
Why does Jia Yuanchun like Xue Baochai, an incident when she was saving her relatives made her disgusted with Lin Daiyu

author:Lucky dog

"Dream of Red Mansions" is a classic novel that depicts a number of female characters such as Baochai, Daiyu and Yuan Chun, and in it, there is a stark contrast that stands out - why Jia Yuanchun likes Xue Baochai and hates Lin Daiyu.

Why does Jia Yuanchun like Xue Baochai, an incident when she was saving her relatives made her disgusted with Lin Daiyu

During the Qianlong period, Jiafu held a grand provincial family activity, and relatives came to Jiafu from all over the country to gather together. In this feast, the daughters-in-law of Jiafu all showed their talents and beauty. Yuan Chun is the most noble person in Jiafu who is the princess, gentle and dignified, and is loved by everyone. And Xue Baochai has attracted the attention of many people with his smart, kind and gentle character.

In this provincial activity, Xue Baochai performed a song "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond", and the moving singing and tactful chanting made the people present fall in love. Among them was Yuan Chun, who was fascinated by Baochai's talent and charisma. Baochai's pure and gentle temperament is appreciated by Yuan Chun, and her talent and personality charm have won Yuan Chun's appreciation and love.

At the same time, Lin Daiyu was not favored by Yuanchun like Baochai. Although Daiyu has smart eyes and unique talents, her personality is sentimental, sensitive and suspicious, and she is prone to emotional fluctuations. At the provincial event, Daiyu performed a sad pipa song that touched everyone's heartstrings, but Yuan Chun showed indifference to it.

Why does Jia Yuanchun like Xue Baochai, an incident when she was saving her relatives made her disgusted with Lin Daiyu

This does not mean that Yuan Chun does not have an appreciation for Daiyu, on the contrary, she once had a deep friendship with Daiyu. However, Lin Daiyu's sentimentality and mood swings make Yuan Chun feel irritated and troubled. As the head mother of Jiafu, Yuan Chun bears the responsibilities and pressures of the family, and she hopes to maintain the stability and harmony of the family. And Daiyu's frequent emotional ups and downs have brought a lot of trouble to the stability of Yuanchun and the whole family.

In daily life, Daiyu's mood swings also brought many inconveniences to Yuanchun. Daiyu often complains and vents her frustrations, and shows a critical and rude attitude towards the people and things around her. This makes Yuan Chun feel bored and tired, and she hopes that the family can remain stable and free from outside interference.

In Yuan Chun's heart, she thinks that Baochai is more suitable as a family member, stable and gentle, talented and knows how to get along with others. Whether it is in family life or in social occasions in the outside world, Baochai can show the elegance and nobility of everyone's ladies.

Although Baochai's status in the family is not as good as that of Yuan Chun, her quality and temperament deeply attract Yuan Chun. Baochai's talent and beauty when she was saving her relatives made Yuan Chun see her shining point and potential as a woman.

Yuanchun longs for a calm and stable family environment, and she hopes that everyone can get along in harmony and maintain family harmony together. The appearance of Baochai gave her such hope, and she believed that Baochai's gentleness and stability could bring more peace and harmony to the family.

Why does Jia Yuanchun like Xue Baochai, an incident when she was saving her relatives made her disgusted with Lin Daiyu

However, Daiyu's presence seems to have brought an inevitable upheaval to the family. Her oversensitivity and emotionality often lead to confusion and pain, and she is unable to truly integrate into the life of her family. Since Daiyu can't control her emotions, her burst powder keg often causes unease and conflict within the family.

Once, when it was time to save relatives, Daiyu felt wronged because of a trivial matter, and she vented out of control and lost her temper at the service staff in the family. Yuan Chun happened to be passing by and witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

Yuan Chun is angry at Daiyu's irrationality and impulsiveness, and this kind of anger towards her family and subordinates for no reason seriously violates her expectations of family harmony. She felt that Daiyu's behavior was intolerable, because it not only hurt the feelings of her family, but also caused distress to the whole family. Yuanchun deeply feels that the stability and harmony of the family is her unshirkable responsibility, and she believes that Daiyu's emotion and impulsiveness are one of the sources of family instability.