
They were one of the most ferocious soldiers in history, and they were able to defeat ten with one

author:Lucky dog

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, there was a special force known as the "Iron Cavalry", one of the most ferocious soldiers in history. After strict selection and training, they are able to fight with one enemy and ten, and they are good at fighting both in offensive and defensive battles and in the mountains and forests. They were not only able to defend their homes and defend the country, but also greatly influenced the development and historical process of the Ming Dynasty.

They were one of the most ferocious soldiers in history, and they were able to defeat ten with one

The establishment of the "Iron Cavalry" can be traced back to the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. In the process of seizing the world, Zhu Yuanzhang needs an elite army that can win a surprise victory in the war. So, he began to select strong soldiers from all over the country, conduct specialized military training, and specified a strict system and discipline.

This unit was originally called the "Odd Soldiers", and gradually evolved into the "Iron Cavalry". The origin of this name is closely related to the actual combat equipment they use. The weapons and equipment carried by the Iron Cavalry are all top-notch, sharper and more compact than the weapons of ordinary soldiers. And their equipment is made of the most precious iron. These iron-clad coats and iron riding spears, iron horse packets and saddles, are also signs of material abundance.

Compared with Confucian training, the training of iron cavalry emphasizes actual combat. Soldiers need to navigate through different terrains, rock climbing, diving, and skydiving. At the same time, they must also learn a variety Xi of tactics and skills, including horsemanship, horsemanship, bows, knives and guns, and assassination. The soldiers of the Iron Cavalry must have a certain level of literacy, which also enables them to receive more advanced training and transfer of skills.

They were one of the most ferocious soldiers in history, and they were able to defeat ten with one

During the training, the Iron Riders formed a highly cohesive team. Soldiers need not only mutual assistance and cooperation, but also mutual trust and loyalty. Whether it is in ordinary daily life or on the battlefield, the soldiers of the Iron Cavalry can join hands to charge into battle and fight and celebrate in difficult situations.

The performance of the Iron Rider is mentioned in many historical accounts. A soldier who later became a lieutenant was once surrounded by an enemy army. Without any assistance, he picked up his sword and gun, and did not give up in the midst of more than 200 enemies, fought bravely to kill the enemy, and finally survived. The soldier said that as a member of the Iron Cavalry, he had the consciousness that he would always stand and die.

When the Iron Rider first appeared on the battlefield, it was also very noticeable for its power and power. The Iron Knights are extremely endurance and endurance in battle, able to withstand long-term pressure, and able to fight their way through helpless and lone forces.

They were one of the most ferocious soldiers in history, and they were able to defeat ten with one

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