
How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

author:Looking at the history of the present and the present
How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?
How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

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When it comes to the Northeast, many people think of fluttering snowflakes, steaming cauldrons, and those bold and straightforward Northeast people.

But do you know that in the deep mountains and old forests of Northeast China, there is also a kind of magical animal hidden, which is the stupid roe deer, the "mythical beast" of Northeast China.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

It is a cervid, resembling a deer but without antlers, and the most conspicuous thing is its heart-shaped white buttocks, which may look very cute, but its behavior makes people laugh and cry.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

In the minds of many people, silly roe deer is a kind of unresponsive, no sense of crisis, stupid animals, often easily caught by hunters and natural predators, and sometimes even take the initiative to send them to the door, are they really that stupid?

"Mythical beast" stupid roe deer

The reason why we think the roe deer is stupid is its series of actions and behaviors, but it happens to show its extraordinary adaptability and survival skills.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

Silly roe deer have small eyes and blurry vision, which means that their eyesight is relatively poor, but their hearing is good.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

When it hears movement around it, it does not immediately run away like other animals, but slowly turns its head to see who is disturbing it, which gives hunters and predators a perfect opportunity.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

Sometimes when it encounters people or cars, the silly roe deer will stand there and observe, as if thinking about something, and even follow the traces of humans or other animals, trying to explore the mysteries of this world.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

When a roe deer is in danger, it will blow up the white fur on its buttocks to form a white heart, which will allow their companions to find their place and run away with it, but it will also make it easier for hunters and predators to spot and become an obvious target.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

Many wild animals are very ferocious, but the silly roe deer has a very docile personality, is not hostile to humans, and will even take the initiative to approach humans or play with other animals, so they are easy to be fed or petted.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

Some roe deer will run away or play dead even when their lives are threatened, never resisting.

"Pretending to be stupid" is actually the great method of survival

Although the silly roe deer are related to the cervidae family, their appearance and behavior are very different.

They often like to nest in the woods, eat the roots and leaves of plants, and sometimes insects, and although roe deer look simple, they are very fast, and it is said that they can run at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

From some pictures or videos, we can see that the stupid roe deer has a very special way of running, they will suddenly change direction during the run, making it difficult for the pursuer to catch.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

However, this will also cause it to be scattered with its companions, so that it cannot find the direction of the large army, and the stupid roe deer will not run for long, and once its physical strength is exhausted, it will become vulnerable and helpless.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

In addition, the coat color of silly roe deer can be changed, and they can change the shade of their coat color according to the change of temperature and light, so that they can better adapt to the environment.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

Silly roe deer will also use plants and terrain to hide themselves to reduce the chance of being spotted, which will also save energy and wait for favorable opportunities.

When it snows in winter, the roe deer form a large family to help and keep each other warm in the snow.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

Once, a hunter saw a silly roe deer in the snow, and he just wanted to get close to the silly roe deer, but he suddenly jumped up, ran a few steps, and then lay down in the snow again.

When I got closer, I found that the stupid roe deer had dug a hole in the snow and buried his head in it, revealing only his white buttocks, which made the hunter laugh and made many people feel that the roe deer was stupid.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

In fact, there are times when the silly roe deer buries its head in the snow without being frightened or injured, which may be due to the lack of food and the difficulty of moving in the snow, so they bury their heads in the snow to rest.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

It is with these Xi that the silly roe deer can survive tenaciously, but due to the transformation and destruction of the environment by humans, the habitat of the silly roe deer has been affected somewhat, and many excellent species are facing extinction.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

In order to protect this precious wildlife resource, the mainland has listed it as a second-class protected animal and formulated a series of protection measures.

How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?

In general, silly roe deer are not really stupid, they just have a different survival strategy from humans, and this behavior is the result of their long-term evolution, which is a manifestation of harmony with nature.

We should respect their lives, protect their habitats, and believe that with everyone's continuous efforts, the silly roe deer will continue to show their charm in this world.


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How "stupid" is the stupid roe deer, the number one "divine beast" in Northeast China?