
Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

author:Spit on Aceba

"Have I allowed you to speak, go back and earn some money!"

On the streets of Shanghai, the words of a fashionably dressed woman stunned the people around her.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

Everyone was looking at this woman up and down with strange eyes, probably wondering if she had taken the wrong medicine.

Because what she provoked was our armed police sentry.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

Sentinels are sacred and inviolable!

I believe that this is a sentence imprinted in the mind of every Chinese person, and their work seems ordinary, but it is extremely important.

On the borders of remote and lonely countries, they guard the safety of the homeland;

On the ruthless battlefield, they guard the peace of the warriors;

In the bustling streets of the city, they guard the people's peace and contentment.

So not disturbing their work and giving them enough respect is the highest respect we can express.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

However, the recent behavior of a woman on the streets of Shanghai has made everyone not calm.

On December 17, on the pedestrian street of Nanjing Road in Shanghai, the armed police sentry stood guard in the environment of 0 °C, and the surrounding crowd came and went, but the peace was broken by a woman, who actually sneered at the sentry.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

I saw the woman wearing a tasseled headdress, wearing a mask, a pink top, denim shorts, and a shopping bag, frantically outputting at the armed police sentry.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

At this time, the sentry was very restrained, he was not affected by the woman, his posture was still upright, and his expression was mighty and domineering.

I thought that the woman in pink would leave after a few words, but I didn't expect her to squirt more and more.

You know, in addition to our own people, there are three foreign friends standing aside at this time, their expressions are confused, because of the language barrier, so they don't know what happened.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

In order to maintain the image of Chinese soldiers in the world, the armed police sentry had to remind the woman in pink that she was standing guard.

However, Comrade Sentinel kindly reminded him, but he was angrily reprimanded by the woman in pink.

"Who allowed you to speak!"

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

The woman's words made the surrounding crowd stunned, I don't know if it was because she was ignorant, or because the Chinese soldiers gave her too much security, and it was so rampant.

As there were more and more onlookers, the woman in pink felt that something was wrong, and while withdrawing from the venue, she raised her voice and shouted,

She said that she was very dissatisfied with the price of mineral water in Shanghai, and sold for two yuan for a bottle of mineral water for one dollar.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

In her cognition, everything in Shanghai is sold 200 times more, and she can't afford it.

But even if she thinks that a bottle of mineral water for 2 yuan is expensive, it does not delay her self-righteous superiority and arrogance.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

Before leaving, the woman in pink also asked the armed police sentry to hurry back to earn money and sell 2 million rabbit furs.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out
Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

After leaving the armed police sentry, the woman in pink seemed to have something to worry about, and kept looking back at the crowd.

And just like that, she left amid the chatter of the tourists.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

As soon as this video was released, it immediately made the majority of netizens not calm.

Netizens in the comment area couldn't understand the behavior of the woman in pink,

If you are dissatisfied with the price of mineral water in Shanghai, you can report it to the relevant departments, and if you are not satisfied with the two yuan a bottle of mineral water, you can discuss it with the shop owner.

What kind of sick psychology is venting to the sentinels?

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

More suspicious netizens suspected that the woman in pink did it on purpose, the purpose was to provoke the sentinel and send the video to the Internet to smear the sentinel.

After leaving the crowd, he looked back as he walked, suggesting that he may have an accomplice present.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

Judging from the number of likes on the comments, there are not a few people who think that the woman in pink is suspected of being a spy, and everyone feels that it is necessary to review it just in case.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

What's more, the woman should be arrested and imprisoned for a few days.

As a result, the pressure gradually fell to the Shanghai police.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out
Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out
Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

According to Article 4 of Chapter 1 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Status and Rights and Interests of Military Personnel:

"The military is a profession respected by the whole society. The state and society respect and give preferential treatment to servicemen, ensure that servicemen enjoy status and rights commensurate with their professional characteristics, duties, missions, and contributions, and regularly carry out various forms of activities to support the military and give preferential treatment to their families.

All state organs and armed forces, political parties and mass organizations, enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, and other organizations have the responsibility to protect the status, rights and interests of military personnel in accordance with the law, and all citizens shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of military personnel in accordance with the law. ”

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

Article 23 of Chapter III stipulates:

The honor and reputation of military personnel are protected by law.

The honors received by servicemen shall be enjoyed by them for life, and shall not be revoked except for legal reasons and without legal procedures.

No organization or individual may in any way slander or demean the honor of servicemen, insult or slander the reputation of servicemen, and must not intentionally damage or tarnish the honor mark of servicemen.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

Article 50 of the Law on Public Security Administration Penalties also stipulates:

Those who obstruct the lawful performance of duties by the staff of state organs are to be given a warning or a fine of up to 200 RMB, and where the circumstances are serious, they are to be detained for between 5 and 10 days, and may be concurrently fined up to 500 RMB.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

The woman in pink in the video has been suspected of obstructing the staff of state organs in performing their duties, and is suspected of slandering and degrading soldiers, insulting and slandering soldiers.

Now that this matter is in an uproar, it is enough to reach the point where the circumstances are serious, so the woman in pink is afraid that she will have to eat in prison.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

But then again, with the pattern of Chinese soldiers, they generally don't go out of their way to trouble the ignorant.

But now the public opinion of netizens is one-sided, and it is difficult to say after causing strong social dissatisfaction.

Now, CCTV Military has responded to the matter before the Shanghai police,

In the video, the armed police sentry is loyal to his duty in the cold winter, even if his eyelashes are frosted, he still stands upright.

"Sentinels are sacred and inviolable!"

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out
Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

The official Douyin account of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force also released a video after the incident, saying that in the wind and snow, their protection made the cold winter more warm.

Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out
Follow-up to the woman's harassment of the sentry: netizens questioned its true purpose, and CCTV military spoke out

The Chinese people live and work in peace and contentment, and they cannot do without the silent protection of Chinese soldiers.

They are also the children of their parents, the other half of someone, and the backers of their children, but they are really good when the crisis comes!

Ignorance is not a reason for spoaching, forbearance is not presumptuous, I hope that the woman in pink involved can stand up and apologize to the sentry at that time as soon as possible.
