
The Philippines said it would build a building at Ren'ai Jiao as a backup for the grounded landing ship, and that it would be quicker to tow the landing ship away

author:Kawato said that the United States and Japan dynamics
The Philippines' allocation of funds for the construction of permanent structures at Second Thomas Shoal in 2024 is a signal to expand the confrontation and intensify the conflict. Now there is no need for the Philippines to fight for it, and only by teaching it a profound lesson can the Philippines' ambitions be controlled.

Producer: Chuantuo Think Tank (No. 4983 Exclusive Debut)

Philippine Senator Sonny Angara has just revealed that a building has been built on Ren'ai Jiao according to the 2024 state budget, which is very provocative. There was already a stranded landing ship, and it was wanted to build another building as a backup for the landing ship's stronghold.

The Philippines said it would build a building at Ren'ai Jiao as a backup for the grounded landing ship, and that it would be quicker to tow the landing ship away

Picture interpretation: This is the Philippine construction on Thitu Island, and the Philippines intends to follow this move and also build a building on Second Thomas Reef to form a permanent base

The Philippines said it would build a building at Ren'ai Jiao as a backup for the grounded landing ship, and that it would be quicker to tow the landing ship away

Picture interpretation: The Philippines ran aground on a landing ship

The construction site is located in an exposed position on the reef of Second Thomas Shoal, and Philippine Senate President Juan Zubiri noted that it will add 2.8 billion pesos, equivalent to $50 million, for the Philippine Coast Guard in 2024, and add 6.17 billion pesos, equivalent to $110 million, for the Philippine Navy's budget. The money was mainly used for the confrontation in the Spratlys. The Philippines' defense spending on the three armed forces in 2024 will be 5.3 billion US dollars, and the overall scale is very weak, but in terms of confrontation in the Spratlys, the Philippines can be said to have invested heavily in this direction, and the main direction of the national defense strategy is pressed in this direction.

The Philippines said it would build a building at Ren'ai Jiao as a backup for the grounded landing ship, and that it would be quicker to tow the landing ship away

Picture interpretation: Thitu Island Airport, Philippines

If the Philippines wants to build a building on Second Thomas Shoal, it will inevitably trigger a larger-scale confrontation and conflict.

First, building a building requires a large amount of cement and other building materials, as well as construction workers, which are prohibited from entering Ren'ai Jiao. Then the two sides will inevitably form a conflict in this regard, and the large amount of cement and other building materials will mean that the frequency of confrontation will also increase, and the supply that was supposed to be twice a month may now be more necessary, and it will become a confrontation almost every few days. Increasing the frequency of confrontations will obviously lead to an increase in the probability of misfire, which will then turn into conflicts.

The Philippines said it would build a building at Ren'ai Jiao as a backup for the grounded landing ship, and that it would be quicker to tow the landing ship away

Picture interpretation: The grounded landing ship at Ren'ai Reef

Second, the confrontation at Ren'ai Jiao should not be delayed for a long time. The current strategy of the Philippines is to take the initiative to intensify the contradictions and expand them, and the initiative to build a building represents the mentality of the Philippines to expand the scope of confrontation. It turned out that a stranded landing ship had already put the contradictions in a state of stalemate and confrontation, and now it is stirring up trouble and saying that it is going to prepare to build a building and form a permanent base. This is equivalent to the Philippines has already gained an inch, so the grounded landing ship on Ren'ai Jiao is in a rapid process, and if it is decided to tow it away, it must be quickly and take the initiative to tow it away.

Third, although the US military is the backing of the Philippines, it may not fully support the Philippines at a critical time. The current international situation is that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and Palestine and Israel exists at the same time, and the United States is a typical country with interests above all else, and it is relatively unlikely that it will go all out for the Philippines. Therefore, we should take the initiative to attack, seize the initiative, and take the initiative to tow away the landing ship, so that the Philippines and the United States can have some scruples, otherwise the United States and the Philippines will inevitably be unscrupulous and gain even more inches.

The Philippines said it would build a building at Ren'ai Jiao as a backup for the grounded landing ship, and that it would be quicker to tow the landing ship away

Picture interpretation: The current situation of the stranded landing ship

To sum up, the Philippines will allocate funds to build permanent buildings on Second Thomas Shoal in 2024, which is a signal to expand the confrontation and intensify the conflict. Now there is no need for the Philippines to fight for it, and only by teaching it a profound lesson can the Philippines' ambitions be controlled. This article was first published exclusively by @川陀智库 and is not reproduced in any form. #文章首发挑战赛#

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