
The turbofan-15 gave up vector thrust, why didn't the J-20 want it? The chief engineer bluntly said: This is not the battle that is being fought

author:Genki sesame sauce QLD

Title: The J-20 Fighter: The Evolution and Future of the Pinnacle of China's Aviation Technology

The turbofan-15 gave up vector thrust, why didn't the J-20 want it? The chief engineer bluntly said: This is not the battle that is being fought

Introduction: In the field of modern military aviation, the J-20 fighter has become the sharp knife of the Chinese Air Force with its excellent stealth performance and advanced technical characteristics. This article will delve into the development of this world-class fighter, its technical highlights, and its impact on the future of warfare.

The turbofan-15 gave up vector thrust, why didn't the J-20 want it? The chief engineer bluntly said: This is not the battle that is being fought

Text: As the global military balance continues to change, countries are accelerating the modernization of their aviation forces. China's J-20 fighter, as a fifth-generation stealth fighter, has attracted much attention since its birth. The aircraft is not only a symbol of independent innovation in China's national defense science and technology, but also a key step in the field of high-end aviation equipment.

The turbofan-15 gave up vector thrust, why didn't the J-20 want it? The chief engineer bluntly said: This is not the battle that is being fought

From the power system to the combat platform, the J-20 was designed with future combat needs in mind. It is equipped with a turbofan engine with a high thrust ratio, which gives the aircraft excellent supersonic cruise speed and fast reaction ability. This choice of engine shows how well designers consider balancing factors such as speed, durability and maintenance costs.

The turbofan-15 gave up vector thrust, why didn't the J-20 want it? The chief engineer bluntly said: This is not the battle that is being fought

When talking about stealth technology, we have to mention that the J-20 uses composite materials and a well-designed aerodynamic layout to reduce the radar cross-sectional area (RCS). By optimizing the surface structure and coating materials of the aircraft, the J-20 achieves low detectability, a feature that is crucial in the modern electronic battlefield.

The turbofan-15 gave up vector thrust, why didn't the J-20 want it? The chief engineer bluntly said: This is not the battle that is being fought

In addition to this, vector thrust technology was once seen as a key means of enhancing maneuverability. However, after weighing the benefits and costs, the J-20 did not ultimately adopt this technology. Behind this decision, the designer's precise calculation of the combat environment and actual needs, as well as the wise choice of predicting the future combat mode.

The turbofan-15 gave up vector thrust, why didn't the J-20 want it? The chief engineer bluntly said: This is not the battle that is being fought

Of course, when evaluating such a complex system, we must also take into account aspects such as information fusion and sensor networks. The J-20 is equipped with multiple advanced sensors and integrates electronic systems for information sharing and decision support. This concept of network-centric warfare meets the requirements of the digital battlefield of the future.

The turbofan-15 gave up vector thrust, why didn't the J-20 want it? The chief engineer bluntly said: This is not the battle that is being fought

Looking forward to the future, as cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum communication gradually penetrate into the military field, it is expected that the J-20 will continue to upgrade and improve, and will open up new combat methods while maintaining its core competitiveness.

The turbofan-15 gave up vector thrust, why didn't the J-20 want it? The chief engineer bluntly said: This is not the battle that is being fought

Summary: Through the combination of factual data and in-depth analysis, we can clearly see that the J-20 is not only a milestone product of China's aviation industry, but also a proof of China's wisdom and strength in the field of global military aviation. With the passage of time and technological development, we have reason to believe that the J-20 will continue to evolve and play an important role in the volatile and challenging security environment in the future.