
【Health for All】The health dilemma of the Chinese people

author:China's well-off network

There are 160 million ~ 170 million people with hypertension in China, more than 100 million people with hyperlipidemia, 92.4 million diabetic patients, 70 million ~ 200 million people with overweight or obesity, and about 120 million fatty liver patients......

【Health for All】The health dilemma of the Chinese people

Photo by Ning Ying

The data is shocking. Health is linked to the happiness of thousands of families and the future of the country and the nation. In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy and society, the pace of life continues to accelerate, people have been in a state of tension for a long time, coupled with the lack of appropriate exercise, the decline of physical fitness, the trend of disease "younger" is becoming more and more obvious, in the past, hypertension, cervical spondylosis and other diseases with the elderly as the main body have now become common diseases among young people, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, depression, etc. also have clear data to prove its younger trend.

In 2019, the Healthy China Action was officially launched, and under the guidance of the principle of "prevention first, prevention and treatment combined", the concept of "great health and great health" has become increasingly popular in the past four years. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to further promote the Healthy China Action and actively advocate a civilized and healthy lifestyle. With the overall improvement of the level of productivity, having a better and healthy life is also an important symbol of national prosperity and national prosperity. Facing the goal of building a healthy China by 2035, how to achieve a comprehensive and healthy life is the most urgent and concerned issue for the majority of people.

"Sub-health" sounded the alarm

What is health? Health is a state. In people's traditional view of health, "no disease is health", and in modern society, people's judgment of health tends to be more holistic, the World Health Organization proposed, "health is not only the absence of physical disease, but also mental health, social adaptation and morality." But a global survey shows that only 5% of the world's people are truly healthy, only 20% of people are diagnosed with diseases by examination, and the remaining 75% are in a sub-healthy state.

Sub-health is a state between health and disease. Although the body has no obvious disease, it feels that its physiological functions are declining and its metabolism is low. Its characteristics are: from the clinical physical examination, laboratory tests can not detect obvious organic lesions, but I feel very tired, no energy at work, lack of fun in life, and often accompanied by depression, anxiety and other emotional reactions, also called the "third state". Psychologically, it is manifested as lack of energy, depressed mood, daytime sleepiness, lack of concentration, memory loss, irritability and anxiety, easy to be frightened, etc., and physiologically, it is manifested as: frequent fatigue and fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, backache, spontaneous sweating or night sweats, insomnia or drowsiness, constipation or diarrhea, etc.

Mengmeng, 27 years old this year, is a member of the "sub-health" army. She is busy at work, although she will leave work on time, she often has to deal with work WeChat at 10 or 11 o'clock in the evening and communicate with customers. All year round, not only the shoulder and neck have been bad, but they need regular massage, headaches and brain fever also come to the door from time to time, and they always feel stiff in winter, and their blood pressure and blood lipids are also high. She is a little chubby, and her menstrual period has been irregular, and the doctor told her to relieve stress, stay up less late and exercise more. She laughed at herself with the reporters of "Xiaokang" magazine and China's Xiaokang Network that her current physical condition is simply a "crumbling".

There are not a few people like Mengmeng who have health problems today. According to the "Chinese Health Big Data" survey, the healthy population in the mainland accounts for only 5% of the total population, 20% of the total population is diagnosed with various diseases, the sub-health state between health and disease accounts for about 75% of the total population, and nearly 60% of white-collar workers are in a state of overwork. Sub-health conditions can lead to various types of chronic diseases in people's bodies, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, and so on. Long-term sub-health status will also make people relatively weak, easy to be invaded by various germs or viruses, and the biological clock will often be disordered, poor sleep quality and even insomnia. In addition, the psychological state of sub-healthy people will also be affected to a certain extent, and the proportion of mental illness episodes is higher.

According to the National Healthy Lifestyle Insight and Intervention Research Report released in 2022, although the health awareness and health self-assessment of the whole population are good, the healthy lifestyle situation is far from satisfactory. Insufficient diet (only 21.4% of the population consumed 12 foods per day) and lack of exercise (less than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week) became the two major shortcomings, and the young group who had just entered the society had the lowest score for healthy lifestyle. Due to the impact of unhealthy lifestyles, the average of respondents had 2.2 health problems, and weight/body shape management, mental/emotional/sleep, and pain (joint pain, muscle soreness, shoulder and neck pain, etc.) ranked the top three, accounting for 41.9%, 37.5% and 28.2% respectively, followed by 75.7% of the bad lifestyle Xi group. In the fast-paced, stressful mobile Internet society, various bad life Xi include sedentary, staying up late, emotional unadjustability, disorderly eating, smoking, drinking and so on. Mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, depression, and depression have become a health problem for modern urban people.

Song Chenyu, deputy director of Jilin Provincial Cancer Hospital and Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Center, said that regular and appropriate physical exercise is one of the easier ways to improve and maintain physical health, which can not only enhance people's physique, increase physical strength, but also make people physically and mentally happy, reduce psychological pressure, and reduce adverse cholesterol levels and blood pressure from a biochemical point of view, and reduce the occurrence of certain diseases. The amount and form of exercise can be gradualized according to the individual's age, physique, and occupation.

Our distance from cancer

A number of research papers have warned that those who are currently children, adolescents and young adults may have a higher lifetime risk of cancer than older generations.

Previously, Mayo Clinic oncologist and gastroenterologist Frank Sinickrop said that the significant increase in colorectal cancer rates may be related to the increase in obesity rates caused by childhood exposure to diet and lifestyle. He noted that childhood obesity has become more prevalent and problematic over the past 30 years. Other researchers have pointed out that there are about 100 trillion microorganisms in the human body, and these microorganisms, which are mainly found in the gut, are thought to play an important role in human health. However, the increase in the intake of high-fat, high-sugar foods in recent years will change the composition of microorganisms and harm health.

Shushi Ogino, a professor of pathology at Harvard Medical School, believes that some other types of cancer, such as breast, kidney, endometrial and blood cancer, myeloma, are also increasingly appearing in young people. Although these diseases are not clearly related to the digestive system, they are also likely to be influenced by obesity and microbiota. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle, changes in sleep patterns, and repeated exposure to bright light at night can affect the body's cycle rhythm and metabolism.

According to the data of the China Cancer Registry Annual Report, the peak age of major diseases in mainland China is after the age of 40, and the age of 40 can be seen as a watershed in the health of adults. From the perspective of age group: the incidence of malignant tumors in mainland China is at a low level at the age of 0~39 years old, of which the age group of 35~39 years old is 87.07/100,000, and it begins to increase rapidly after the age of 40 to 154.53/100,000, almost doubling.

A paper in The Lancet lists 23 major potential carcinogenic risks in mainland China, including behavior, infection, metabolism, diet and environment. Among them, smoking, overweight and human papillomavirus infection are the most serious carcinogenic risks. According to research, smoking is associated with 12 types of cancer, including lung cancer and liver cancer, while human papillomavirus mainly causes cancerous changes in female organs such as the vagina and cervix. In addition, alcohol consumption, HIV and diabetes are also considered to be major carcinogenic factors.

Li Xiang, President of Changsha Yingkang Cancer Hospital and Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Radiotherapy, believes that there are two main reasons for the gradual trend of younger cancer: one is the irregular and uncontrolled diet and Xi habits, and the other is that with the gradual popularization of the concept of early diagnosis and early screening, more and more young people will have regular physical examinations and targeted cancer screening, that is, in addition to the routine physical examination items, necessary endoscopy and biopsy, imaging diagnosis, tumor marker determination, etc. "Regular physical examination, prevention before illness, prevention of disease. He emphasized, "The important way to detect cancer at an early stage is physical examination and early cancer screening, and if lumps, nodules, or new organisms of unclear nature are found during the physical examination, they need to go to the relevant departments for re-examination." ”

Not long ago, the news of Wu Zunyou's death from pancreatic cancer made many people saddened. In March this year, Li Dewei, director of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Tumor Center of the Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Chongqing University, mentioned at the 3rd Yangtze River Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Forum that most of the patients currently received in clinical practice are over 45 years old, but in the past two years, the number of patients around 40 years old has gradually increased, showing a trend of younger people. "Difficult to detect" is a major feature of pancreatic cancer. Li Dewei pointed out that there is a lack of specific symptoms and signs of pancreatic cancer in the early stage, and it is recommended to go to the hospital for further screening when there is epigastric or back pain, nausea, indigestion, loss of appetite, abdominal distention, jaundice, new diabetes or sudden aggravation of existing diabetes, significant weight loss, and changes in stool quality. According to the Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer (2022 Edition) issued by the National Health Commission, long-term smoking, advanced age, high-fat diet, excessive body mass index, chronic pancreatitis or concomitant diabetes are possible non-hereditary risk factors for pancreatic cancer.

Cancer cells do not form overnight. Li Xiang introduced that normal cells need to be induced and stimulated for more than ten years or even decades before they can be transformed into cancer cells. "This requires a lot of popular science about cancer prevention, guiding the public to correctly understand cancer, and improving the awareness and ability of the whole people to prevent and fight cancer. He pointed out that the prevention of cancer should first take the initiative in one's own hands, change the bad habits Xi of life, such as not smoking, not drinking or drinking less, eating less pickled, smoked, burnt, moldy and spoiled food, eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, paying attention to the diet structure, moderate activity, and maintaining a happy mood. In addition, he also recommends vaccinations, such as hepatitis vaccine, HPV vaccine, etc., to reduce the possibility of cancer.

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the cervix of women, and it is also the only malignant tumor with a clear cause, and more than 90% of cervical cancer is related to persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be prevented in a targeted manner. "In recent times, there has been an increase in the number of patients with HPV infection in obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinics, as well as patients diagnosed with cervical cancer, with related cases accounting for 20% of the outpatient number on the day. Yuan Donglan, director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Taizhou People's Hospital affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, said. She introduced that in the past, the age group of cervical cancer patients was mainly concentrated in the middle-aged female group, but from the current medical situation, the number of young people under the age of 35 and the elderly over 65 years old have risen rapidly, showing polarization.

"The incidence of cervical cancer tends to be younger, and we must pay attention to multivalent HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening in young people. Zhou Qi, the discipline leader of the Gynecologic Cancer Center of the Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Chongqing University, appealed. HPV vaccination is the first line of defense, up to 90% of cervical cancer caused by HPV infection, girls are vaccinated against HPV at an early age, it is easy to stimulate a better immune response, and can have better protective efficacy. The second line of defense is screening, which is recommended for women over the age of 21 to have cervical cytology or TCT every two years.

In recent years, the mainland has attached great importance to the prevention and control of cervical cancer. The Programme for the Development of Chinese Women (2021-2030) proposes to increase the screening rate of cervical cancer among women and promote human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among women of appropriate age. In 2021, the National Health Commission (NHC) launched a pilot project on the Healthy China Action Innovation Model with cervical cancer elimination as the starting point, and positive progress has been made. On the basis of summarizing years of work, the National Health Commission, together with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and other ten departments, jointly formulated and issued the Action Plan for Accelerating the Elimination of Cervical Cancer (2023-2030) (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"). Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian and other provinces, as well as Ordos, Jinan, Xiamen, Wuxi and other cities, have successively introduced free HPV vaccination policies for school-age girls, which has played a good demonstration effect. The Action Plan summarizes local experience and proposes to promote HPV vaccination, accelerate the review and approval of domestic HPV vaccines that meet the requirements at the national level, encourage qualified areas to carry out HPV vaccination pilots, and explore multiple channels to support the vaccination of school-age girls in under-resourced areas.

Health is a choice

In the long life of life, what kind of lifestyle you choose and whether you manage your health effectively will affect your health. People's initial physical endowments are different, and small health decisions may not have much impact on health in a small period of time, but can accumulate into large health changes in the long run. Scientists say the burden of chronic diseases will continue to increase in the future unless action is taken to encourage healthier lifestyles and diets, and to change the way food is produced and distributed.

A large number of studies and clinical practices at home and abroad have shown that lifestyle medicine intervention has a positive impact on the prevention and management of chronic diseases, as well as the improvement of overall health quality, among which, the overall effective rate (prevention, reversal, rehabilitation) of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and metabolic diseases exceeds 80%, and can effectively improve the 5-year survival rate of cancer patients.

The expert group research of the Obesity Prevention and Control Branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society pointed out that at present, obesity has become a serious public health problem affecting the health of mainland residents. In the past 30 years, the overweight/obesity rate of mainland residents has increased rapidly, with the overweight/obesity rate of adults exceeding 50%, and the overweight/obesity rate of school-age children and adolescents approaching 20%, with about 500 million~600 million adults and 50 million children and adolescents overweight/obesity. Being overweight/obese increases the risk of many chronic diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and certain cancers. The Global Burden of Disease Study shows that 44% of the burden of type 2 diabetes, 23% of coronary heart disease, and 7%~41% of specific cancers can be attributed to overweight/obesity. In the future, the overweight/obesity rate of urban and rural residents in China and the economic burden caused by it will be on the rise, and obesity prevention and treatment are urgent. Adhering to a healthy lifestyle is the foundation of healthy weight loss. Controlling total calorie intake, adhering to a balanced diet, appropriately increasing high-protein foods, milk, vegetables, and fruits, reducing the speed of eating, adhering to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, regular work and rest, and maintaining a good psychological state are conducive to weight loss.

On September 20, the Lifestyle Medicine Research Center and Lifestyle Management Clinic of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University (hereinafter referred to as the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University) were unveiled, actively exploring a new mechanism for the integration of medical treatment and prevention, focusing on the prevention, control and management of major chronic diseases that need to be solved urgently at the national level and related to the health needs of the people, building an academic support platform for healthy lifestyle medicine, building the discipline of lifestyle medicine, and carrying out research on healthy lifestyles throughout the life cycle, so as to provide an evidence-based basis for the development of lifestyle medicine.

Zhang Zhenfeng, vice president of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, said that to build a healthy lifestyle management system for the masses, it is necessary to encourage the participation of the whole society and form a consensus and joint force of the whole society. The outpatient clinic will carry out continuous supervision and guidance on lifestyle changes, carry out health education throughout the whole cycle, enhance the public's awareness and awareness of bad lifestyles, carry out personalized health assessments, establish health records for residents, record changes in bad behavior and Xi, give reasonable goals and specific action plans for individual lifestyles, and regularly track and evaluate progress, adjust and correct them in time, set up healthy lifestyle assessment and assessment systems and achievement standards, increase people's enthusiasm and motivation to change lifestyles, and set up various support and mutual aid groups to provide a platform for mutual exchange and sharing of experience。 The clinic will also actively carry out science popularization work, use multimedia platforms to publicize, hold regular expert lectures, organize activities with the government, schools, communities, enterprises and other units, carry out lifestyle medicine health education projects, establish cooperative relations with other medical research institutions, promote the formulation of lifestyle-related norms, and jointly carry out research work on lifestyle medicine. Through resource complementarity and experience sharing, we will improve the effectiveness and influence of science popularization work and contribute to the construction of "Healthy China".

Action is also taking place across the country. At the 2023 Healthy China Development Conference, Chen Ping, Vice Governor of Shandong Provincial People's Government, pointed out in his speech that the province actively advocates health education, comprehensively promotes the concept that everyone is the first person responsible for health, improves the "two libraries and one mechanism" of health science popularization, opens a number of public welfare health columns, launches a number of media health columns, establishes a number of health education bases, implements a number of health promotion actions, and continuously improves the health literacy level of residents in the province. Actively advocate national fitness, create a national fitness characteristic brand of "one city, one brand, one county and one characteristic", and "Cloud Walk Qilu" has become the first local event included in the "National Fitness Online Games" of the State General Administration of Sports, and the construction coverage rate of national fitness projects at the county level and township has increased to more than 90%. Actively advocate the patriotic health campaign, promote the construction of healthy cities, carry out in-depth environmental governance of air and water, achieve full coverage of smoke-free party and government organs, smoke-free schools, and smoke-free medical and health units, significantly improve the social health environment, and rank second in the country in the evaluation of civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyles.

"In the first half of life, we fight for intelligence and resources, and in the second half of life, we fight for physical strength and health. "Life should not just be lived, but lived in good health and quality.

(Liu Guangtao, director of the Jinan Operation Center of Xiaokang Magazine, also contributed to this article)


Source: "Xiaokang", China Xiaokang Network

Author: Zhao Dina

Editor: Liu Yanhua

Review: Gong Zimo

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