated, or the brand wants to introduce new styles, so there will be such clearance treatment. And in this, in fact, there is a little secret hidden to save money in decoration. Imagine that when you are decorating a new house, if you can buy a bargain brick with the same quality as the new one at a lower price, does that mean that you can save a lot of budget on the decoration? Of course, there is a little trick here, that is, don't rush to place an order. What you need to do is: stop for a while, take a deep breath, and then guide the buyer to ask in detail the reason for dealing with the bargain bricks. Sometimes the bargain bricks may have some minor flaws, or they may be in a hurry to deal with them because of warehouse stock problems, and by understanding the reasons, you can decide if the deal really meets your needs. Here, I would like to share a little personal story. Once, in the process of my own renovation, I encountered a big promotion of special bricks. At that time, I was entangled in my heart, because I always had a trace of doubt about the word "special". Still, I decided to check it out, and it turned out that these tiles were only due to the fact that a certain collection was about to be discontinued, and the brand needed to vacate the warehouse for new models.

How to choose brand tiles and miscellaneous tiles? The decoration master will give you 6 purchase suggestions, and you can easily save 30,000 yuan

I inspected the tiles on the spot and found no problems, and immediately felt that I had found treasure. Eventually, I was able to buy the tiles at a price well below the market price, and the money I saved was enough to buy a set of furniture that I had been dreaming of for a long time. This made me deeply realize that bargain bricks not only have the potential to be super cost-effective, but also in decoration, it can be a money-saving secret that cannot be ignored. In this process, I also summed up several details that need to be paid attention to when purchasing ceramic tiles, hoping to provide some reference and help for friends who are also on the journey of decoration. Some friends may say that these are small things, but on the road of decoration, every little bit of savings may become the result of your careful budget. Of course, choosing a bargain brick is only one of the many decoration details. In practice, we also need to consider the texture, color, size, style and other aspects of the tiles to ensure that the final decoration effect matches our dream home. And I found my own way of decoration in such a little bit of pondering. Now, I would like to share these experiences with you. Maybe you'll find new inspiration in my sharing, or find a money-saving tip that suits your situation.

How to choose brand tiles and miscellaneous tiles? The decoration master will give you 6 purchase suggestions, and you can easily save 30,000 yuan

Everyone who is about to embark on a renovation journey should have the opportunity to make the road smoother. I hope my words can be beneficial, if you have any good suggestions or additions, please leave a message in the comment area. I will reply one by one and discuss with you, after all, the road of decoration needs us to explore and improve together. Let's go further together on this seemingly ordinary, but can show personal taste and wisdom on the road of decoration.