
Ancient sages said "the joy of reading"

author:Elegant alpine 0c

Regarding the "music of reading", the high discourses of the ancient and modern sage masters are too numerous to mention. "Books are medicine, and good reading can cure stupidity." Liu Xiang, a writer of the Western Han Dynasty, said: Books are medicine, and reading well can cure ignorance. In the classic articles, there are many people who compare the book to "lamps, towers, roads, bridges, and sails", and there is no need to repeat them.

To say that the most widely circulated, the most famous, the most vivid, and the most seductive is still Song Zhenzong Zhao Heng's "Inspiration chapter": "Rich families do not need to buy good land, the book has its own thousand bells and millets; there is no need to build tall buildings in an settlement, the book has its own golden house; marrying a wife does not hate no good media, the book has its own Yan Ruyu; when going out, there is no one to follow, and there are many cars and horses in the book; the boy wants to fulfill his life aspirations, and the five classics are diligently read to the window." The money and beauty referred to in "the book has its own golden house" and "the book has its own Yan Ruyu" make the world's disciples flock to it, and become the only driving force for the Chinese people to read. Of course, this is typical utilitarian education.

Ancient sages said "the joy of reading"

The book has its own house of gold

Upward and downward effects, the Northern Song Dynasty scholar Wang Su stepped forward with holy intentions, collected and sorted out the "Prodigy Poems", and further emphasized the utilitarianization of reading: "The son of heaven is heroic, and the article teaches Ercao; everything is inferior, only the reading is high; the young must be diligent in studying, and the article can stand up; the Manchu Dynasty Zhu Zigui is full of readers... Since childhood, I have learned a lot and have high ambitions in my life; others carry swords, and I have a pen like a knife. Asagiri Tian Shelang, Twilight Heavenly Son Hall; the xiang ben has no seed, and the boy should be self-reliant. Learning is the room of the body, Confucianism is the seat of zhen; the king looks as the prime minister, and must use the reader..." These contents, together with Liu Qi's famous sentences such as "Ten years of cold window no one asks, and become famous in one fell swoop" and other famous sentences, together with the circulation of the idea of "learning and excellence" reading and becoming an official: Only by taking the examination for meritorious name, will you have money and beauty, can you still read?

Speaking of the joy of reading, the Qing Dynasty poet Xiao Shu said that there is a "Reading with Seeing Works": "The human heart is like a good seedling, and it is nourished to grow; the seedling is irrigated with spring water, and the heart is nourished by reason and righteousness." A day without reading, no good thoughts in the chest. I don't read in January, and my eyes and ears are lost. "First of all, the use of reading, and then the constantness of reading, the metaphor is appropriate, and it is interesting."

Zhu Xi, the Great Confucian, has four poems of "Four Hours of Reading Music", saying that reading in the spring is "too late to send Shao Guangguang to the old, and only reading is good in life." What is the joy of reading? The grass in front of the green window is not removed. "Say summer reading" The north window is high and lying in the emperor's room, only the factor is interesting to read. The joy of reading is endless, and the Yaoqin comes to the wind. "Say autumn reading" near the bed depends on the short pot, this reading skills are even more double. The joy of reading is pottery, and the bright moon frost is high. "Say winter reading" ground stove tea ding cooking fire, a clear enough to call the reader. Where to find the joy of reading? Count the plum blossom heaven and earth center. In Zhu Xi's view, reading at four o'clock has its own pleasures.

Influenced by it, the Yuan Dynasty poet Weng Sen also had a poem "Four Hours of Reading Music", which was included in the "Four Libraries Complete Book", and was also compiled into the Chinese language textbook by Ye Yanlun, the minister of education in the early Republic of China. The whole poem is vivid and lively, respectively, with "the grass in front of the green window is not removed", "Yaoqin a song to lavender the wind", "playing with the bright moon frost sky high", "counting plum blossoms in heaven and earth", illustrating the elegant taste of reading in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and reversing the worldliness of reading for fame and fortune. Not for profit, only for fun, isn't this the core value of reading music?

At this point, I can't help but think of the poem "Reading Song" by the great writer Su Shi: "Reading a book is better than a big hole, and you don't need to cultivate and harvest naturally." The owner has a wine owner who is drunk and stays everywhere. During the day, we are not afraid of people coming to borrow, and at night we are not afraid of people stealing. The water and drought locusts are unharmed, and the happy wind flows to the whitehead. "The poem emphasizes that the value of reading is not for utilitarianism, but for the overall improvement of the self, so that reading is happy and fun. Coupled with the rich life of the verses, the image is clear, both witty and full of reason: a learned old Confucian, not engaged in agricultural affairs, because of his full belly, and even people respect people to please, where to eat, where to live, not afraid of people borrowing thieves and stealing, famine worry-free, happy life.