
The most deserted highway in the world, no more than 1,000 cars walk here in one year, and there are no signs in the whole process

author:Take small notes to tell the story

There are only a thousand cars a year on this road, there are no signs, only thrills and beauty!

The most deserted highway in the world, no more than 1,000 cars walk here in one year, and there are no signs in the whole process

Are you tired of crowded cities, noisy traffic, and cookie-cutter landscapes? Do you crave a road trip that you can say and go, where you can feel the joy of freedom and adventure? Do you want a different experience, to explore unknown and mysterious places? If your answer is yes, then you must not miss this road, it is the most deserted road in the world, no more than 1,000 cars walk here a year, and there are no signs in the whole process, it is- Dalton Highway in Alaska.

Delton Highway: A lonely road to the North Pole

The most deserted highway in the world, no more than 1,000 cars walk here in one year, and there are no signs in the whole process

Located in Alaska, USA, the Delton Highway is the longest unserviced highway in the United States and the closest road in the world to the North Pole. It starts in Fairbanks and runs along the Alaska Pipeline to Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic coast, and is the only road connecting the interior of Alaska to the Arctic coast. Originally built for the construction and maintenance of the oil pipeline, the highway was opened in 1974 when it was only open to staff and truck drivers, and it was not open to the public until 1981.

The road has been hailed as one of the "most dangerous roads in the world" because of its extremely bad conditions, with only three small towns providing refueling and accommodation services along the way, no restaurants, shops, hospitals, police stations, no cell phone signal and internet coverage, not even street lights and signs, only a few milestones and warning signs.

Most of the road is gravel, which can easily damage the tires and chassis of vehicles, and is often subject to natural disasters such as mudslides, landslides, snow, hail, blizzards, and the possibility of being attacked by wild animals such as bears, wolves, moose, etc. The climate on this road is also extremely harsh, with temperatures reaching as high as 38 degrees Celsius in summer and minus 62 degrees Celsius in winter, and extremely uneven hours of daylight, with 24 hours of daylight in summer and 24 hours of darkness in winter.

The most deserted highway in the world, no more than 1,000 cars walk here in one year, and there are no signs in the whole process

The driving of this road is very difficult, you need to have rich experience and good psychological quality, and you must be fully prepared to carry enough food, water, oil, spare tires, tools, maps, walkie-talkies and other items to deal with various emergencies. The traffic volume on this road is also very low, with less than 1,000 vehicles passing through a year, an average of only 2 to 3 vehicles per day, and sometimes not a single person is seen in a day, so if there is a breakdown or accident, it is difficult to get timely rescue, and you can only rely on your own strength or wait for the help of the occasional passing truck driver.

Delton Freeway: A road full of thrills and beautiful adventures

Although the Delton Highway is full of dangers and challenges, it also attracts many thrill-seeking and adventurous travelers who brave the odds and hit the road to experience a road trip like no other. Not only does this highway make driving fun and stressful, but it also offers some of Alaska's most pristine and spectacular natural scenery.

The scenery along this highway is varied, there are vast forests, grasslands, swamps, rugged mountains, canyons, volcanoes, clear rivers, lakes, waterfalls, spectacular glaciers, snow fields, glaciers, lonely deserts, Gobi, salt lakes, mysterious auroras, rainbows, sunsets, charming flowers, wild fruits, mushrooms, cute squirrels, rabbits, foxes, mighty eagles, owls, cranes, magnificent whales, seals, sea lions, there are all kinds of wonders and beautiful scenery, people are dizzying, lingering.

The most deserted highway in the world, no more than 1,000 cars walk here in one year, and there are no signs in the whole process

The culture along this highway is also very rich, with the traditional Xi customs and crafts of Alaska Native people, the story of the construction and operation of the Alaska oil pipeline, the legend of Alaska's gold mining and history, the protection and research of Alaska's wildlife, the mystery of the formation and change of Alaska's glaciers, the science of Alaska's aurora generation and prediction, the frontier of Alaska's Arctic exploration and development, and a variety of humanities and sciences, which make people increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

The most deserted highway in the world, no more than 1,000 cars walk here in one year, and there are no signs in the whole process

Delton Freeway: A travel route for different groups of people

The most deserted highway in the world, no more than 1,000 cars walk here in one year, and there are no signs in the whole process

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