
Millet is a traditional Chinese medicine! With it is a must, you can sleep on the bed, and the fire does not hurt the stomach

author:Dr. Hu of Chinese Medicine

In some places, millet porridge is called "substitute ginseng porridge", listen to this name, you will know how much to supplement, not only sweet and delicious, full, but also special health, especially after the millet porridge is boiled out to cool down, the layer of porridge oil formed on the surface is simply a supplement in the supplement!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the energy of the seeds is very large, the nourishing power is very strong, Li Shizhen said millet: cooking porridge and eating Yidantian, replenishing deficiency, opening the stomach and intestines, can "benefit Dantian, replenish deficiency, open the stomach", millet has multiple effects, the focus is to replenish deficiency, regulate the stomach, sleep, tonify the kidney and spleen, remove heat and detoxification;

Millet is a traditional Chinese medicine! With it is a must, you can sleep on the bed, and the fire does not hurt the stomach

Here's an example of what Xiaomi can do:

In many places, it is popular to give children with diarrhea, as well as pregnant women who have just given birth to drink millet porridge, especially for pregnant women, plus a little brown sugar supplement, which can quickly restore physical strength and promote lactation;

It is said that traditional Chinese medicine is the first choice for body conditioning, such as there are many Chinese patent medicines to enhance the spleen and stomach, but there are still many people who do not like to take medicine, such as an aunt Wang who is in her 50s this year, has been menopausal for one or two years, feels riddled with incurable diseases, poor appetite, acid reflux, loose stools, especially sleep is not good, can't sleep, and the hospital can't find any clear problems;

Aunt Wang knows that Chinese medicine is well regulated, but she doesn't want to drink medicine, it is too bitter and troublesome, and when she hears the dietary therapy method of millet porridge, she insists on drinking a bowl of millet porridge every night, sometimes adding some longan, and after persisting for more than two months, she feels that many symptoms are much better, especially the quality of sleep has improved a lot, and she can sleep almost until dawn, which is very happy.

Because millet porridge has the effect of replenishing deficiency, the spleen and stomach are strong, the sleep is naturally sweet, and many strange and incurable diseases will disappear by themselves, so millet also has the effect of nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves;

Millet is a traditional Chinese medicine! With it is a must, you can sleep on the bed, and the fire does not hurt the stomach

There is a saying in our traditional Chinese medicine that "the age is more than half a hundred and the yin qi is half", which means that after the age of 50, the middle-aged and elderly people lose more than half of the yin essence and vitality, which is the law of nature, and it is appropriate to supplement and improve the quality of life and health.

Here are a few recommended dietary remedies for deficiency tonic and anti-aging:

Millet yellow essence wolfberry porridge, millet appropriate amount, yellow essence, wolfberry, this recipe uses millet to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and uses yellow essence and wolfberry to replenish the liver and kidney, and fill the essence, it can be said that the spleen and kidney are supplemented, and it has the dual effect of replenishing lean qi.

The method is also very simple, wash the yellow essence, cut it into small cubes, boil it into porridge with millet, and finally put in the clean wolfberry for 5 minutes and cook it before eating;

Millet sesame walnut paste, millet + black sesame + walnut kernel, this recipe Xiaobian thinks it is very delicious, you can first break the black sesame seeds and walnuts into powder, cook porridge together, and take it together, it can also supplement the spleen and kidney, especially strengthen the function of tonifying the kidney;

Millet brown sugar porridge, suitable for lack of qi and blood, millet + brown sugar in an appropriate amount, put it in a clay pot to cook porridge together, the taste is great, especially suitable for people who are weak, postpartum weak, and lack of qi and blood;

For people with weak spleen and stomach and qi deficiency, it is recommended to have a spleen and stomach diet prescription: use an appropriate amount of millet, add iron stick yam powder, astragalus, and lotus root powder, and cook them together.

You can also only use millet + yam powder and cook it into a paste, which is especially suitable for children's recuperation and indigestion;

Millet longan porridge, with an appropriate amount of millet, plus a few longan, especially suitable for those who have insomnia, forgetfulness, dizziness and palpitations, can nourish the heart, spleen and blood, calm the nerves, and make you sleep more and more soundly;

Millet is a traditional Chinese medicine! With it is a must, you can sleep on the bed, and the fire does not hurt the stomach

There are also some people who are easy to get angry, you might as well eat millet mung bean porridge, put less mung beans, you can clear heat and detoxify, but it is relatively mild, not too bitter and cold, with the protection of millet, it will not hurt the spleen and stomach;

These spleen and stomach diet prescriptions can be prepared according to their own tastes, which are very suitable for all kinds of people with chronic weakness, and can be eaten often and transferred to people in need.

Everyone's physique is different, and the knowledge introduced in this article will not be applicable to 100% everyone, and the treatment should be based on individual circumstances, follow the doctor's guidance when using, and use it correctly according to the dosage and usage.