
The AIPL consumption link model, which has been said to be tired of, has finally been understood by some merchants



The AIPL consumption link model, which has been said to be tired of, has finally been understood by some merchants

The disappearance of traffic dividends, serious product homogenization, and fierce competition among peers are the feelings of many e-commerce sellers. There is a red sea everywhere, and it is difficult to win the favor of consumers just by providing high-quality products.

If you can offer a product to consumers without technical barriers, it's even worse because there is no threshold, which means that competitors can beat you in a very simple way, such as lowering the price of the product.

So, is there a way out of this predicament? Is there no other good idea than the primary way of playing a price war with competing products?

Don't worry, maybe today's article can bring you some different ideas.

This article comes from a sharing by Brother Jiu, a merchant in the inner circle of Caotang, and the editor has sorted it out.

Jiuge is an e-commerce veteran with more than ten years of operation experience, mainly engaged in sports categories, he starts from the needs of consumers, and continuously expands the market segment through a consumer-centric refined operation strategy.

Even if the product is in the category of high customer orders in the same category, he can still achieve the development of the store from 0 to 1 and continue to make profits, and the monthly profit in the peak season can reach two or three hundred thousand.

Next, let's listen to his experience.

(For ease of understanding, the following is unified in the first person)

The AIPL consumption link model, which has been said to be tired of, has finally been understood by some merchants
The AIPL consumption link model, which has been said to be tired of, has finally been understood by some merchants

Project Background

What I would like to share with you today are some thoughts on the refined operation of sub-categories.

First of all, let's talk about the background of refined operation, in recent years, the traffic dividend period of the Tao system has disappeared, the traffic cost has been increasing, the labor cost is also increasing, and the company is facing great tax pressure and competitive pressure.

Because the whole industry has entered a period of low-price competition, the homogenization of goods is serious, and there is a red sea market everywhere, and some of the better competing products are also reducing the dimension of their peers, such as fighting their own ultimate supply chain, fighting their own financial advantages, and so on.

Our company's operations have also entered a vicious circle, for example, the proportion of low-priced and low-margin products is too high, which can reach 60% of the total turnover. Remuneration has decreased, and as a result, many talented people have left.

In addition, after making low-priced goods, the ability of the operation staff has also declined, and they only know how to carry out extensive operation through the three conventional practices of SD, Taoke and payment, which is also called strategic loss.

In fact, there is only a loss, not a strategy, and this practice has lowered the profits of the entire industry, there are not many people who really make money, and we are located in the industrial belt, and the people of the entire industry lose money together.

In response to this situation, we have reviewed some of the projects since the establishment of the company, and found that even if we do low-priced goods, profits are still ups and downs, and with the market going forward, whether we can do it well depends on luck, in this case, we decided to end this extensive operation model.

The AIPL consumption link model, which has been said to be tired of, has finally been understood by some merchants
The AIPL consumption link model, which has been said to be tired of, has finally been understood by some merchants

Refined operations

Before talking about refined operation, we must first mention AIPL, which is a marketing model vigorously advocated by Alibaba in the past two years, and it is also a model for brands to operate crowd assets in Alibaba.

A (awareness) refers to the brand awareness group, including the people who are reached by brand ads and search for category terms.

I (interest) refers to the brand interest group, mainly including people who click on advertisements, browse brands, store homepages and product detail pages, participate in brand interaction, search for brand words, receive and apply, subscribe to follow and purchase favorites.

P (purchase) refers to the group of brand buyers.

L (loyalty) refers to those who are loyal to the brand, including those who repeat purchase, comment and share.

The narrow AIPL population is distributed in three places within the Ali system.

The first is Taobao and Tmall, the core sales channel. The second is a UC channel similar to Youku, which is directly managed by Ali. The third is some off-site traffic on Taobao, such as Douyin and Weibo.

However, we should jump out of the Taobao system and use the AIPL system of the whole network to break the game.

The first thing to do is to reach the crowd, we must have a clear understanding of our consumers, especially where is the precise audience of the product?

For example, which traffic platforms your consumers are more active on. In addition to the Ali system we just mentioned, there are also Baidu series, Tencent system, Toutiao system, Zhihu, B station, Douban, etc.

We need to cover the whole area of these platforms and gather traffic pools through fragmented play. Deliver content according to the characteristics of different platforms to avoid cookie-cutter content.

Weibo and WeChat are long-term and in-depth ways to plant grass. Under the attention mechanism, creators and users have strong stickiness, and the content is more diverse, which is conducive to product repurchase, and customer loyalty is also relatively high.

The style of live/short video platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, and Watermelon is different from WeChat, and these platforms have strong entertainment attributes in terms of content, which can attract the attention of the public and help them grow grass quickly.

In communities such as Bilibili and Xiaohongshu, content is known for its professionalism and authenticity, and real content needs to be presented in a fun way, and there are many celebrities and KOLs on these platforms who evaluate and share good things.

Taobao, Tmall, Jingdong and other old e-commerce platforms have strong sales attributes of content, so they are suitable for directly presenting products and promoting the conversion of grass planting into orders.

Baidu system, such as Baidu Know and Baidu Encyclopedia, etc., is suitable for trust endorsement of products.

We chose a skateboard product and promoted it on Baidu Encyclopedia, Baidu, based on the characteristics of the product, because it is very similar to the official trust endorsement.

In addition, we have also promoted on Youku, Douyin and Zhihu, why promote on Youku? Because Youku is a long video platform, we have done some tutorials on how to use the product, and finally included Bilibili and Xiaohongshu in the scope of promotion.

After monitoring the promotion effect, we found that if your store is not a flagship store, there will be such a pain point when promoting off-site: store traffic is easy to be intercepted by the flagship store.

I have a few solutions that you can use as a reference.

First of all, the main promotion must be our own unique customization, otherwise in the process of promotion, the traffic will be slowly harvested by the flagship store.

Secondly, new words are created, because new words correspond to the product titles and promotional images on the site, and new words are also protected by registered trademarks.

Then, strive to make the relevant products the top of the brand category in terms of sales.

If your store is not a flagship store, you can learn from the above points.

When conducting market analysis, we need to pay attention to the following key points:

First, the profit of the product should be high.

Second, the product must have certain thresholds and barriers.

Third, see if this category already has a monopoly in the market.

Fourth, the proportion of payment is not more reasonable.

In fact, all products are worth redoing all over again. Don't think that the market segment has no prospects, it is not big, whether the market segment can be bigger, it depends on which aspects of the product we cut.

With the rapid development of the Internet, even very niche products are no longer niche after they are gathered together to form a scale advantage.

So, how do we go about slicing it?

For example, we can divide products according to men, women and genders, according to different ages, such as children and adults, we can divide by price segment, and we can also divide according to the occupation of consumers.

From these four aspects alone, we can already make a lot of subdivisions of the product.

The AIPL consumption link model, which has been said to be tired of, has finally been understood by some merchants
The AIPL consumption link model, which has been said to be tired of, has finally been understood by some merchants

Explosive practical operation

Here is a case study of our project.

In terms of brand positioning, we determined the brand positioning and marketing ideas according to the market analysis.

At that time, we chose a factory-type store that focused on products related to special manufacturing technology, and the target group was 14~24-year-old female students and white-collar workers.

In the price segment, we chose the high price. In our industry, the average price of products is relatively low.

The price of products with low customer orders is about 100, the price of products with medium customer unit price is about 300, and the price of products with high customer unit price is above 600, but the competition in this range of low price segment is very fierce, so we directly chose the high price segment to layout.

In terms of staffing, we focus on low-cost investment, first make 0 to 1 through, and only use three people in the team, namely partners, assistants and customer service, which is our staffing in the early stage of the project.

In terms of product promotion, we will determine the active platform of the target group according to our own brand positioning, and then place advertisements on the corresponding platform to plant grass in a targeted manner.

In terms of content output, in addition to online personnel shooting products, we will also cooperate with some offline stores.

In addition to offline stores, we will also go to some models, provide them with some products for free, ask them to help us take some excellent photos, and then use these photos to plant grass for the target group.

In terms of capturing the needs of customers, we will classify the problems of customers and summarize them regularly. For example, after classifying product problems, price problems, service problems, and review problems, we can find out the needs of customers.

Then, the 100 questions that are easiest to close the transaction are counted from the chat records of the customer service, and the psychology of the customer is analyzed according to these problems, and the speech is optimized, and the conversion is completed as quickly as possible.

In terms of promotion rhythm, we are relatively simple, first do a good job of basic sales, and then lay out the evaluation and ask everyone, and after the traffic appears, we begin to combine customer service to find customer demand points, and start to promote after 7 days, pay attention to the purchase rate and conversion rate of competing products, as a reference for our promotion.

In the operation of brand loyalty groups, we will ensure the timeliness of after-sales service, and formulate after-sales statistics tables, and regularly find common problems in batch return of products.

We will also let customers add our customer service WeChat, do some exclusive discounts related to old customers on WeChat, and regularly invite them to do some excellent buyer shows and short videos and product testing, in the process, they will affect some people around them, forming a fission of customers.

Three months after the start of the project, some traffic through the search for brand words began to appear, and after 5 months, the free traffic of brand words accounted for about 15%.

The project started at the beginning of the year, and in June of that year, we have begun to make a profit, with a profit of about 5~100,000 yuan a month, and a profit of about 20~300,000 yuan a month in the peak season.

To sum up, our approach is to focus on consumers, carry out refined operations, do a good job in brand and product positioning around consumers, and operate more subdivided categories through stores.

Combined with various activities of the Tao system, we can get as much traffic as possible in Tao, make the store bigger, repeatedly reach the buying crowd in the way of crowd fission, form a closed loop, and finally, copy this model to the existing large stores.