
After stimulating the purchase of a house to no avail, Huang Qifan proposed a "good plan" and was supported by netizens

author:Jinsong entertainment talks

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After stimulating the purchase of a house to no avail, Huang Qifan proposed a "good plan" and was supported by netizens

In fact, the situation of the real estate market in recent years has not been optimistic, especially after the impact of the epidemic, the entire property market is in an extremely sluggish situation, and there is a situation where there are houses but no one buys them.

Even now, many first-tier cities have begun to reduce housing prices, thinking that they can alleviate the pressure of no one buying a house, but the effect is not great, and now the vast majority of people are in a wait-and-see attitude.

In fact, it is no wonder that people nowadays do not want to buy a house, one is according to the current trend, buying a house is really risky, in case you buy it yourself today, and the house price will decrease tomorrow, then you will not lose money.

After stimulating the purchase of a house to no avail, Huang Qifan proposed a "good plan" and was supported by netizens

There is also a situation that young people are no longer pursuing to buy a house, they are more willing to use this money to buy a car or travel than a house, after all, buying a house will take the rest of their lives to pay for the house.

For most young people, this is not the life they want to choose. But it is not a way to buy a house all the time, because the property market is closely related to the national economy, and if this situation continues to be sluggish, the impact on the national economy will also be great.

Therefore, not only the relevant personnel of the real estate need to pay attention to this issue, but we also need the power of the state to adjust. The topic of whether further measures will be taken at the national level to stimulate the property market has been under scrutiny.

After stimulating the purchase of a house to no avail, Huang Qifan proposed a "good plan" and was supported by netizens

The attitude of the state can also influence the choices of some people. Although the previous property market control policies have cooled down the market for a while, there are still some buyers who hold on to the currency with the idea of "missing a good time to buy a house".

They want to be able to do it again at the right time. In this case, an important person, Huang Qifan, proposed a much-anticipated "good plan", and his proposal was widely supported on the Internet.

In fact, for a long time, people have complained a lot about China's real estate market, especially the increasingly high housing prices, which have made many people say that they are unbearable, and both first-time buyers and improvement buyers are facing huge economic pressure.

After stimulating the purchase of a house to no avail, Huang Qifan proposed a "good plan" and was supported by netizens

Because some people buy houses with "ulterior motives", they are not the main ones, but for the appreciation of the house, and then sell the house at the right time, then they can make a lot of money in their hands.

Although this kind of behavior is not promoted, it is a personal choice to buy a house, and this situation cannot be completely eliminated, and they can always take advantage of various loopholes to do it.

After stimulating the purchase of a house to no avail, Huang Qifan proposed a "good plan" and was supported by netizens

In response to the current situation, Huang Qifan proposed a property tax for group purchases to limit the rise in housing prices. He believes that in order to alleviate the imbalance between supply and demand in the market, a long-term effective real estate tax system can be considered.

In Huang Qifan's view, this tax system can be implemented in three stages: first, the collection of real estate tax is suspended, and the taxpayers and objects are gradually straightened out, and then a sound tax management mechanism is gradually established, and finally comprehensive collection and regulation are implemented.

The plan proposed by Huang Qifan has been supported by the majority of netizens. Many netizens have said that this long-term and effective real estate tax system can promote the market to return to rationality, curb the rising momentum of housing prices, and alleviate the pressure of low- and middle-income groups to buy houses.

After stimulating the purchase of a house to no avail, Huang Qifan proposed a "good plan" and was supported by netizens

In addition, such a tax system can be used to improve social welfare and improve the level of public services. However, it is not easy to introduce such a real estate tax system, after all, it is not false that everything is difficult at the beginning.

And this matter also involves such a sensitive topic, housing prices have always been a factor that restricts most Chinese from buying houses, although Huang Qifan's plan is recognized, but if it is really implemented, it may not be very smooth.

First of all, the government needs to establish a complete tax management mechanism, which also requires corresponding time and cost. Second, the implementation of the real estate tax system involves the adjustment of the interests of many stakeholders.

After stimulating the purchase of a house to no avail, Huang Qifan proposed a "good plan" and was supported by netizens

Including developers, brokers, investors, etc., how to effectively balance the interests of all parties is also a difficult problem. Therefore, to introduce this real estate tax system, it requires the active participation and full preparation of relevant government departments.

For the plan proposed by Huang Qifan, relevant departments and experts have also given positive responses. They said that in the current situation of overheating the real estate market, the introduction of a long-term effective real estate tax system is a positive attempt.

It can effectively curb the momentum of excessively rapid rise in housing prices, and at the same time, it can also give the market more clear tax rules and make the market more transparent and standardized.

After stimulating the purchase of a house to no avail, Huang Qifan proposed a "good plan" and was supported by netizens

There are always more methods than difficulties, but whether the method is useful and feasible is worth pondering, Huang Qifan's proposal for this plan is both buyers and experts and scholars, have expressed great expectations for the time.

However, in order to implement this plan, it is still necessary for the relevant government departments to take positive actions and formulate sound policies and measures. However, I believe that with the joint efforts of all parties.

China's real estate market can achieve a healthier and more sustainable development, so everyone can still look at it with a positive attitude.

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