
8 parents of the beaters: I hope it's private, I don't want my children to keep a criminal record, and no one has ever had a fight

author:Ming Ming said life

School violence has revealed the future of parents and schools

On the evening of December 6, a violent incident occurred in a school that shocked the public. A 12-year-old girl, Xiao Han, was beaten by eight girls for three hours after she rubbed shoulders with another girl at a school sports day, which was seen as a "provocation". This appalling incident of school violence reveals the serious challenges faced by parents and schools in the education of minors.

8 parents of the beaters: I hope it's private, I don't want my children to keep a criminal record, and no one has ever had a fight

A tragedy caused by a friction of shoulders, and school violence is a record

At 7 o'clock that night, the girl took Xiaohan outside the school with 7 accomplices, and beat her for up to 3 hours in the woods, playground, and dead corners outside the school. They slap me and slap each other, and compete with each other to see who can hit each other harder. Xiaohan's face was swollen, his left eardrum was perforated, and he suffered huge physical and mental trauma.

This night, for Xiaohan and her family, is undoubtedly an unforgettable nightmare. And the fuse of this nightmare was just a casual rubbing shoulders at the sports meeting.

8 parents of the beaters: I hope it's private, I don't want my children to keep a criminal record, and no one has ever had a fight

We can't help but ask, how can a friction turn into such a brutal and violent revenge, and what kind of growth did these girls go through to be so malicious and merciless to hurt their peers at such a young age?

The parents' private affairs are invalid, the school's prevarication is dereliction of duty, and the lack of guardianship is irrefutable

After the incident, the parents of the violent girl went to the hospital, hoping to make the matter private. They don't want to affect their daughter's future because of this incident. Xiaohan's mother rejected the suggestion.

8 parents of the beaters: I hope it's private, I don't want my children to keep a criminal record, and no one has ever had a fight

On the first day after the incident, Xiaohan asked the head teacher for help, but only got a response of "go back to the dormitory to rest". It wasn't until Xiaohan called her mother for help that the school took action.

No matter how you look at it, this incident fully exposes the serious lack of supervision and guidance of parents and schools in the behavior of minors. The laissez-faire and educational methods of parents are worth pondering. And the school's prevarication at the first time is also suspected of dereliction of duty.

We have to ask, where is the guardianship of the next generation by parents and schools? How can they comfortably shirk their responsibilities and stay out of the situation? Behind this violence, the lack of guardianship is irrefutable.

8 parents of the beaters: I hope it's private, I don't want my children to keep a criminal record, and no one has ever had a fight

Violence breeds violence, and there is an urgent need to build a positive culture on campus

Some people see the violence as a misunderstanding or a rogue fight, believing that letting their children grow up. As everyone knows, violence only breeds violence. And the occurrence of this kind of school violence today shows the serious lack of campus culture.

What kind of school culture and atmosphere do we need to establish in order for children to grow up healthy and happy? What kind of education methods and what kind of family environment do we need to adopt in order to cultivate children's inner kindness and compassion?

These questions deserve deep reflection by parents and educators. To eradicate violence and bullying in schools, we must build a positive school culture that transmits positivity. This requires not only the guidance of the school, but also the understanding and cooperation of parents.

You and I all have a responsibility to protect our children from bullying

The exposure of this incident has brought the issue of school violence into the public eye again. It sheds light on the challenges faced by parents and schools in the education of minors, and highlights the responsibilities they should have taken on but did not take on in the incident.

You and I have nothing to shirk and nothing to stay out of. Because the child who was bullied may be your child or mine. We all have a responsibility to protect our children from violence.

What do you think parents and schools need to do to prevent school violence?How to cultivate kindness and compassion in students?Please share your thoughts in the comment section.
