
My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

author:Honey snow lily honey

【Disclaimer】The pictures in the article are all from the Internet, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and the infringement must be deleted!

My name is Lin Xiao, an ordinary housewife living in a typical Chinese town. My world is very simple, revolving around my husband Xiaojie and his family. That day, my aunt came to visit out of the blue, so I got busy, thinking about making a few good dishes for everyone to try.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

I make home-cooked meals, but every dish is prepared with care. My aunt sat on the couch in the living room, her eyes sweeping over my kitchen from time to time. I tried to make myself look light, even though I knew that her arrival often meant trouble.

"Xiaoxiao, I heard that you have been learning yoga recently, and your health is really good. My aunt said with a smile, but there was a little scrutiny in her eyes.

I smiled and replied, "Yes, you have to take care of yourself so that you can take better care of your family." ”

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

Xiaojie walked in from outside, his eyes revealing tiredness and helplessness. He works as a middle manager in a factory and is very busy every day. He whispered to me, "Xiaoxiao, I'm too busy with work, I may not be able to help you." ”

I nodded, in understanding. To be honest, I'm Xi to dealing with these family chores alone.

When dinner was almost ready, Grandma came out of the room. She is getting older and has inconvenient legs, but her temper is growing. Looking at the five dishes on the table, she suddenly frowned.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

"What is this? You're just hospitable?" said Grandma's voice was sharp and loud.

I was stunned for a moment, feeling a little aggrieved. I made shredded pork, braised eggplant, stir-fried spinach, garlic broccoli and a homemade tofu that was simple but made with care.

Xiaojie hurriedly persuaded: "Grandma, Xiaoxiao has worked hard, these are her specialties." ”

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

Grandma muttered dissatisfiedly: "These days, I can't even cook a decent meal, you look at the little daughter-in-law of the Zhang family, she cooks in a different way every day." ”

My aunt also chimed in: "Yes, Xiaoxiao, you have to work harder." Every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, and our family is more demanding. ”

The atmosphere at the dinner table became dull. I forced a smile and continued to put the dishes and chopsticks, but I was thinking in my heart, how long can I last with this kind of life?

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

Dinner has finally begun. Everyone sat around the table, but the atmosphere was still tense. I tried to look calm and not let the words affect me. I served a bowl of soup to my grandmother and tried to be polite.

"Thank you," Grandma took the soup coldly, without saying a word.

Xiaojie tried to lighten the mood and began to talk about homely things. "Today there is a new colleague in the company, quite an interesting young man. ”

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

My aunt didn't seem to hear him, she turned to me, "Xiaoxiao, why don't you consider changing jobs? ”

I was slightly stunned, and the grievances in my heart deepened. I was a former teacher and gave up my profession for family reasons. "Auntie, I ......"

Seeing this, Xiaojie hurriedly interrupted: "Xiaoxiao has been working very hard to take care of us at home. ”

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

But grandma obviously didn't buy it: "Women can't always rely on men, they have to have their own lives." ”

The meal was unusually dull, and the conversation revolved around my family status and future. I tried to keep it as silent as I could, not wanting to make the situation even more awkward.

After the meal, I started to clean up the table. Xiaojie quietly came to help and whispered to me, "Don't go to your heart, I know you're working hard." ”

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

I nodded slightly, but my heart was mixed. Yes, I worked hard, but more often than not, I felt helpless and misunderstood.

The next day, I woke up early to make breakfast. I try to keep myself busy and not think about last night. But the words of my grandmother and aunt still echoed in my ears.

At breakfast, there were two more guests in the house, Xiaojie's cousin Dahua and his wife Xiaolan. Dahua is a "successful example" in the family, working in a foreign company, while Xiaolan is a typical strong woman in the workplace.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

"Xiaoxiao, I heard that you made a lot of good dishes yesterday. Xiaolan said with a smile.

I smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to answer. Grandma interjected: "Good dishes? ”

Xiaolan seemed to sense something, she frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

Dahua began to talk about his work, and his topic was full of confidence and a sense of accomplishment. Xiaojie listened carefully, but I could feel his inferiority complex and anxiety.

After breakfast, I went to the kitchen to tidy up. Lan came in and helped me wash the dishes. "Xiaoxiao, don't pay too much attention to the words of grandma and aunt, their generation has different thoughts. ”

I nodded, a little grateful for Xiaolan's understanding. "I know, but sometimes I still feel wronged. ”

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

Xiaolan glanced at me and said in a serious tone: "Do you know? Everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle, not every woman has to become a strong woman in the workplace, and being a housewife is also worthy of respect." ”

I listened to her words, in my heart

I listened to Xiaolan's words, and felt a little comforted in my heart. Her understanding and support was like a ray of sunshine piercing through the clouds to me.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

"Thank you, Lan. I said gratefully.

Xiaolan smiled and waved her hand: "It's nothing, I just think that everyone should be respected." ”

That afternoon, my aunt suggested that the family go for a walk in a nearby park. I knew it was a family activity that I couldn't avoid, so I had to say yes.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

In the park, children chase and play on the grass, and old people sit on benches and chat. Xiaolan and I walked on the path together, chatting occasionally. Xiaojie and Dahua were talking about work not far away, while grandma and aunt were pointing out the country.

I noticed that the conversation between Xiaojie and Dahua seemed to be getting more and more intense. Dahua always looks proud when talking about his work, while Xiaojie seems a little nervous.

Suddenly, Dahua's voice raised: "If you can work as hard as I do, you won't be just a small middle manager." ”

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

Xiao Jie's face sank, he was obviously stimulated by these words. I walked over briskly and tried to lighten the mood: "Dahua, everyone's way of life is different, and we should all respect each other. ”

Dahua glanced at me, as if he was a little surprised that I would say this. He shook his head: "Those of you who have never been out of society don't understand, the reality is cruel. ”

I didn't want to argue anymore, just stood there quietly. Xiaojie glanced at me with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

On the way home, the atmosphere seemed a little heavy. Xiaojie didn't say a word, I knew he was uncomfortable. I gently shook his hand and gave him a little comfort.

When I got home, I started preparing dinner. I decided to make something special to lighten up the atmosphere at home. I made braised pork, steamed fish, sweet and sour pork ribs, etc., and I tried my best to do my best in each dish.

At dinner, the atmosphere at home seemed to be a little better. Everyone praised me for my cooking skills, and even my grandmother and aunt were no longer picky. I breathed a sigh of relief that at least there would be no more arguments tonight.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

After the meal, I cleaned up in the kitchen, and Xiaojie came over to help. He stood quietly beside me and suddenly said, "Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry, I know that the situation at home is very unfair to you. ”

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him: "Xiaojie, we are a family, there is nothing to be sorry for." It's just that sometimes I wish I could have received more understanding and support. ”

Xiaojie nodded, his eyes full of apology: "I will do my best, Xiaoxiao." ”

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

At that moment, I felt a deep sense of distress. We are all ordinary people, caught between traditional ideas and modern life.

The next day, my aunt and grandmother were ready to leave. Before they left, my grandmother suddenly said to me

Before they left, my grandmother suddenly said to me, "Xiaoxiao, in fact, the food you cook is quite good." ”

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

I was stunned for a moment, I didn't expect her to say that. It's just a simple sentence, but it means a lot to me. I smiled and said, "Thank you, grandma, I will continue to work hard in the future." ”

My aunt also came over and said a little embarrassedly: "Xiaoxiao, I may be a little straight when I speak, don't take it to heart." ”

I nodded, relieved by the change in them. Perhaps, they are finally starting to understand me.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

After they left, peace returned to the house. Xiaojie looked at me with deep gratitude in his eyes: "Xiaoxiao, you have worked hard these days. ”

I smiled and shook my head: "It's all family, nothing is hard." ”

That night, I decided to keep a journal to record what I had been thinking and feeling over the past few days. I wrote about the warmth of my family, but also about my own difficulties. Writing became a way for me to express my emotions and make me feel at peace of mind.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

A few days later, there was a slight change in Xiaojie's job, and he needed to travel for a few days. I encouraged him: "Go ahead, work is also very important, and I am at home." ”

Xiaojie said worriedly: "But there are still you and children at home, I ......"

I interrupted him: "It's okay, I can handle it." You can go without worry. ”

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

For a few days, I was alone to take care of my family. It's a bit busy, but I'm enjoying it. I started trying to make new dishes and prepare different snacks for my children. Life is ordinary, but every day is full of new challenges and fun.

When Xiaojie came back, he looked at the changes in his family and looked very surprised: "Xiaoxiao, you seem to have changed as a person." ”

I smiled and said, "People always have to improve." ”

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

The days flowed peacefully. I started to focus more on my hobbies and signed up for cooking classes and yoga classes in my neighborhood. I found that life became more fulfilling and joyful when I started focusing on my growth and interests.

I also encourage Jay to pursue his hobbies. He started playing basketball on weekends and occasionally hiking mountains with his colleagues. We've all started to learn how to find our little place in our busy lives.

In this way, a new balance was gradually established in our family. We are no longer bound by traditional family roles, but have learned how to grow together in respect and understanding.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

One night, Xiaojie suddenly said, "Xiaoxiao, I think we should plan for the future." ”

I looked at him with anticipation in my eyes: "What kind of future?"

"Maybe we can consider getting you back to work, or do you have any dreams you want to pursue?" said Jie seriously.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

I thought about it for a moment and said, "I've always had a dream of opening my own small restaurant and specializing in home-cooked food. ”

After hearing this, Xiaojie's eyes flashed

With an excited light: "Then go and make it happen, Xiaoxiao, I support you!"

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

I felt a sense of excitement and motivation that I had never felt before. I started planning my small restaurant, from the menu to the décor, every detail was filled with my enthusiasm and anticipation.

In order to achieve this dream, I began to learn Xi cooking skills more seriously and even took some professional cooking classes. I also spend my evenings researching food and beverage management and marketing strategies.

Over time, my cooking skills have improved significantly, and I have come to define myself as a small restaurant with a focus on healthy home-cooked food in a warm and comfortable environment.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

In his spare time, Xiaojie also actively helps me. He took care of some business licensing and legal matters, and also helped me design the restaurant's logo and brochure.

After months of preparation and hard work, my small restaurant finally opened. It is located on a quiet street corner, and the décor is simple and warm, and every place reveals the warmth of home.

On the opening day, my family and friends came, including even my grandmother and aunt, who had misunderstood me. They looked at the restaurant I had set up with great care, and they had a smile of approval on their faces.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

"Xiaoxiao, you did a really good job. Grandma said with emotion.

My aunt nodded in agreement: "I didn't expect you to do so well, it's really beyond our expectations." ”

Hearing their compliments filled my heart with a sense of accomplishment. I know it's all the result of my hard work.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

After the restaurant opened, I was busy but fulfilling. I am busy in the kitchen every day, preparing delicious home cooked meals for guests. Whenever I see the satisfied smiles of my guests, I feel extremely satisfied.

I started sharing my restaurant stories and cooking tips on social media, and slowly my restaurant became famous in the local area. Some people come to try my signature dishes, and some people come here to experience the "taste of home".

In the process of running a restaurant, I also encountered many challenges and difficulties, such as how to balance the cost and quality of ingredients, how to improve the quality of service, etc. But every challenge has taught me something new and made me more mature and strong.

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

Over time, my small restaurant has become not only my pride, but also a welcoming corner of our community. It's more than just a restaurant, it's a place where stories and dreams come true.

Xiaojie also found his own value in the process. He no longer cares so much about what others think, but is more focused on his own life and family. Our relationship was strengthened by this joint project.

The days passed in hustle and blessedness. I am no longer so

My aunt came to be a guest, I made five dishes, and my husband and grandmother cursed me: You are lame when you give birth!

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!