
After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

author:Touching love poems
After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

Today is an uneventful day, and my wife and I are busy at home. Suddenly, the phone rang, and I picked it up, but it was a distant relative I hadn't contacted for many years, and he hurriedly told me that my uncle had an accident while he was out and was now lying paralyzed in the hospital.

When I heard the news, my wife and I immediately felt heavy. My uncle was one of my closest elders when I was a child, and he used to give me a lot of help and encouragement when I was growing up.

In desperation, my wife and I decided to visit my uncle in the hospital to see how he was doing. In this way, we hurried to the hospital, and along the way I kept silently thinking in my heart, hoping that my uncle would survive this hurdle and recover soon.

After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

When I entered the ward, I saw my uncle pale, slumped on the bed, his eyes closed motionless. His son was anxiously walking back and forth, and several distant relatives beside him were anxiously looking at his uncle, and my heart ached.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?" I cautiously walked over and called softly. Uncle opened his eyes and saw that it was me, and there was a smile of relief in his eyes.

"Son, you're here......" The uncle's voice was a little low, full of helplessness and decadence.

After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

"Shuxin, thank you for ......," the uncle choked as he said.

At this moment, I felt an indescribable sadness and helplessness. I remembered the warmth and care that my uncle gave me when I was a child, and I suddenly felt that my uncle was like a character that I had neglected for a long time, and I had never been filial to him properly and treated him like a relative.

At this time, I made up my mind that no matter what happened in the future, I would not have children to support me when I was old. In order not to cause conflicts and disputes in our families, my wife and I decided that we should take good care of ourselves in the future and not cause trouble to our children.

After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

Just as my wife and I were in high spirits and decided to take care of ourselves, a new conflict crept in.

One day, I was sitting in the living room watching TV when I suddenly heard a rushing noise coming from my house. I hurriedly ran to the bedroom, only to see my wife lying on the ground, holding her headache and crying.

"What's going on?" I asked.

After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

The wife trembled and said, "I received a call just now, it was from the hospital, saying that the eldest sister had a car accident last night and needed emergency surgery......"

My heart tightened, the eldest sister is my wife's own sister, and she is also the elder whom I respect very much. Hearing the news, my wife and I immediately decided to go to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, the eldest sister was undergoing surgery in the operating room. We waited anxiously outside, every minute as long as a thousand years had passed.

After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

Although the surgery was successful, the eldest sister needed a long period of rehabilitation and treatment.

In the hospital, I noticed that my wife's attitude had changed a bit, she was cold to me, and even sometimes lost her temper for no reason.

However, this went on for a long time, and I began to feel overwhelmed.

After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

One night, I couldn't stand my wife's attitude, so I couldn't help but ask, "Yun'er, what's wrong with you lately, why are you always impatient and short-tempered with me?"

The wife was silent for a while, and finally spoke: "Shuxin, there are so many accidents in our family, I feel that my own ability to bear is almost at the limit, and I feel that the whole family has fallen into a bottomless pit."

I looked at my wife in amazement, her usually gentle and kind image seemed so fragile at the moment. I deeply felt her pain and helplessness, and an indescribable feeling of guilt welled up in my heart.

After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

"Yun'er, I'm sorry, I didn't realize your feelings before, I was too selfish. We have to face life well and adjust our emotions well, so that we can take better care of everyone and take care of ourselves.

My wife finally smiled when she listened to me, and she held my hand tightly to show understanding and tolerance.

At this time, I clearly realized that the conflicts and disputes in the family all come from everyone's concern and love for each other, and only on the basis of such emotions can we better resolve the conflicts and get out of the predicament.

After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

Just when my wife and I were determined not to cause trouble to our children anymore, a new contradiction arose. My younger brother suddenly offered to take my uncle into our home to take care of him, but my wife and I were skeptical.

"If this continues, not only will our freedom be restricted, but it may not be good for the uncle. "I was honest with my brother about my concern.

"Don't you let Uncle live in your house?" the younger brother was a little angry. "He is a relative, and now that we need us, we should do our best to help him.

After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

But I didn't agree because I felt that it would be unfair to Uncle and us to do so. I raised the argument and did not want more unnecessary contradictions and disputes to occur in the future.

This dispute caused a rift in the relationship between my brother and me. I began to feel that my brother had changed, he had become selfish, only caring about his own emotions and responsibilities, but he had not thought about the future conflicts between my uncle and us.

When my family disagreed, my wife and I fell into silence and thought. I didn't know what to do, and I was entangled in the conflicts of my family.

After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

With this in mind, my wife and I returned home. I began to change my life Xi, insisted on fitness and exercise every day, and began to pay attention to nutrition in my diet.

However, life is often full of unpredictable uncertainties.

Soon after, I learned that my cousin and my cousin had a business dispute that had led to family conflicts. The quarrel between them intensified day by day, and eventually everyone in the family knew about it.

After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

I remembered the helpless feeling of my uncle when he was in trouble, and I knew that family conflicts were an invisible torture for everyone.

I decided that, like my uncle, no matter how time passed, I couldn't let family conflicts become a burden that troubled my children.

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After seeing the real life of the paralyzed uncle, my wife and I decided: we don't want children to support us when we are old

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