
What about messing up, live fragile but honestly

What about messing up, live fragile but honestly

Monroe's sentence could be topped by at least ten sentences.

She knew how to lightly spot the elephants in the room—not only in the room, but also in the hallway, in the garden, and on the street next door.

She knows how to depict the unspeakable essence and truth of life with a heavy weight—a fragile moment when her father is holding on in a broken family, how the selfishness of ill intentions in the air soaks and drags down an old man who was originally living an upright life, a woman who has lived in silence for more than 70 years in a long life when she is close to death, and a man who guards his home like a gopher in a wild shack with an axe......

The fragments of everyday life are always intertwined unsteadily like stacked music, thus constructing the space in which we live. And Monroe is especially good at stopping time and showing us what this life looks like when it may be about to collapse.


"The old life is around, waiting to be picked up again. ”

There are bound to be moments in Monroe's work that poke at our hearts and make us feel more real.

This is the "Monroe moment" in reading, after which we re-enter our lives with a little dumbness and shock.

In this issue:


What about messing up, live fragile but honestly
What about messing up, live fragile but honestly
What about messing up, live fragile but honestly
What about messing up, live fragile but honestly
What about messing up, live fragile but honestly
What about messing up, live fragile but honestly
What about messing up, live fragile but honestly
What about messing up, live fragile but honestly

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