
Shanghai Port robbed the local big fish, once stayed in Europe, Luneng and Shenhua stared greedily!

author:Brother Liu talks about sports

Title: Shanghai Port robbed the local big fish, once stayed in Europe, Luneng and Shenhua stared greedily!


Shanghai SIPG recently managed to snatch a homegrown fish from the mouths of Jinan Luneng and Shanghai Shenhua, a player who spent time in Europe and has now returned to the Chinese Super League to show his strength. SIPG's bold move surprised people, and also set off an uproar in the Chinese Super League.

Shanghai Port robbed the local big fish, once stayed in Europe, Luneng and Shenhua stared greedily!

Who is the identity of this local big fish? He is Li Minghai, who is only 27 years old! Li Minghai, who has played in Europe for many years, has now returned to the Chinese Super League and joined the Shanghai Port team. After this news came out, many football fans cheered for it.

Lee Myung-hae is known for his excellent footwork and passing ability, which is why he is in the spotlight in European football. His return is undoubtedly a huge boost for SIPG, and it is also a major blow to Luneng and Shenhua. Luneng and Shenhua originally hoped to be able to take this local big fish into their pockets, but they were snatched away by SIPG in one fell swoop. Such a strong action has undoubtedly made people have higher expectations for SIPG.

Shanghai Port robbed the local big fish, once stayed in Europe, Luneng and Shenhua stared greedily!

SIPG FC said they are very happy with the addition of Li Minghai and believe that he will bring unlimited possibilities to the team. SIPG has always adhered to the strategy of introducing excellent local players, and the successful signing of Li Minghai this time has drawn a strong stroke on their strategic goals.

Li Minghai himself also said that it was a great honor to return to the Chinese Super League and join a giant team like SIPG. He admits that this is his dream and goal all along, and he will do his best to contribute to the team. His return has undoubtedly injected new vitality and passion into the Chinese Super League, and it is believed that his performance will become a topic of conversation among fans.

Shanghai Port robbed the local big fish, once stayed in Europe, Luneng and Shenhua stared greedily!

For Luneng and Shenhua, it is undoubtedly a big pity that they missed the addition of a local powerful player. But in football, winning and losing are the norm, and they should adjust their mentality in time to look for other opportunities and options.

SIPG's successful operation to snatch the local big fish from the mouths of Luneng and Shenhua made the entire Chinese Super League boil again. Fans are discussing the event and eagerly anticipating the new season. It is believed that with the help of Li Minghai, SIPG will achieve more outstanding results in future competitions and dedicate wonderful games to fans.


The news that SIPG successfully snatched the local big fish Li Minghai from Luneng and Shenhua caused a sensation. The return of the player, who had stayed in Europe, is of great significance for SIPG, and it is also a major blow to Luneng and Shenhua. The addition of Li Minghai will inject new vitality and excitement into the Chinese Super League, and fans are full of expectations for his performance. SIPG's bold move once again demonstrates their determination and strength to bring in excellent local players, and also makes the competition in the entire Chinese Super League more intense, making people full of expectations for the new season.