
Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

author:Longnan Cheng County released

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In recent years, with the increasing improvement of people's living standards, the pursuit of healthy life has also been put on the agenda, and light diet has gradually become a dietary trend for people.

Many people have begun to pursue a low-salt, low-fat, low-sugar diet Xi, believing that it is good for their health.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

However, the results of the study suggest that eating too lightly may not be conducive to longevity. Even, the saltier you eat, the more likely you are to live longer!

You may be wondering, what have been the results of the experts' research that has reversed the perception that has always been preconceived?

Next, let's take a look.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

Salt for us

First of all, let me ask you a question – why do we eat salt?

You will definitely say that eating without salt is tasteless, and later, you may say that salt is good for the body anyway, and it can replenish nutrients.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

Do you know what exactly salt is good for our body?

First of all, salt helps us balance body fluids, and the sodium and chloride ions in salt help maintain the balance of internal and extracellular fluids, ensuring normal cell function and electrolyte balance.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

The sodium and chloride ions in salt are important components for maintaining electrolyte balance in the body. They are involved in physiological processes such as muscle contraction, nerve conduction, and maintaining the heartbeat.

When drinking too much water or sweating, salt can help maintain water balance in the body. It is able to attract water and keep it in the body, preventing dehydration.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

Second, if we don't consume salt, we can't control the nerve impulses.

The sodium ions in salt play an important role in the nervous system, helping with the conduction of nerve impulses, maintaining normal nerve function and muscle contraction.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

In addition, the chloride ions in salt participate in the regulation of acid-base balance in the body, ensuring a normal acid-base environment and maintaining normal acid-base balance.

Similarly, salt plays an important role in the digestion process, it stimulates the secretion of saliva and stomach acid, helping to digest food.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

In addition, the sodium ions in salt can affect the volume of fluid in the body, which plays a role in regulating blood pressure. Moderate salt intake can help maintain normal blood pressure levels.

Although salt is good for the body, it doesn't mean that more is better. If too much salt is consumed, the sodium in it can cause water retention in the body, increase blood volume, increase the tension of blood vessel walls, and lead to an increase in blood pressure.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

Also, a diet high in salt increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, and consuming too much salt can lead to high blood pressure

Long-term intake of too much salt can also increase the burden on the kidneys, leading to the occurrence of kidney disease. Excessive salt intake increases sodium excretion in the urine, while the accumulation of sodium hyaluronate also leads to an increase in the burden on the kidneys.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

A high-salt diet can also lead to increased excretion of calcium from the body, which in turn increases the risk of osteoporosis. Long-term intake of too much salt can lead to the loss of calcium from the bones, making the bones weak.

In addition, consuming too much salt can lead to water retention in the body, which may lead to the appearance of ascites. Ascites is an accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity and is often associated with conditions such as cirrhosis.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

Therefore, if you want to maintain health, your daily salt intake should also be reasonably controlled, and normal adults should not exceed 6g per day.

So, where did the saying that the more salt you eat, the longer you live?

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

Related research

A comprehensive study of 181 countries found a positive association between moderate salt intake and longer life expectancy than a low-salt diet.

This study covers participants from various regions and different dietary Xi, and the conclusions are authoritative and universal.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

Researchers believe that moderate salt intake can help maintain electrolyte balance within the body and maintain the normal function of the nervous system.

In addition, salt stimulates appetite and enhances the taste of food, which in turn promotes appetite production. This is important for maintaining a normal nutritional intake, especially for older people.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

However, it is important to emphasize that the key word here is "salt intake in moderation".

Excessive salt intake has been linked to a range of health problems, such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and more. Therefore, salt intake in moderation, rather than large amounts, can have positive health effects.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

Moreover, the results of this study do not completely negate the benefits of a bland diet. Light diets are highly prized for being low in fat and sugar, especially for those who need to control their weight.

A light diet has a positive effect on reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. Therefore, we should not generalize that eating salty food is good for longevity, but we should adjust our dietary habits according to our own Xi situation.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

For those who need to control salt intake, such as patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, etc., it is still very important to control salt intake in moderation.

For the average person, salt intake in moderation can help maintain the body's health, but it should not be overly reliant on salt for health.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

Overall, the results of the study show that the saltier the food, the longer the lifespan does not mean that we should give up a light diet, but that we need to arrange the salt intake reasonably according to the individual's situation.

Moderate salt is important for maintaining good health, but excessive salt intake can also be harmful to health. Therefore, we should adjust our diet according to our own situation and pursue a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

Three insistences

There are three principles that we should best adhere to in our daily diet that will help us live a long and healthy life.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

1. Stick to a varied diet

Make sure to eat a variety of foods, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein sources (such as fish, poultry, legumes, and nuts), and healthy fats (such as olive oil, fish oil, etc.).

A varied diet can provide a complete range of nutrients that meet the body's needs for all kinds of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

2. Stick to a moderate diet

Control your food intake and avoid overeating. Excessive food intake can lead to overweight and obesity, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.

Arrange the amount of food at each meal according to the individual's energy needs and activity level.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

3. Stick to a healthy and balanced diet

Make sure your diet is balanced with nutrients and avoid too many processed foods, sugar, and salt. Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits, giving preference to whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats. At the same time, limit your intake of foods that are high in calories, fat, and salt.

Don't eat too light, 181 national studies show that people with heavy tastes live longer, is it reliable?

Following these principles can help you achieve a long and healthy life by providing the nutrients your body needs, maintaining its normal function, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Source: Xia Moyan

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