
One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

author:Elegant Kelly 0k0I

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One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

I have a good friend named Li Qiang, who is 42 years old and the vice principal of our school. He did a very good job and was awarded a senior title just a few days ago. We are all very happy for him.

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

On the morning of May 3rd, I was eating breakfast at home when my phone rang suddenly. I took a look, and it was a call from Zhang Xu, the director of the school office. At first, I wondered why he called me so early, but after answering it, Zhang Xu on the other side of the phone said in a very hurried tone: "Teacher, listen to me, Li Qiang has an accident!"

My hand shook, and I almost didn't hold my phone: "Li Qiang, what's going on?"

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

Zhang Xu said: "It's Li Qiang, he suddenly drowned while swimming in the river!"

"What?!" I felt like my mind went blank and couldn't believe what I was hearing for a long time. How could a physical education teacher like Li Qiang drown while swimming?

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

I didn't bother to eat breakfast, so I drove straight to the scene of the incident. It was a riverside not far from the back door of our school, and Li Qiang would often come here in the morning for a swim. But when I saw the cries of the police and Li Qiang's wife gathered by the river, I finally realized that this sudden change had indeed happened.

I stepped forward, Li Qiang's wife, Su Xiaozheng, was crying bitterly under the support of a policewoman, and I asked the policewoman softly: "What happened, why did Li Qiang suddenly drown?"

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

The policewoman is from our local area, I saw her come to the school to deal with things, her name is Sun Li, she knows my relationship with Li Qiang, she said to me: "Li Qiang came here alone in the morning to swim and exercise, but suddenly drowned, maybe it was a sudden cramp or other reasons, we don't know." ”

I patted her gently on the back, not knowing what to say to comfort her for a moment. Growing up with Li Qiang, I couldn't accept this sudden bad news at all. I gently hugged Su Xiao, and tears couldn't help but flow. Li Qiang, my good brother, my good classmate, how could he leave us so suddenly?

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

"Teacher, you say, what's wrong with Brother Qiang? He swims so well, why did he suddenly drown?" Su Xiao asked me with a sob.

"Maybe it's a cramp or something else. I tried to comfort myself, but I knew I was comforting myself more with what I said.

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

At this time, Officer Sun Li came up to me and said, "Mr. Li, you have such a good relationship with the victim, can you tell us in detail about the basic situation and interpersonal relationship of the victim? This will help us solve the case." ”

As we spoke, I noticed a figure emerging from behind the trees on the other side of the river, looking at us with a telescope in his hand. But when I looked again, the figure was gone.

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

The alarm bell sounded in my heart, and I hurriedly said to Sun Li: "It seems that someone is watching us on the other side of the river just now, and you send someone to check it." ”

Sun Li immediately ordered two police officers around her to cross the river and search. The two young officers quickly crossed the middle of the river and searched the trees opposite, but found nothing.

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

I knew I was absolutely not mistaken. Could it be that Li Qiang's death is not as simple as it seems?

Li Qiang's body was quickly recovered and transported to the morgue in an ambulance. We all left the scene as well. Officer Sun Li said that he would do his best to solve the case and asked me to contact her at any time if I found anything.

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

I was stunned, why did this person appear here again? Could it be that Li Qiang's death really had something to do with him?

I secretly observed the man, who was wearing a black trench coat, a hat and a mask, as if he had deliberately changed his appearance. Seeing me looking at him, he quickly turned and walked away quickly.

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

I immediately chased after him, and when I came to the back door of the cemetery, I saw him jump into a car, and the engine of the car was loud, and he immediately drove away. I couldn't catch up, I just remembered the license plate number.

This strengthened my belief that Li Qiang's death was not simple. I immediately called Officer Sun Li and told her what I had found and reported the license plate number to her.

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

"Master, I have written down the person you mentioned. The car was also checked for you, it was rented, and it was most likely a fake license plate. But don't worry, this is definitely an important clue, and I will definitely catch this guy!" Sun Li assured me on the phone.

Hanging up, I fell into a deep bewilderment. Who did Li Qiang offend, and why did they put Li Qiang to death?

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

A month later, there was finally a major breakthrough in Li Qiang's case. Sun Li asked me to go to the police station to record a confession. As soon as I entered the door, I saw yesterday's mysterious man and several accomplices handcuffed in the interrogation room. It turned out that these people were some lawbreakers investigated and dealt with during Li Qiang's previous work, and they had always held a grudge against Li Qiang. In revenge, they orchestrated this murder!

"It's this man! It's the man I've met twice!" I exclaimed, pointing at the man.

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

"Teacher, he ordered to kill Li Qiang. We have captured all of them, you can rest assured, Li Qiang's unjust case will soon be revealed!" Sun Li patted me on the shoulder and said.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the boulder that had been in my heart for a long time also fell to the ground. Li Qiang, your case will soon come to light, and your grievances will also be red I finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone that had been depressed in my heart for a long time also fell to the ground. Li Qiang, your case will soon come to light, and your grievances will also be red.

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

A few days later, the court held a trial on the murder of Li Qiang. The murderers have finally accepted the punishment they deserve. Li Qiang also entered another world and was able to rest in peace.

But at this moment, an even bigger bad news came, Su Xiao also committed suicide by throwing himself into the river at home!

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday

This tragedy taught the whole school Xi valuable lessons of life. Li Qiang and Su Xiao practiced their duty as human beings with their lives, and their lessons with blood inspired us to move forward without fear of difficulties.

At the memorial service presided over by the principal, the school announced that the school will set up the "Li Qiang Su Xiao Scholarship" to reward those poor students with excellent character and learning. They will also live forever in the memories of our teachers and students. Whenever I pass by Li Qiang's office, whenever I pass by the place where they once lived, I will silently wish: May they be happy and happy forever in heaven! Time flies, and it has been three years since Li Qiang and Su Xiao passed away in the blink of an eye. For three years, I have been reliving the bits and pieces of my life with them in my dreams. When I wake up in the morning, I often have tears on my pillow.

I often come to the graves of Li Qiang and Su Xiao, offer their favorite bouquets of flowers, and tell them about the events that have happened in the past few years. The teachers of the school have not forgotten them, and often organize students to come here to clean up and lay wreaths.

When I received a call from the school's logistics director, I hurried to see the signs of violent destruction in front of their graves. Bouquets of flowers were scattered all over the place, and a corner of the tombstone was shattered. The Director of Logistics and I looked at each other, and we couldn't figure out what anyone could do such a bad thing!

"Teacher, what do you say, who will do it? Could it be that the few murderers who killed them have escaped justice and want to take revenge?" The Commissioner speculated. I was also thinking about this possibility in my head.

We flanked from both sides, and found a middle-aged man covered in dirt in the bushes. Looking at his thief-eyed and brazen appearance, it is clear that he is a bad guy who came to rob the tomb!

"You stop me! dare to come and spoil the graves of our Teacher Li and Teacher Su, don't even think about leaving here alive!" The Commissioner and I grabbed him to the left and the right. This man was caught by us, and he even tried to quibble.

"Fuck you! Still want to quibble, call out all your comrades!" I grabbed the guy by the collar and asked loudly. This man looked at us so fiercely that he was so frightened that he confessed all his accomplices.

It turned out that it was a few penniless gangsters, and I heard that Li Qiang and Su Xiao were rich and invincible before their deaths It turned out that they were a few penniless gangsters, who heard that Li Qiang and Su Xiao were rich and rivaled the country before their deaths, and they wanted to come to their graves to dig treasures, but they searched through the tombs and found nothing. Enraged, they destroyed the tombs of the two men in an attempt to find the hidden treasure.

The director and I immediately handed over the group of people to the public security organs. A few days later, the court heard their case. These gangsters were finally sentenced to the punishment they deserved.

More than two years have passed since then, and it has been more than five years since Li Qiang and Su Xiao passed away. In order to commemorate them, the school specially held a grand memorial ceremony. Early in the morning, we went to the graves of Li Qiang and Su Xiao, laid wreaths, and organized all teachers and students to observe a minute of silence at the graves. Very touching scene.

After the memorial service, we went to Li Qiang's favorite riverside forest trail to taste his favorite tofu brain, and miss the time when we talked with him here. I know that Li Qiang's soul is among us, and he can finally rest in peace.

One of my classmates, who was only 42 years old, was a vice principal, had just been hired for a senior title, and suddenly left the day before yesterday