
Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

author:Li Lu in accordance with the law
Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim
Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

Seven lives, on the run for more than 20 years, even though he was arrested, he burst into tears in court several times: I'm too simple, I'm a 21-year-old with a mind, I just want to live. ”

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

Pear blossoms bring rain, sobbing incessantly, several appeals just to escape the death penalty, and Lao Rongzhi's 27 years finally came to an end on December 18, 2023.

How did Lao Rongzhi become a lawbreaker step by step? How did he flee for more than 20 years, even though he was once a teacher who preached and solved doubts?

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Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

Big Brother's Woman

Lao Rongzhi's name is not unfamiliar, this woman with gorgeous looks and pear blossoms and rain in the court several times is a woman who has quibbled in court several times.

"I'm too simple", "I'm just a woman who just wants to live", "I'm all coerced"

There will always be all kinds of justifications drawn from the mouth of Lao Rongzhi, and even several appeals to get himself exempted from the death penalty, but the law is the law, how can this woman who has been on the run for more than 20 years get away with it?

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

So how did Lo Rongzhi embark on the road of crime?

After graduating from Jiujiang Normal School at the age of 18, Lao Rongzhi came to work as a teacher at the children's school of Jiujiang Petroleum Branch.

At this time, Lao Rongzhi was already beautiful, and she was young, so the people who chased her were naturally not a problem, but after only being a kindergarten teacher for a year, Lao Rongzhi met a man ten years older than him, and fell in love and couldn't extricate himself.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

And this is also the man who led Lao Rongzhi astray, Fa Ziying.

Even though he is in love with Fa Ziying, Fa Ziying is a married man, but Lao Rongzhi, who is deeply in love, doesn't care, and in the confusion of love, the two unknowingly become excellent partners in crime.

is also because of Fa Ziying's fame among criminals, Lao Rongzhi, who is Fa Ziying's girlfriend, was ridiculed as "Big Brother's Woman".

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

Lao Rongzhi accepted all the orders for this, and knew that this was illegal.

In 1996, Lao Rongzhi, who was suspended without pay, began to follow Fa Ziying around, Fa Ziying himself was in prison, and was sentenced to ten years for robbery at the age of 16, and because he was a minor and behaved well, his sentence was commuted and released.

It's just that Fa Ziying, who was released from prison, is still difficult to change her nature, and crime has become commonplace, and she can even choose to kill people for money.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

Lao Rongzhi became Fa Ziying's excellent partner, and the two also had a tacit understanding for money, and 1996 was the first time Lao Rongzhi followed Fa Ziying to commit a crime.

A girl in her early twenties, but because of this, she became addicted to crime.

In June 1996, in order to let Fa Ziying succeed as soon as possible, it became Lao Rongzhi's job to find a target, and Lao Rongzhi, who was alias "Chen Jia", began to look for a partner in a nightclub.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

Xiong who took the bait was the first person to be murdered by Lao Rongzhi, snatched the gold necklace, and even threatened him to tell his home address, just to steal money and steal it completely, just because there were people in the family, so in order to get the money, he and Fa Ziying killed all Xiong's family members.

But for the pleasure of getting money, Lo Rongzhi chose to ignore his criminal behavior.

So the bar became the place where Lao Rongzhi chose to commit crimes, using the same method, Lao Rongzhi looked for a target, Fa Ziying started, and conspired with Fa Ziying.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

On October 10, 1997, Lao Rongzhi committed another crime and obtained 25,000 yuan in cash after killing the victim Liu, and then the two chose to escape.

From 1996 to 1999 alone, the two went to four places to kidnap, killing people and committing all kinds of evil, and they also endured the attention of the police because of their cruel methods.

But at this time, the two always have a sense of living and flying together, and crime is the meaning of the two walking.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

Lao Rongzhi and Fa Ziying are also becoming more and more crazy.

It's just that Skynet is restored but not leaked, and escape has become the main tone of Lao Rongzhi's life, and this escape is more than 20 years.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

He lied and said that he believed everything

Four major cases, a total of seven people, the most innocent of which is the carpenter who was looking for a job in 1999, in order to let Yin, the object selected in advance, hand over his property, Lao Rongzhi and Fa Ziying casually found someone to kill him in front of Yin.

And this person is the carpenter Lu who is looking for work, Lao Rongzhi and Fa Ziying actually killed him on the pretext of looking for work, and even Lao Rongzhi bought a freezer to store the bodies of Lu and Yin.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

It's just that Fa Ziying missed it, probably because she was addicted to money, and when she came to Yin's house to threaten her wife, her wife had the opportunity to choose to call the police, and Fa Ziying was arrested.

But Lao Rongzhi was lucky to escape, and this escape was more than 20 years.

On December 28, 1999, Fa Ziying was executed.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

Now that she has clues, Lao Rongzhi naturally can't escape, but this woman still relies on borrowing her old business, changing her name and surname, and even covering herself up through plastic surgery, but as long as Lao Rongzhi loves money, there will be loopholes.

In December 2019, Lao Rongzhizhong, who helped her boyfriend sell a famous watch, was arrested in Xiamen.

Faced with the burden of seven lives and more than 20 years of fugitive, Lao Rongzhi began to stage pear blossoms with rain, saying that she was just a little girl, she was coerced by Fa Ziying, her mind was immature, and everything was just to survive.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

Lao Rongzhi's successive lies finally convinced him.

Whether it is the so-called Lao Rongzhi who bought a freezer to store the body in 1999, or the so-called coercion of Fa Ziying to commit a crime, Lo Rongzhi portrays himself as a victim.

But in fact, after each robbery, he and Fa Ziying made a living from crimes.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

He even openly stated in court several times that he disdained to make money by robbery and that he had the ability to make money.

As for this human life, it is that he was coerced.

After more than 20 years of fugitives, such a lie has convinced Lao Rongzhi himself, and he is the first to believe it, but evidence is evidence, and the law is the law.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

No matter how Lao Rongzhi defends himself, the crime needs to pay for it, not to mention that it is seven lives and four families, and Lao Rongzhi's behavior has ruined too many people.

The mother of the victim Xiong finally died of illness because she could not accept the death of her son, the sister of the victim Zhang took care of her paralyzed parents alone for ten years, and the wife of the innocent carpenter, a woman with no financial resources, pulled her three children alone.

Lo Rongzhi's crime is far more than what he called "coercion" can be erased.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

And the judge's words still made Lao Rongzhi's so-called coercion self-defeating.

"Do you have a chance to escape?"

"Yes. ”

Answer in the affirmative, whether it is the prosecutor or the plaintiff's lawyer in the civil lawsuit, Lao Rongzhi chose to compromise with Fa Ziying's coercion, how can he say that he was coerced to commit a crime?

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

On September 9, 2021, the Intermediate People's Court of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, publicly announced the verdict in the first instance and decided to sentence Lao Rongzhi to death for intentional homicide, robbery, and kidnapping.

On November 30, 2022, the appeal was rejected and the death sentence was upheld.

On December 18, 2023, the Nanchang Intermediate People's Court finally issued an order to execute the death penalty and executed Lao Rongzhi.

Lao Rongzhi's 27 years: 7 lives were sentenced to death, and he once argued that he was also a victim

Twenty-seven years, Lao Rongzhi finally paid the price for his actions.

From 1996, he was a teacher, to later co-commit crimes, and then fled one after another.

From 1996 to 2023, for 27 years, Lao Rongzhi was finally executed, and this once dashing criminal finally made reparations for his actions.

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