
What is the difference between Japanese "calligraphy" and calligraphy?

author:It's Bo Yi Kao

Recently, the news of Japan's plan to inscribe "Shodo" on the World Heritage List has aroused widespread attention and controversy. As an important part of traditional Japanese culture, calligraphy has a long history and rich connotations, and is highly regarded. However, this inscription has sparked some controversy. #日本计划为 "Calligraphy" Inscription Leads to Controversy#

What is the difference between Japanese "calligraphy" and calligraphy?

First of all, there is a view that the inscription is a way to protect and pass on cultural heritage, and help more people understand and recognize this traditional culture. At the same time, there are also some people who believe that the purpose of applying for the World Heritage List is to maintain the uniqueness and national pride of Japanese culture, and to help enhance the country's cultural soft power. #Winter Life Check-in Season#

What is the difference between Japanese "calligraphy" and calligraphy?

However, there are also some people who are concerned about this. They believe that the inscription on the World Heritage List may make this traditional culture too commercialized and lose its original meaning and value. In addition, the inscription may also lead to the abuse and misuse of some cultural elements, and may even lead to cultural conflicts and contradictions.

What is the difference between Japanese "calligraphy" and calligraphy?

In my opinion, the inscription itself is not a problem, but a question of how to properly treat and pass on this traditional culture. While protecting and inheriting calligraphy, we should also pay attention to the excavation and inheritance of its cultural connotation, and avoid treating it simply as a commercial tool or cultural symbol. At the same time, we should also respect the cultures and traditions of other countries and avoid cultural conflicts and contradictions.

What is the difference between Japanese "calligraphy" and calligraphy?

As a culture lover, I believe that culture is the wealth of all mankind and should be widely shared and Xi. Although Japanese "calligraphy" is a very distinctive form of culture, we should respect the diversity of all cultures and should not limit them to our own country. #Record my life##See the world#

What is the difference between Japanese "calligraphy" and calligraphy?

In addition, the Chinese government and people in cultural circles have expressed strong dissatisfaction and opposition to Japan's plan to inscribe "Shodo" on the World Heritage List. They believe that this kind of behavior is plagiarism and infringement of Chinese culture and is unacceptable. At the same time, many Chinese believe that Japan's cultural heritage should belong to the entire Asian people, not just Japan.

What is the difference between Japanese "calligraphy" and calligraphy?

In fact, everyone knows that China's "calligraphy" has been successfully inscribed on the World Heritage List as early as 2009. Based on the fact that Japanese "calligraphy" and Chinese calligraphy belong to the same vein, the purpose of Japan's application for the World Heritage Site this time even made Japanese netizens a little confused.

What is the difference between Japanese "calligraphy" and calligraphy?

I also saw that some netizens supported the "calligraphy" inscription, and the foothold was the chaos of domestic calligraphy. Many calligraphy works are like "graffiti", and you don't feel the beauty of art at all.

What is the difference between Japanese "calligraphy" and calligraphy?

In short, inscription is a way to protect and pass on cultural heritage, but we should treat and pass on this traditional culture correctly, and avoid treating it simply as a commercial tool or cultural symbol. #Headline Creation Challenge##Comment Idea Contest##Let's do some dry goods#

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