
The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

At first, no one cared about such a circle of friends.

It's just a piece of copywriting that moans without illness, a mediocre man taking a selfie, a cold wave coming... Until this "catastrophe" is closely related to everyone.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

At first, Brother Ji didn't think so, thinking that it might be someone's rebel son, who took a photo of his old bean (father) and acted nonsense on the Internet.

I was so scared that I didn't dare to like or comment, worried that something bad would happen to this friend.

But when Brother Ji continued to flip down, he found that another female friend also posted a photo of this uncle, but it was accompanied by extremely ambiguous copywriting...

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

In Brother Ji's mind, he also made up a bloody novel plot of up to 500,000 words in an instant.

Even the title of the novel I have in mind.

It's called—

"I fell in love with his father"

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

But who would have thought that as time went by, this man ♂ would sweep through my entire circle of friends like a virus...

No, no.

Your old beans all look the same.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

It's not just WeChat Moments, Weibo, QQ space, since last night, in various platform apps, Brother Ji can see the appearance of this combination style of copywriting + pictures.

It is also directly stupid for netizens across the country to collectively look stupid...

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

Obediently, that scene, that battle.

To tell the truth, I haven't seen this for a long time, and it's been a long time since a man saw a black rush in front of him.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

You must know that the last time I was washed by a middle-aged man, it was the last time.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

At first glance, the accompanying texts of these moments of friends are often jerky and difficult to understand, but they have a bit of adult worldly hypocrisy, coupled with the photo of the man who raised the corners of his mouth with disdain after knowing his destiny, it is a bit of a sense of immediacy to see through the red dust and be alone.

"People who are separated may not be on the road from the beginning"

"I'll show you the sea of your missed appointment"

"It's getting colder, and so is my heart"

"We always think that the opportunities are limitless, so we don't cherish the people in front of us"

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

This mouthful of emo copywriting, it can be seen that passers-by and netizens are all pear blossoms with rain and tears. But it wasn't to bring myself into it, and I felt the tears of self-blame that I had done nothing in my life.


Please, Azu, stop it.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

I don't know you, but my circle of friends is all about you.

So here's the problem.

What kind of charm does this man have, so can he lead countless heroes to bend his waist?

Brother Ji turned his head to "Douyin" to find out that the uncle who swept countless people's circle of friends was called Wen Huijun.

That is, what the Jianghu people have recently called -

"Smell the Gods"

is different from previous Internet celebrities who only specialize in one Douyin account.

Wen Huijun has three accounts on Douyin, each of which is used to show a different version of himself.

In the morning, he was the driving school instructor "Li Anwen" who earned the second subject make-up test fee for his own rebel son, and had 600,000 fans.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

It is rumored that he once led nine driving school students to face the driving test, and eight of them passed the rigorous test, and the only one who did not take the test was his own son.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

The so-called healer cannot heal himself, and he cannot cross others to himself.

It's depression, it's anger, it's helplessness.

I'm afraid that only those who are parents can understand the helplessness.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

At noon, he was wearing a gold chain and went crazy and crazy in the live broadcast room, and he was a "Wenshen" with more than 2.1 million fans.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

After stepping down from the position of gold medal coach, Wen Huijun changed the stereotype of a strict and foul-mouthed driving school instructor and shook the society in front of the camera.

The smoothness of the movements and the affectionate expression of the expression are so contrasting with "Li'an Wen" that they are like two people.

He has a kind of madness that doesn't belong to this age.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

At night, he will non-stop incarnate as the "Wenhui Army" army of non-mainstream emo copywriting.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

It is different from sitting in danger during the day and hanging off work, and Wen Huijun at night is like a deflated ball, with a gloomy face and no smile.

Most of the copywriting pictures we have seen in the circle of friends in the past two days come from this.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

Although the combination of emo copywriting + selfie has long been available.

It's not a novelty.

But... After the slightly pretentious young emo copywriting, coupled with Wen Huijun's dramatic middle-aged man's face-slapping selfie, there was a very subtle chemical reaction.


From being out of place, to being out of line, to being extremely upbeat, and finally being extremely superior.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

At this time, he connected it with the rest of his two Douyin accounts - a man, three characters, "Li'an in the morning, God at noon, and Huijun at night".

The main thing is asexual reproduction and schizophrenia.

I probably understand why he's so popular.

On the surface, Uncle Wen Huijun's sudden popularity is because he is abstract enough and "perverted" enough.

But in essence, he is in such a state of life that he "endures humiliation and burden" for work during the day, is free and easy to get off work like a clown, and is quiet in the dead of night.

What's the difference between you and me?

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

"There are many emotions, but there are limited words"

Yes, the limitations of language and expressive skills always make it difficult for us to accurately express our emotions and emotions in words.

If it's not that you can't release the suppressed emotions in your heart, who likes to be like a neurotic in the middle of the night, alone NetEase Cloud emo?

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

In order to know what they will look like when they get old, some people prefer to upload photos to the cloud to be generated by AI regardless of the leakage of personal photos.

But I didn't know that there was nowhere to find the iron shoes, but it turned out to be in the dim light.

Wen Huijun, who seems crazy, is also a sight to see, and he is old at a glance, just like seeing himself 30 years later through Doraemon's time machine.

In this way, everyone must be able to understand why this uncle was able to become popular.

It's simple, because: it's real enough.

Brother Ji knew that this explanation was very abstract, but Uncle Wen Huijun was so without warning and without reason, he was angry...

Not to mention that sand sculpture netizens have learned from each other, in just one night, the "Wen Family Army" swept the circle of friends of countless people with the momentum of overwhelming the mountains and seas.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

Merchants with a sensitive sense of smell also immediately tailored a beauty, plastic surgery, and hairstyle transformation plan for the uncle according to local conditions, just to rub the heat as much as possible.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it
The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

Even if it is out of the virtual online world.

When you come to a bar where you are drunk today, you may not be able to escape from the sphere of influence of the "Wen Family Army".

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

Seeing this, some friends may still be incomprehensible.

After all, even if sand sculpture netizens play stalks, they don't have to be so "crazy".

In this regard, Brother Ji can only say that playing stalks is playing stalks, and these people who play stalks in the circle of friends tell their own stories through Uncle Wen's picture copywriting.

Therefore, in Brother Ji's view, "Wenxue" has become a breakthrough for everyone to reasonably vent their emotions in the circle of friends.

Why would Brother Ji say this?

You might as well put yourself in their shoes: How long have you not posted on Moments?

When colleagues, superiors, and even more and more unrelated people join, the WeChat "circle of friends" is no longer a "friend" circle.

"How to send a circle of friends correctly" has become a compulsory topic for countless young people after entering the society.

Some people say that you can't send it during work, because your superiors will find out that you are openly fishing.

Some people say that it can't be sent on weekdays, because it will appear that the work content is not full enough.

Some people say that you can't even send it on days off, because it will imply that you don't want to make progress.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

NN's, listen to this is human talk?

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

Coupled with the clockwork circle of friends, he will be wildly ridiculed by his friends the next day, and he likes to mention the truth of the world with the nickname "Brother Bo Bing".

Zundu, young people nowadays are really becoming more and more afraid to post on Moments.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it
The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

And the emergence of "Wenxue" has given everyone a very reasonable reason to "go crazy".


You should find that many of the people who follow the trend of "Wenxue" in the circle of friends this time are people who have not been in the circle of friends for a long time!

Na~ Whether it is a contrived, hypocritical, or non-mainstream circle of friends, today can prevaricate the past in the name of "playing stalks".

Isn't this a form of catharsis?

Even if it is said, such a circle of friends will be misunderstood by the family.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

Even if it is said, such a circle of friends will be ridiculed by friends.

The Douyin Internet celebrity "Wen Huijun", who swiped the screen on the whole network, what kind of stalk is it

However, for many young people, the proliferation of "learning from learning" may just be a way for them to seek their true self in this hypocritical and impetuous society.


The picture comes from the Internet

In the past two days, the circle of friends has been swiped to come to this collection

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