
Continuing to expand the potential of edutainment and education, "Egg Boy Party" joins hands to build a spiritual home for minors

author:Bagel Finance

With the "Regulations on the Protection of Minors Online" coming into force on January 1, 2024, the protection of minors has aroused great concern in the whole society. As a long-term social undertaking, the protection of minors requires the joint construction and co-governance of the whole society, and the coordination of multiple parties to create a well-established protective network to escort minors to study and Xi and live healthily and happily.

As a game dedicated to creating a positive culture, "Egg Boy Party" uses the interpretation and interactive functions of digital games to create a new form of entertaining and educational content, and collaborates with the innovative "game + public welfare" model to continuously exert a positive impact on minors and convey positive social energy.

By sticking to the bottom line of content creation, "Egg Boy Party" provides a channel for young people to touch multiple values. Today, "Egg Boy Party" has formed a UGC content ecology that covers traditional culture, life warmth, and social insight. For example, the national style map "Xuzhu", based on the bamboo elements in traditional culture, creates an elegant and poetic "ancient style paradise", allowing players to feel the beautiful artistic conception of traditional culture in the interaction of the level. The map of "Running to the Brilliant Side" tells the balance between family affection and ideals on the way to chasing dreams, conveying universal warmth. The map of "Letter to Yu" focuses on the group of mental illness, allowing players to substitute themselves into their predicament, learn to care, and release the kindness between people. Through the control and guidance of content source creation, players can subtly establish positive values through interesting interactive experiences.

Continuing to expand the potential of edutainment and education, "Egg Boy Party" joins hands to build a spiritual home for minors
Continuing to expand the potential of edutainment and education, "Egg Boy Party" joins hands to build a spiritual home for minors
Continuing to expand the potential of edutainment and education, "Egg Boy Party" joins hands to build a spiritual home for minors

With the help of the shaping ability of digital games and the value link channel, "Egg Boy Party" gives full play to the new "game +" model, which has brought a positive role in promoting the improvement of social benefits. With its influence on 500 million users, "Egg Boy Party" focuses on "game + public welfare", collaborates with players to create content, and expands a new picture of public welfare expression. In June this year, "Egg Boy Party" cooperated with Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts to open an open course on game map design, leading students to create 6 positive energy maps with the theme of "rural revitalization", which won the love and recognition of millions of players; In July, "Egg Boy Party" cooperated with Xinhua News Agency Satellite News Laboratory to carry out aerospace science popularization linkage, and released an interesting popular science video "Beibei's Moon Landing Diary" featuring Cheng Sheng, a scientist involved in the deep space exploration project and an associate researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and build an immersive lunar base scene and a moon-exploration theme map in the game. So far, the two moon-exploration-themed digital maps have been played nearly 8 million times, and more than 2,800 maps have participated in the "Lunar Odyssey" map collection competition jointly launched with lunar experts, further spreading the entertaining and educational potential of "Egg Boy Party" through the form of a national creation map competition.

Continuing to expand the potential of edutainment and education, "Egg Boy Party" joins hands to build a spiritual home for minors

At the same time, by further connecting the offline world, "Egg Boy Party" continues to practice corporate social responsibility by gathering the strength of multiple parties to jointly explore the road of public welfare with multiple linkages. During this year's Children's Day, "Egg Boy Party" joined hands with "Chengdu Daily" and other social forces to create the "'June 1st' Care Project" to send wish gifts to children in mountainous areas and implement care for children; joined hands with China Siyuan Engineering Foundation and Energy China to donate a total of 80 solar street lamps to Shuitian Township, Mengzi City, Yunnan Province, to gather great love with glimmer light, illuminate the way home, and also outline a new picture of rural revitalization; and carry out "Love Library" in rural Guizhou with China Welfare Foundation The project, using books as a medium, builds a bridge to the world for more children in the mountains.

Continuing to expand the potential of edutainment and education, "Egg Boy Party" joins hands to build a spiritual home for minors
Continuing to expand the potential of edutainment and education, "Egg Boy Party" joins hands to build a spiritual home for minors

In addition to constantly opening up new horizons for public welfare and opening up new paths for public welfare, "Egg Boy Party" also continues to focus on the legitimate rights and interests of young people and property safety. Targeting a variety of new scams. Through the combination of prevention and crackdown, we will actively carry out efficient police-enterprise linkage, jointly build an anti-fraud science popularization position, and cooperate with cutting-edge AI technology to continuously weave a dense juvenile protection network.

Considering that the minds of minors are not yet mature and the awareness of anti-fraud needs to be strengthened, "Egg Boy Party" combines its own radiation in the young group, continues to expand the "anti-fraud circle of friends", cooperates with relevant authoritative institutions, integrates the characteristics of digital game content, creates a new model of anti-fraud science popularization, and forms an anti-fraud pattern of mutual integration.

By giving full play to the advantages of multiple media such as comics, short dramas, promotional songs, and game UGC maps, "Egg Boy Party" has carried out content cooperation with anti-fraud IP created by relevant departments in various places, packaging it in a form that is pleasing to hear and conforms to contemporary expression, and reaching the underage group more efficiently and directly to further build a strong line of defense against fraud and consolidate the achievements of the whole people in the fight against fraud.

In addition, in order to prevent minors from being deceived at the source, based on the AI juvenile protection patrol system first launched by NetEase in the game industry, NetEase has launched three core anti-fraud product functions, including "fraud warning, fraud blocking, and fraud reporting". It is reported that this function can identify, cut off, verify and ban suspected fraud violations in the game 24 hours a day, and send targeted anti-fraud reminders to potential deceived people. Under the technical synergy of "AI Patrol", "Egg Boy Party" sent more than 630,000 targeted anti-fraud reminders to all players, and made 70,000 intelligent outbound anti-fraud reminder calls: a total of 226 fraud-related live broadcast rooms and 357 short videos were banned, and 761 out-of-game fraud-related chat groups were disbanded, ensuring the safety of players' funds.

Continuing to expand the potential of edutainment and education, "Egg Boy Party" joins hands to build a spiritual home for minors

Protecting minors is protecting the future of society. By establishing a multi-dimensional value system and continuously deepening the "game + public welfare" model, "Egg Boy Party" is committed to creating a "spiritual home" for the majority of minors, where they can learn to care and share, absorb positive values, and empower them to grow up healthily in an all-round way. I believe that in the future, "Egg Boy Party" will continue to work with all walks of life to coexist and grow together with children and go to a better future together.