
My in-laws' pension added up to 9,000, but they gave me 7,000 a month, and I broke off my relationship with my mother's family

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When Xiaohong married into her in-laws' family, she found that her in-laws' pensions added up to 9,000 yuan, and she only got 7,000 yuan a month for living expenses. This fact made Xiaohong feel very unbalanced, and felt that her efforts were not being duly rewarded. In order to fight for her own rights and interests, Xiaohong began to have conflicts with her in-laws.

The conflict between her and her in-laws has escalated, and quarrels and cold wars have become the norm in the family. Even, Xiaohong chose to move back to her parents' home, hoping to get the respect and treatment she thinks she deserves by leaving the family. She filed a divorce request with her husband, arguing that he had failed in his duty to protect himself.

As she leaves her family, she begins to reflect on her actions and attitudes. She understands that marriage and family are a shared responsibility, not just her own rights. She realizes the importance of communication and inclusion. Thinking back to past quarrels and cold wars, she realizes that she had never tried to understand the use of her in-laws' pension and how they lived. She didn't take the initiative to communicate and solve problems, but chose to close her heart.

My in-laws' pension added up to 9,000, but they gave me 7,000 a month, and I broke off my relationship with my mother's family

After thinking and introspection, Xiaohong decided to face the problem again and communicate with her in-laws. She frankly expressed her dissatisfaction and imbalance, and sincerely listened to her in-laws' explanations and thoughts. She learned that it was not unfair to her that the excess of her in-laws' pension was used to pay for some other household expenses. The in-laws also felt the dissatisfaction of their daughters-in-law and realized that they also had certain responsibilities and obligations. They decided to be more transparent about their family finances to avoid similar misunderstandings and conflicts from happening again.

With the communication between Xiaohong and her in-laws and the establishment of consensus, the atmosphere of the family gradually improved. They began to care more about and understand each other's situation, and helped and supported each other. Xiaohong also began to realize that happiness and family harmony do not depend only on material rewards, but should be based on mutual understanding and tolerance. In the end, Xiaohong and her in-laws got along in harmony, got back together, and built a happy and harmonious family together.

My in-laws' pension added up to 9,000, but they gave me 7,000 a month, and I broke off my relationship with my mother's family

This story teaches that inclusion and communication are essential in family life. Each member should learn to listen, understand, and respect each other's rights and feelings. Only by facing problems with an inclusive mindset can we find solutions and build a happy and harmonious family. We should also clarify the division of family responsibilities and emphasize the principles of fairness and justice in order to avoid unnecessary contradictions and disputes.

In the following sections, Xiaohong realizes that she needs to learn to manage her money and family finances better. She decided to get some training on money management and Xi how to budget, save and invest. Through these efforts, she has gradually become a financial expert in her family and is better able to contribute to her family's financial well-being.

Xiaohong also worked with her husband to develop a fairer and more transparent economic arrangement. They decided to balance household expenses with income, ensuring that everyone could share the responsibility for household expenses fairly. They also decided to create a common savings plan to prepare for the family's future development.

My in-laws' pension added up to 9,000, but they gave me 7,000 a month, and I broke off my relationship with my mother's family

After all this, Xiaohong gradually realizes an important fact: family happiness depends not only on the amount of money, but also on the mutual love and support between each member. She understands that in the family, everyone needs to contribute to the happiness and harmony of the family. She has learned to be more tolerant and understanding, and to take family harmony as her important responsibility.

After a period of hard work and change, the relationship between Xiaohong and her husband has improved greatly. They begin to pay more attention to each other's needs and are happy to solve problems together. Quarrels and conflicts in the family gradually decreased, replaced by more understanding and support. The relationship between Xiaohong and her in-laws was also repaired, and they learned to respect and understand each other's positions.

In the end, Xiaohong lived in harmony with her husband and established a deeper relationship with her in-laws, creating a happy and harmonious family together. She realized that the happiness of the family is not achieved overnight, but requires everyone's joint efforts and dedication. It is only through communication, understanding, and inclusion that a loving and warm family can be built.

My in-laws' pension added up to 9,000, but they gave me 7,000 a month, and I broke off my relationship with my mother's family

In this story, Xiaohong experiences the twists and turns of family conflicts and quarrels, but eventually through self-reflection and hard work to change, she learns the importance of financial management and family responsibilities, as well as the power of tolerance and understanding. Her experience teaches us that in the family, everyone should strive to understand and respect each other and create a happy and harmonious environment together.

Whether it is a relationship between husband and wife or with in-laws, it is necessary to maintain mutual understanding and support at all times. Only by listening to each other and being tolerant of each other can we overcome all kinds of difficulties and build a happy and harmonious family. In this process, each member needs to take responsibility for themselves and work together to achieve the common goals of the family.

Family is everyone's spiritual sustenance and emotional support, only by cherishing and maintaining the harmony of the family, we can truly experience the warmth and happiness of home. Since we have chosen to start a family, we should dedicate and work hard to make it the most important treasure in our lives.