
Dong Zhuo is not assassinated by Lu Bu, what will be his end in the end?

author:There are kun in the north that can fly into the sky

When Lu Bu held Fang Tian's halberd and stabbed at Dong Zhuo, if he didn't react at the critical moment, then the situation in history would be rewritten.

Dong Zhuo is not assassinated by Lu Bu, what will be his end in the end?

Dong Zhuo was able to survive, which gave him more time to think and plan, so what will be his final outcome?

Dong Zhuo, after Lu Bu's assassination attempt, quickly realized that his life was threatened. He decided to take more radical and decisive measures to protect his position and power.

First of all, Dong Zhuo decided to further consolidate his power.

He mobilized his soldiers and strengthened his control over various places, especially the Jingshi. He ordered the training of the army and security forces to be strengthened to ensure that his power was more solid.

Dong Zhuo also carefully arranged his palace, placed the important people around him in the closest place to him, and also began to set up a strict spy network in order to monitor the movements of all parties.

He realized that without a reliable intelligence channel, he would not be able to maintain his position.

Politically, Dong Zhuo continued to take a series of radical moves.

He implemented a series of reform policies in an attempt to change the corruption in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. He cracked down on corrupt officials, abolished some old reactionary laws, and introduced new policies to improve the lives of the people.

In addition, Dong Zhuo is also actively making arrangements in diplomacy.

Dong Zhuo is not assassinated by Lu Bu, what will be his end in the end?

He sent envoys to various countries to solicit foreign aid, and through diplomatic means, established good relations with some powerful princes. In this way, he will be able to get certain guarantees against external threats.

However, despite a series of measures, Dong Zhuo's rule was not widely recognized and supported.

His heavy-handed methods and violent behavior have made many people resentful of him, and his policies have failed to solve the root causes of society's problems. As a result, he is still under threat from all sides.

Finally, in an accidental fire, Dong Zhuo's palace burned down, and he also lost his life in the chaos.

His death had a profound impact on the historical development of the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

Although his reign ended, the chaos he left behind plunged the entire country into further turmoil and division.

This chaos spread throughout the Eastern Han court, eventually leading to the fall of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the advent of the Three Kingdoms era.

Dong Zhuo's fate may be similar to that of history, and although he was not assassinated by Lü Bu, his ambition and strong rule eventually led to his own demise.

His series of radical measures, while seemingly effective, did not solve social problems, but instead provoked more opposition.

Dong Zhuo is not assassinated by Lu Bu, what will be his end in the end?

In the long river of history, Dong Zhuo will always be regarded as a representative of the corruption of power and the connivance of violence, and his ending has become a classic tragedy of the ministers.