
Yang Jiang said: Do you know what is the biggest bad card in life?

author:Clever iced lemon

Okay, I'll write an article as requested.

The bad cards of life

Do you know what is the biggest bad card in life? Yang Jiang said that it is not how poor the family is, nor how many debts are owed outside the family, but the pessimism, selfishness, indifference, and self-dislike that parents give to a person. It's a very profound insight, and it makes people think about their own upbringing.

Life is like a deck of cards, everyone has different cards in their hands, some are good, some are bad. However, there are some cards that we can't change, such as where we were born, where we are born, where we are in the family, and so on. However, there are some cards that we can control, such as our mindset, behavior, choices, and so on. If we get a bad hand, then we have to find a way to play it well.

Yang Jiang said: Do you know what is the biggest bad card in life?

However, some people are always complaining about their bad cards, constantly dislousing themselves, and constantly falling into negative emotions. Such people are destined not to go far in life. Because they don't have the courage to face reality, to change themselves, or to pursue a better life.

And some people, although they have also got bad cards, but they can face it positively, work hard, and keep looking for opportunities. They believe that as long as they work hard, they will be able to create a better future of their own. Such people will have a wider and broader path in life.

Life is like this, we can't choose our background and family environment, but we can choose our own mindset and behavior. If we can learn to let go of pessimism and selfishness, learn to cherish the people and things around us, and learn to face reality and challenges bravely, then our lives will become more exciting and meaningful.

Yang Jiang said: Do you know what is the biggest bad card in life?

Pessimism and selfishness will only get us into trouble, and cherishing, being brave and positive are the keys to our success. So, let's not complain about our bad cards, but learn to find opportunities in them and face the challenges and opportunities in life positively.

In this world, everyone has their own bad cards. However, as long as we can face the reality bravely and actively pursue a better life, then our life will become more beautiful and meaningful. So, let's do it together!

Yang Jiang said: Do you know what is the biggest bad card in life?

These are some of my thoughts on this topic that I hope will resonate with readers. Life is like a deck of cards, the cards in our hands are good and bad, but as long as we can face them positively and work hard, we will be able to create a better future of our own.

I hope this article can be enlightening and helpful to you. On the road of life, may we all play our own wonderful games!